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1、Module9 Unit Module9 Unit 1 1 Did he live in New York?Did he live in New York? 【教学目标】 1.能听、说、认读单词:welcome, postcard, cousin, on holiday, travel, came, pop, concert。 2.能熟练运用 Did.?句型进行问答。 3.培养学生做一个热情好客,积极乐观的人。 【 教学重点】 询问某人过去是否做了某事:Did+主语+动词原形+过去的时间?及对应的回答 Yes,主语 +did. No,主语+didnt. 【教学难点】 San Francisco

2、 ,Washington DC 等地名的发音。 【教学准备】 课本 CD-ROM,课件,单词卡片 【教学过程】 一、Warming up and RevisionWarming up and Revision 1.Free talk1.Free talk T:Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Are you ready? Ss: Yes. T: What did you do last weekend? Where did you go last weekend? Ss:. 2. Revision2. Revision 教师出示图片。学生看图,说句

3、子。注意时态要用过去时。 3.Listen and chant.3.Listen and chant. (1)教师播放动画,学生感知动画内容。 (2)教师出示欢迎小朋友的图片,讲解单词 welcome欢迎。 (3)学生听录音,跟唱歌谣。 二、PresentationPresentation 1.Listen,point and find “Did he.?“.1.Listen,point and find “Did he.?“. (1)教师播放动画,请学生找出新句型:Did he.? (2)教师出示美国地图的图片,并提问:Whats this?引导学生回答:This is a map of A

4、merica.教师讲解单词:America (3)教师用同样的方式讲解其他单词。 (4)Games:摘苹果 (5)教师出示公共汽车的图片,并提问:Did he travel by plane ? 教师出示哭脸的表情图标,引导学生做出否定回答:No,he didnt. (6)教师用同样的方式操练新句型:Did+主语+动词原 形+过去的时间?及对应的回答 Yes,主 语+did. No,主语+didnt. (7)教师播放本课录音,学生回答问题: 1. Does Dalong live in New York? 2. Did Dalong live in New York last year? 3.

5、Did Dalong travel by plane? (8)Read the text in groups and find answers. He is from _. He lives in _now. He lived in_last year. But now he is on holiday in _. (9)Read again ,help Dalong writ e the postcard. Dear Daming,Im on holiday in New York.I came here by plane.I went to a pop concert and a bask

6、etball game last week . (10)Role play 两人一小组,分别扮演 Daming 和 Sam。 2.Language pointLanguage point (1)一般过去时的一般疑问句 “Did?”是一般过去式的一般疑问句句式。在将一般过去时的陈述句改为一般疑问句时,要 在句首加上助动词 Did,原来动词的过去式形式改为动词原形,句末的句号改为问号。其肯定 “句回答为 Yes, did”,“其否定回答为 No, didnt”。 基本结构:Did+主语+do+其他。 (2)小练习 将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答/否定回答 。 1.My father wen

7、t fishing last Saturday. 2.We flew kites in the park last weekend. 3.He played football yesterday. 4.You picked some oranges on Sunday. 3.Listen and say3.Listen and say 学生观察图片,听录音,补充单词。 4.Practice4.Practice 学生看图片说句子,并做出肯定或否定回答。 三、ConsolidationConsolidation 1.Did you _swimming yesterday? A.go B.went

8、2. Did you read books yesterday? A.Yes,I didnt. B.Yes,I did. 3.I went to Beijing_bus. A.by B.on 4.Did you go to the zoo last Sunday? A.Yes,I didnt. B.No,I didnt. 5. We went to the park_bus yesterday. And we _a happy day. A. by; had B. on; had 四、SummarySummary 询问他人过去是否做了某事时:Did +主语+动词原形+过去的时间? 回答:Yes

9、,主语+did. /No, 主语+didnt. 例句:Did he live in New York last year?Yes,he did./No, he didnt. 五、 HomeworkHomework 1.Copy the new words 2.Read the text. 【板书设计】 Module9 Unit 1 Did he live in New York? 单词:welcome postcard cousin dear on holiday travel came pop c oncern 句子:Did he live in New York last year? No,he didnt.He lived in Washington DC. Did he travel by plane? Yes,it says,“I came here by plane.”


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