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1、B-School Graduates Face An Aray of Closed DoorsB-School Graduates Face An Aray of Closed doorsTo atte ndBost onUniversity s School of Managementtwo years ago, Leena dang left a sales job at Merck & Co., where she had worked four years. She says that it was a “ huge decisi on ” and that her sup ervis

2、or wan ted her to stay but she believed she would enhance her Ion g-term prosp ects by earning a masters degree in bus in ess adm ini strati on.That may ultimately prove true. For now, however, on the eve of hergraduation, 28-year-old Ms. dang is facing the realities of a brutal job market spawned b

3、y a weak economy. The biotech job she covets has failed to materialize, and she can t help wondering what would have happened had she stayed at Merck.“ i feel like i m gett ing stuck betwee n a rockand a hard place,” she says.it is a tight spot she shares with other n ewly min ted , whose employment

4、 exp ectati ons whe n they en rolled a couple of years ago were n urtured by empio yers dema nd for membersof the class of 2001; in that year, betwee n 80%a nd 95%of bus in ess-school stude nts had a job lined up by graduati on, accord ing to surveys of stude nts at major bus in ess schools. This ye

5、ar,the p erce ntage is betwee n 50% and 70%.Especially frustrated are those students who left good jobs because they saw bus in ess school as a midcareer boost. Many now questi on whether it will give their careers any immediate jump at all. Somecan t even return to the jobs they left beh ind becaus

6、e the po siti ons are no Ion ger available and panies aren t hiring. “They re leaving with quite a bit of debt;and particularly for those who are married, it s difficultandfrustrat ing, ” says Fred Foulkes, a man ageme nt pro fessor at Bost on University s School of Management.Busin ess-school offic

7、ials cauti on new that they should n t expect torealize the full value of the degree right away. But they also con cedethat over the p ast 20 years, many stude nts came to see the degree as a ticket to in sta nt gratificati on.“ The was always a long -term degree, but duri ng the late 1990s, that pe

8、rception changed” when graduates were able to net exorbitant starting salaries, says Gary Fraser, assistantdean of the office of careerdevel opment at New York Un iversity s Stern School of Busin ess; he is hopeful that 72% of Stern s class of 2003 will have jobs by graduation.At Emory Un iversity s

9、 Goizueta Busin ess School in Atla nta, Fred Schwa nke is scheduled to graduate this spring but has yet to get a job offer. He taught French at a Baltimore middle school for 22 years before he left to get his , hoping to use his Fren ch, p erha ps at a global pany.no bus in ess” Mr.Fewpanies are int

10、erested in graduates like Mr. Schwanke, with exp erie nee.“ i kind of got caught up in the exciteme nt of the late90s and the idea that you c an remake your life and your career, Schwa nke says. “ But the last few years have bee n a reality check.Eve n at panies that are traditi on allyhave faced ne

11、wp etitio nfrom non bus in ess stude nts. Jeffrey Tucker,p reside nt at con sulta nt Booz Alle n Hamilt on in NewYork, says that the crop of hired to start this ing fall is more sizable than last s, the pany is also “aggressively ”recruitingfromgraduate-degree p rograms and people with five or more

12、years of in dustry “it s just a very tough year for ,” he says.exp erie nee.reliableempioyers of new, studentsa vicewhile year otherseeonds that. Mr. Farr, who will graduate from Arizona s Carey School of Busin ess in Tempe this spring, says heStateNatha n FarrUn iversity en tered bus in ess school

13、assu ming it would quickly elevate his market value.But as he prep ares to graduate, he is overqualified for the job he held at a Chicago in dustrial-distributi on pany for four years, and lack ing fresh offers. So Mr. Farr, 28, is tak ing the same laborious p ath trod byd bemany other job seekers -

14、posting r e sume s online and trying to build an etwork of con tacts.“ Never in my wildest dreams did i thi nk igraduating without something, ” he says.realistict. ConnieSome schools say students starting in the fall have more exp ectati ons of what an will bring them - and what it wonEn glish, asso

15、ciate director of alu mni career services at Uni versity of virgi nia s darde n Graduate School of Bus in ess Adm ini strati on,has alreadygotte n calls from stude ntsacce pted for theclass of 2005 who are tryi ngto p la n their careers before they mit to the in vestme nt.They are ask ingher how an

16、will pay off in the long run, she says.Tara Hale, a 25-year-old Sta nford graduate who has bee n work ing as a marketing analyst for a medical-device pany, will enter UCLA s Anderson Graduate School of Managementthis fall. She insists she has no illusions about her job prospects in May 2005.“ i real

17、ize that i may not get mydream job and dream salary right away, ” she says. “ But i know they will be much more easily atta in able with the degree.”笆二;二三先汪案,高三机师结卩以师的教案n改:一 考业关首 -霊-的切价环轻学积注教泛玄上远冒课课沃周疔::二我S续:二致:勤主沟”二5A-,+_”. .出色地-各项任校Rib组织全组教师进一步;习熟* 材的体系和特索新教材教学模*.组好新教材的研究*全0师师提供“ 学习的平台和“。m:住指*.认;习

18、贯彻”改”神,以贯彻*基础教程改革*核心,以研 9学重*促进教* G根本,以教*二三团inyyimFi三“”及时工作及析二.项学指标:主主活动.冬G师的示” “ B合,慧”.组I围绕探索效”课”高照文史综合72加史对,科真学学科体知和思三习合感析态度=m:x = sS=i = 5SN N2S5问於.学习 比较积极主动.后 也很自觉当然与家 长监 督分不开部-:学:然数:整:数则二才三法根减数法正乘法:法含间::系-找方法有的方)还相当 的简捷。有的 学生只能接受老师教* 法.稍7 变动的问I就处理不了。,别学生老师 怎”也不会着銮冬I言昶裁癸良4 口情USav-山初级二;发与;g “:奥与会积堂比m沪111=in-.,.議形课课例展示交流En-hssPSZ-sss”五月教新式5教?组组;盘代动、教同比异教,动做指效、:=* -专业水平.获得i


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