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1、四年级下册英语第一单元测试题Unit 1 My schoolteachers office art room、把图与相应的单词或短语连线。(10分)playground music room library、选出每组中不同类的一项。10分)B. teachers office C. libraryB. secondB. floorB. onB. art20分)C. threeC. playC. next toC. roomC. Wherefloor.C. fishC. It sC. at( )1.A.teacher()2.A.first()3.A.read( )4.A.where( )5.A.

2、music三、单项选择。()1.is the library?A. What s B. Where s()2.The classroom is on the A. one B. first()3. next to the library.A. ItB. Its()4.It s the second floor.A. onB. in()5.We have teachers offices.A. twoB.secondC. the second)6.Welcome our school.A. onB. toC. in)7.How manyare there in your class?A. a s

3、tudent B. studentC. students)8.you have a library?A. AreB. DoC. Is)9.way, please.A. ItB. ThisC. The)10. We haveartroom.A. twoB. aC. an四、连词成句。(15 分)1 .that library is the 2 .is the school this (.)3 .you a do computer room have(?)4 .classroom the my on is floor first (.)5 . sister is my she (.)五、为下列问句

4、选择相对应的答语。(10分)()1.Where is the teachers office?()3.Is this the library?()4.Look!Thats the garden.( )5.How many students are there in your class?A. Wow! So beautiful!B. Its on the second floor.C. Yes, it is.D. Forty students.E. No, it isnt. The library is next to the garden.六、选择正确的句子,补全对话。(10分)A: Wel

5、come to our school! 1. B: Thank you! 2. A: Yes, it is. Its new and big. We play football there every afternoon.B:3. A: Yes, we do. It s on the first floor. There are many books in it.B:4. A: Its on the second floor. Look! This is our computer room.B:5. A: Forty-two.A. How many computers are there in

6、 it?B. Where is your computer room?C. Do you have a library?D. Is that your playground?E. This way, please.七、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(15 分)Look! This is our school. Its not so big. The library is on the first floor. The teachers office is on the second floor. Its next to our classroom. We also have a play

7、-ground. Its next to the garden.( )1.Our school is big.()2.The library is on the first floor.()3.The teachers office is next to the library.()4. Our classroom is on the second floor.( )5.The playground is next to the garden.八、根据提示,完成短文(10分)Hello! Welcome to our school. Our school is so 1. (大). This

8、is our 2.(图书馆).Its on the 3.(第一)floor .That is our 4.(教室).Its 5. (挨着)the teachers office. I like my school very much.参考答案:、A C B A C三、1-5 C B C A A6-10 B C B B C四、1.Is that the library?2. This is the school.3. Do you have a computer room?4. My classroom is on the first floor.5.She is my sister五、BCEAD六、EDCBA七、FTFTT八、1.big2. library 3. first4. classroom 5. next to


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