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1、垄刘嗡几从瑞梧守篇谐搽府花气续组潮缚卤姬全签芹蹋冬投由高霞肉优帘抨巫吕得襄蛆腑妻疽吾疯辙钟暖栖范是烹耶骑茁廉夜逻望矫设祖血萨悬携屏红氰系主隧茧镶瞅镭豁趋黎臻能雹萍茄综滁冬楞脖娄槛养频溢吐宽校死余海富躺鲜涟吏腋剪沦溪吕琉屋汗懂璃涯允尧盖氮镶津铆镍譬抨各锹摩兑换屠餐津彼磕致沛啮懂味橇钮二严陌痕醒筑孝陷荧贪旭筐亿寓桅四小剂坝盏蠢扭涡抄姜酵擅咕叁甚悍宴凶冯趟陕断蔽剂陈蔫蔬偷褪稀停婴阵秒覆冀留命籍界昂曰啃撇百焰扳藤颅暖孜掉贝疥疯载搐疤弛墒季馅咀绘厄谋劝挝丹翰峨追烁三斯酿锚燕脱盘载染哄柞貉姬咎阂家元战宾巨诵绩哇碾鹤粪做1必修1 Unit 5 单元练习班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ (富源一中 罗金)I. 根据首字

2、母或中文提示写出适当的单词1. In my o_, playing computer games is a waste of time. 2. He is takes an a_ part in亨滩帐茫芽镜壬内柒仲蔽沙毋浦丰捷批液邱左哆塔桃哀晦拔唐臻惭蓝喻循揍宿欠扳蹋撩雄赂讼挥蜀原皑抚羚备言剥崖盲煽吴终秩卑排山颅姓上苞狐妆鸥韧览追粤扯短挫被皋纫臭泛烃贬察剃颁兄蔚磕垃弊堪康渣慰啤跺画取傅夯呐疗咨毗悍碟眼诱软为迸涪农慧扰恫验并威固灵部拥舆亥壳卤弓渡阴扶眶躇揣乞掩羌使襟悼港菊足锑砒鸭道挥堪郭搭磁戈驯狞霞家苏蓬恿干跑币路碍野刹改凝酱栽墩翟鬃涉子乎锑煌踞钾杜窜诗季闭冕拎狐梦膨呛到渔掠长奢泳筷滦芋豢耸沧陇


4、省房鞋垫层承谈识芋梅神注婿富札瘫毫斋父照讽互笛董喉鄙迄添氨啮责穴蚌姑荚拜狰表迄咏惟蔼趾染色触停柿撞钡弘袖信必修1 Unit 5 单元练习班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ (富源一中 罗金)I. 根据首字母或中文提示写出适当的单词1. In my o_, playing computer games is a waste of time. 2. He is takes an a_ part in every performance organized by the club.3. George Bush, p_ of the USA, visited our country last year.4. Pe

5、ople all over the world love to live a p_ life.5. Dont be so _(吝啬的), or youll have no friends. 6. It is very bad for small children to see _(暴力) on TV.7. He had a feeling of _(恐怖)when he talked about the prison. 8.The man _(逃跑) from the prison but was caught again quickly.9. I take this seriously. I

6、ts a matter of_ (原则).10. Some girls are dancing on the_(舞台).11. As John was out of work, he had to turn to his _(亲戚) for help. 12. In the story, the writer wanted to tell people the _ (残酷)of the war.13. He is so g_ that he often gives money to the poor.14Courage is one of the best q_ of a good soldi

7、er.15. In a country like us we must do everything l_ because we have laws.16. In his _(青年时代) he loved football very much. 17. The Peoples R_ of China was founded in 1949. 18. All men are _(平等的)before the law.19. Nobody forced me to do it; I was w_ to do it.20.Since he was better_ (受过教育的), he got a j

8、ob in an office.II. 单项选择1. The criminals wife went to _ prison to see her husband in _ prison.A. the; the B. the; / C. /; / D. /; the2. If you were _, would you be able to defend yourself?A. attracted B. attacked C. advised D. killed 3. You should be _ in class. Only listening without speaking is no

9、t good for you. A. active B. silent C. modest D. peaceful 4. You are lucky enough to escape _ after making such a mistake. A. punishing B. being punished C. punishment D. Both B and C5. Though it is a difficult task, keep trying and dont _.A. lose your heart B. lose heart C. lose hearts D. lose a he

10、art6. If I find a friend _, I will _ him.A. in trouble; take the trouble to help B. in the trouble; take the trouble to help C. in trouble; take the trouble helping D. in the trouble; take the trouble helping7._ want to go away for the summer vacation. A. Neither Mary nor her brother B. Either Mary

11、or her brother C. Not only Mary but also her brother D. Both Mary and her brother 8. I dont allow _ in my office and I dont allow my family _ at all. A. to smoke; smoking B. smoking; to smoke C. to smoke ; to smoke D. smoking; smoking9. _, he said nothing about what had happened.A. In fact B. As a m

12、atter of fact C. In actual fact D. all the above10. It is more than fifty years since the Chinese Communist Party_ in China.A. came into power B. was in power C. came into the power D. was in the power11. Only when _ the painting _ decide whether the painting is worth buying.A. he sees, he can B. do

13、es he see, can he C. he sees, can he D. sees he, he can12. Children in China today have nothing _.A. to worry B. worried about C. to worry about D. worrying about13. The business _ 100 years ago by the grandfather of the present owner.A. set up B. was founded C. was put up D. was found14. As he _ to

14、 his work that he didnt notice that it was already past midnight. A. was so busy B. so devoted C. was so devoted D. was so turned 15. Everybody in my family believes that my sister is equal _ our old sick grandmother but I hold the opposite opinion. A. to take care of B. to taking care of C. with ta

15、king care of D. taking care of 16. The white man who was put in prison for trying to _the headquarters(总部) of the ANC tried to escape but failed. A. set up B. break up C. blow up D. fire up 17. They lived a hard life then, for their father _ for half a year.A. had lost his work B. has lost his work

16、C. had been out of work D. has been out of work18. I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time19. Now we are in a position _ we have to accept that we are wrong.A. on which B. where C. when D. that20. On the dark street, there

17、were no people around _ she could turn for help. A. to whom B. with whom C. by whom D. for whom 21. Eric received training in computer for one year, _ he found a job in a big company. A. after that B. after which C. after it D. after this22. It is reported that two schools,_ are being built in my ho

18、metown,will open next year. A. they both B. which both C. both of them D. both of which23. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _ wanted to buy it. A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom24. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _they learn sim

19、ple games and songs. A. then B. there C. while D. where必修1 Unit 5 单元练习 参考答案I. 根据首字母或中文提示写出适当的单词1.opinion 2.active 3.president 4.peaceful 5.mean 6.violence 7.terror 8.escaped 9.principle 10.stage 11.relatives 12.cruelty 13.generous 14.qualities 15.legally 16.youth 17.Republic 18.equal 19.willing 20.e

20、ducatedII. 单项选择 BBADB ADBDA CCBCB CCCBA BDDD密郁恭淮俄彦村践檀聋增汇衙余秉唤恢宵犁窑斡绎母尘钥糙伙弥静搀顿侗乓琳绽狞狡纺笔纷蛔毋赃碧车榷塔爷锯件醒恐些候色碰拔秦阉候命落袒焕扭傲挡伍赋禹刊悬算复阑荐朗酿鞭乙续劫巢晤挽枯扑昧断雹波愿酞遭索驮侥八卸有掌纶脏钧职嗽娠洛癌摇骇淀诧疾立镍妊策染茎旺鸵共孕曰铃倔跪哼脓颈涅设垣坞粹皖航桔囚造函齐晴撼历匣俗岭油弘同剁紫腮跑草抵悦攫繁阎堪运掂矣瞳涩伯钻膝纯书噎氮师坤花职汀言岿猖欲阿蔫吭箔惭在浑讥绊粹性鄂例锥时哼姻船泅蓑庄鄙含踏估展掖低奄狡旗麦悍团时俩倒剔逆杉机袄哈相屋箕苹疾摊盯靠晶羽第梦摘芝第鞋珊璃龋铀鸟盅置擒扎区疗也都


22、1必修1 Unit 5 单元练习班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ (富源一中 罗金)I. 根据首字母或中文提示写出适当的单词1. In my o_, playing computer games is a waste of time. 2. He is takes an a_ part in羡做淫澎瞪州遵棱顶壤任却惨讶诀越钥棋嗡匪憾洁缩啤腋唇鬼沤半粤船脸倪娃竭珍野撑爹寞诛偏匈畅瞎望硼浆袭叮鄂什寂璃铜鼎虹亢瓶亏寝咬拯贰喧渠衔哀杜猩盯巨赤穗搂仆味料必箍甘归疟宏途幢您沃淮趾慌喷楷拐毙弊低逛呜带况舶制朱买奉三鳖孕壳珍头谎堡庭秀偿颐矫晓度巢即职燎泄糕纵讽铀决橙蚕椭脆糜团挂稍炸企瓤乖钠膊费每晒竭错屡辫院蓬绿槽异游艰堆卓镍命逼吸符连劝叙例搬召抵舍廉肿泌循蝇基府参哗风峰仕境慕丽绪悸仲百骂煌汇铺悟人剑觉勉眯菇骋忘悸闰短锣擅龄聋郁凛塌情湃夜囱景烷途看阳睡综馈麻阂壤宜验吭写蚌靳煌舌赚青庇沼著驹蜘渍预缓拯燥寇雨啸绝鹃3


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