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1、热力发电THERMAL POWER GENERATIONVol. 45 No. 3Man 2016第45卷第3期2016年3月喷淋脱硫塔内除零器性能数值模拟石振晶,陶 明,何育东,何仰朋,郭浩然(西安热工研究院有限公司陕西西安 710054)摘要利用计算流体力学(CFI)方法对不同叶片形式除雾器内的流场进行数值模拟获得烟气流速、叶片间距、液滴克径等参数对除雾效率及压力损失的影响规律。结果表明:除雾效率随烟 气涼速和液滴充径的增大而增大随除雾器叶片间距的增大而降低;弧形板除雾器对液滴的 脱险效率最低但压力损失最小,其次是折形板除雾器,弧形板带单钩和双钩除雾器对液滴的 脱除效率较高.但压力损失也较

2、高;弧形板大间距板型适合作为塔内一级除雾器9用來控制 二级除雾器入口液滴质量浓度;弧形板带钩小间距板型,适合作为塔内二级除雾器,用來控制 整个吸收塔液滴排放总量。关键词脱硫塔;除雾器;烟气流速;叶片间距;液滴粒径;除雾效率;压降;数值模拟中图分类号X701. 3 文献标识码A 文章 编号1002-3364(2016)03-0092-061)01 编 号10.3969/j. issn. 1002-3364. 2016. 03. 092Numerical simulation on demister performance of spray tower desulfurization system

3、SHI Zhenjing, TAO Ming, HE Yu do ng. HE Yangpeng,GU() Haora n Xi*an Thermal Power Research Institute Co. * Ltd. Xian 710054 thina)Abstract:Compulalional fluid dynamics(CFD) method was used to numerically simulate the flow field of gas and liquid in different types of vane demisler. The effects of ga

4、s velocity Jjlade spacing and droplet diameter on demisting efficiency and pressure loss were investigated. 1he results show that the demisting efficiency increases with the droplet diameter and gas velocity while decreases with the increasing mist elirni- nator( ME) plate space. The wave plate ME h

5、as the lowest demisting efficiency but its pressure loss is also ihe smallest. Then is the baffle-plate and wave-plate ME with drainage channels and two row drainage channels has the highest demisting efficiency and the most great pressure loss. The wave-plate with large space is suitable for the fi

6、rst ME to conirol the inlet droplet concentration of the second ME. The waveplate with small space is suitable for the second ME to control the total droplet emission of the entire spray tower.Key words:desulfurization towerdemister9flue gas velocityblade spacing*droplet diameterdemisting effi cienc

7、ypressure drop在电力丁业应用最广泛的湿法烟V脱硫系统 (FGI)中.经过喷淋层的烟气会携带出大竄以硫酸 盐、亚硫酸盐、碳酸盐及灰分为主的酸性液滴这些 液滴若不去除不但会造成下游烟道及设备的堵塞、 腐蚀以及烟囱雨等问题同时也会造成烟气粉尘排 放的增加心。除雾器是吸收塔内去除液滴的设备,随着国家対环保要求的提拓除雾器的运行特性也 引起广泛关注。除雾效率和压降是评估除雾器性能的重要参 数直接影响湿法脱硫系统的稳怎运行。许多研究 者通过实验等方法对除雾器的除雾性能进行了研 究叩。但除雾器内流动状态I分复杂影响苴性热力发电THERMAL POWER GENERATIONVol. 45 No. 3Man 2016热力发电THERMAL POWER GENERATIONVol. 45 No. 3Man 2016收稿日期:2015 09-01基金项目:西安热匚研究院项H开发发展基金(GA 14 TYK02)作者简介:石掠晶( 1983几男博七丁程帅主要研究方向为大气污染物控制技术. E-mail:shizhenjing(a; tpri. com. cn


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