【大学英语4级听力原文】 大学四级听力原文翻译.docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【大学英语4级听力原文】 大学四级听力原文翻译 高校英语4级听力原文可以关心大家更好地理解答案。下面是我给大家整理的高校英语4级听力原文的相关学问,供大家参阅! 高校英语4级听力原文1 【答案】 A. 1) c 2) a 3) d 4) c 5) c 6) a B. 1) Thats because the explosion robs the fire of oxygen. 2) Once the fire is out, the well still needs to be covered, or capped, to stop the flow of

2、oil. This is the most dangerous part of the process. Any new heat or fire could cause the leaking well and the surrounding area to explode. 3) In March of 1991, Red Adair went to Kuwait. He and his crews were called in to help put out oil well fires. 4) He has spent his 76th birthday in Kuwait worki

3、ng side by side with his crew. 5) At his funeral, many family members and friends honored him by wearing red clothes. 【原文】 Paul Neal Adair was born in Houston, Texas in nineteen fifteen. He was one of five sons of a metal worker. He also had three sisters. While growing up, he became known as Red Ad

4、air because his hair was bright red. The color became a trademark for Adair. He wore red clothes and red boots. He drove a red car, and his crew members used red trucks and red equipment. During World War Two, Adair served on a trained army team that removed and destroyed bombs. After the war, he re

5、turned to Houston and took a job with Myron Kinley. At the time, Kinley was the leader in putting out fires in oil wells. Red Adair worked with Myron Kinley for fourteen years. But in nineteen fifty-nine, Adair started his own company. During his thirty-six years in business, Red Adair and his crews

6、 battled more than two thousand fires all over the world. Some were on land. Others were on ocean oil-drilling structures. Some fires were in burning oil wells. Others were in natural gas wells. Red Adair was a leader in a specialized and extremely dangerous profession. Putting out oil well fires ca

7、n be difficult. This is because oil well fires are extinguished, or put out, at the wellhead just above ground. Normally, explosives are used to stop the fire from burning. The explosion robs the fire of oxygen. But, once the fire is out, the well still needs to be covered, or capped, to stop the fl

8、ow of oil. This is the most dangerous part of the process. Any new heat or fire could cause the leaking well and the surrounding area to explode. Red Adair developed modern methods to extinguish and cover burning oil wells. They became known in the industry as Wild Well Control techniques. In additi

9、on to explosives, the techniques involved large amounts of water and dirt. Adair also developed special equipment made of bronze metal to help extinguish oil well fires. The modern tools and his Wild Well Control techniques earned Red Adair and his crews the honor of being called the best in the bus

10、iness. Red Adair was known for not being afraid. He was also known for his sense of calm and safety. None of his workers were ever killed while putting out oil well or gas fires. He described his work this way: It scares youall the noise, the rattling, the shaking. But the look on everyones face, wh

11、en you are finished and packing, it is the best smile in the world; and there is nobody hurt, and the well is under control. One of Red Adairs most important projects was in nineteen sixty-two. He and his crew put out a natural gas fire in the Sahara Desert in Algeria. The fire had been burning for

12、six months. This famous fire was called the Devils Cigarette Lighter. Fire from the natural gas well shot about one hundred forty meters into the air. The fire was so big that American astronaut John Glenn could see it from space as he orbited Earth.The desert sand around the well had melted into gl

13、ass from the extreme heat. News reports said Adair used about three hundred forty kilograms of nitroglycerine explosive material to pull the oxygen out of the fire. Adairs success with the Devils Cigarette Lighter and earlier well fires captured the imagination of the American film industry. In nine

14、teen sixty-eight, Hollywood made an action film called Hellfighters. It was loosely based on events in Red Adairs life. Actor John Wayne played an oil well firefighter from Houston, Texas whose life was similar to Adairs. Adair served as an advisor to Wayne while the film was being made. The two men

15、 became close friends. Adair said one of the best honors in the world was to have John Wayne play him in a movie. In nineteen eighty-eight, Adair fought what was possibly the worlds worst off-shore accident. It was at the Piper Alpha drilling structure in the North Sea. Occidental Petroleum operated

16、 the structure off the coast of Scotland. The structure produced oil and gas from twenty-four wells. One hundred sixty-seven men were killed when the structure exploded after a gas leak. Red Adair had to stop the fires and cap the wells. He faced winds blowing more than one hundred twenty kilometers

17、 an hour, and ocean waves at least twenty meters high. In March of nineteen ninety-one, Red Adair went to Kuwait following the Persian Gulf War. He and his crews were called in to help put out fires set by the Iraqi army. The Red Adair Company capped more than one hundred wells. His crews were among

18、 twenty-seven teams from sixteen countries called in to fight the fires. The crews efforts put out about seven hundred Kuwaiti fires. Their efforts saved millions of barrels of oil. Some experts say the operation also helped prevent an environmental tragedy. The job had been expected to take three t

19、o five years. However, it was completed in just eight months. Red Adair had spent his seventy-sixth birthday in Kuwait working side by side with his crew. When asked when he might retire, he told reporters: Retire? I do not know what that word means. As long as a man is able to work, and he is produ

20、ctive out there and he feels goodkeep at it. Still, Red Adair finally did retire in nineteen ninety-four. At that time, he joked about where he would end up when he died. He said he hoped to be in Heaven. But he said this about Hell: I have made a deal with the devil. He said he is going to give me

21、an air-conditioned place when I go down thereif I go thereso I wont put all the fires out. Red Adair died in two thousand four. He was eighty-nine years old. At his funeral, many family members and friends honored him by wearing red clothes. Many Americans remember Red Adair for his bravery. He live

22、d his life on the edge of danger. He was known for his willingness to risk his own life to save others. 高校英语4级听力原文2 Task 1: 【答案】 1) He started writing poetry when he was about 14 or 15. 2) He has published four books. 3) His first book came out when he was about 26. It wasnt easy. He got a lot of hi

23、s work rejected at first. 4) The British, or at least the English, are embarrassed by it. Theyre embarrassed by people who reveal personal feelings, emotions, thoughts and wishes. 【原文】 When Thomas Edison was born in the small town of Milan, Ohio, in 1847, America was just beginning its great industr

24、ial development. In his lifetime of eighty-four years, Edison shared in the excitement of Americas growth into a modern nation. The time in which he lived was an age of invention, filled with human and scientific adventures, and Edison became the hero of that age. As a boy, Edison was not a good stu

25、dent. His parents took him out of school and his mother taught him at home, where his great curiosity and desire to experiment often got him into trouble. When he was six, he set fire to his fathers barn to see what would happen. The barn burned down. When he was ten, Edison built his own chemistry

26、laboratory. He sold sandwiches and newspapers on the trains in order to earn money to buy supplies for his laboratory. His parents became accustomed, more or less, to his experiments and the explosions which sometimes shook the house. Edisons work as a sales boy with the railroad introduced him to t

27、he telegraph and, with a friend, he built his own telegraph set. Six years later, in 1869, Edison arrived in New York City, poor and in debt. He went to work with a telegraph company. It was there that he became interested in the uses of electricity. Task 2: 【答案】 1815, 1914, 35million I. A. villages

28、,seaport B. danger,long ocean voyage C. a new land,a new language D. finding a place to live II. a better life,opportunity,freedom III. A. England, Germany, Russia, Hungary B. Roman Catholic, Jewish C. customs,languages IV. A. Americanized,disappeared. B. havent disappeared,customs,identities V. A.

29、were cheated,prejudice,mistreated B. hardest,least-paid,dirtiest,most overcrowded D. rejected,old-fashioned,ashamed overcome 【原文】 Thousands of people came to American cities before Blacks and Puerto Ricans did. Between 1815 and 1914, more than 35 million Europeans crossed the ocean to find new homes

30、 in the United States. Most of these immigrants were ordinary people. Few were famous when they arrived. Few became famous afterward. Most had lived in small villages. Few had ever been far outside them. Most of them faced the same kinds of problems getting to America: the hardship of going from the

31、ir villages to a seaport, the unpleasantnesseven dangerof the long ocean voyage, the strangeness of a new land, and of a new language, the problem of finding a place to live, of finding work in a new, strange country. Every immigrant had his own reasons for coming to America. But nearly all shared o

32、ne reason: They hoped for a better life. They considered America a special place, a land of opportunity, a land of freedom. Immigrants came from many different countries: England, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Italy, Hungary and many others. They came with many different religions: Roman Cathol

33、ic, Jewish, Quaker, Greek Orthodox. They brought many different customs and many languages. Some people have called the United States a melting pot. After immigrants were here awhilein the melting potthey became Americanized. Differences were melted down. They gradually disappeared. Some people say

34、no. America isnt a melting pot. Its more like a salad bowl. Important differences between groups of people havent disappeared. Many groups have kept their own ways, their customs, their identities, and this has given America great strength. Melting pot? Salad bowl? Perhaps theres some troth to both

35、ideas. In any case, life in America was hard for most immigrantsespecially at first. Often they were cheated. Often they met with prejudice. They were often laughed at, even mistreated, by people who themselves had been immigrants. Most of them soon found that the streets of America werent paved wit

36、h gold. They usually got the hardest jobs, and those that paid the least, the dirtiest places to live in, the most overcrowded tenements. They came to be citizens of a new country; but often they felt like people without a country. They had given up their own, but they didnt understand their new one

37、. They didnt really feel a part of it. And the people of the new one didnt always welcome them. They came for the sake of their children, but in America their children often rejected them. To the children, their parents seemed old-fashioned. They didnt learn the new language quickly. Some didnt lear

38、n it at all. Their parents customs made children ashamed. Gradually, however, problems were overcome. For most immigrants, life in America was better. It certainly was better for their children and for their grandchildren. Task 3: 【答案】 A. The Life Story of Thomas Edison Ohio,1847,industrial developm

39、ent, 1931, a modern nation I. A. curiosity,desire B. 1857,station masters son C. 1863 II. A. New York City,electricity,report the prices B. New Jersey,invented,produced C. organized industrial research D. 1877 E. 1879 III. A. B. motion-picture machine C. photography D. streetcars,electric trains IV.

40、 B. turn off all power C. the progress of man B. 读: 27973次 大小: 1.0MB(共164页) 1) F 2) F 3) T 4) T 5) F 【原文】 When Thomas Edison was born in the small town of Milan, Ohio, in 1847, America was just beginning its great industrial development. The time in which he lived was an age of invention, filled wit

41、h human and scientific adventures, and Edison became the hero of that age. As a boy, Edison was not a good student. His parents took him out of school and his mother taught him at home, where his great curiosity and desire to experiment often got him into trouble. When he was ten, Edison built his o

42、wn chemistry laboratory. He sold sandwiches and newspapers on the local trains in order to earn money to buy supplies for his laboratory. His parents became accustomed, more or less, to his experiments and the explosions which sometimes shook the house. Edisons work as a sales boy with the railroad

43、introduced him to the telegraph and with a friend, he built his own telegraph set. He taught himself the Morse telegraphic code and hoped for the chance to become a professional telegraph operator. A stroke of luck and Edisons quick thinking soon provided the opportunity. One day, as young Edison st

44、ood waiting for a train to arrive, he saw the station masters sot wander into the track of an approaching train. Edison rushed out and carried the boy to safety. The thankful station master offered to teach Edison railway telegraphy. Afterwards, in 1863, he became tan expert telegraph operator and l

45、eft home to work in various cities. Six years later, in 1869, Edison arrived in New York City, poor and in debt. He went to work with a telegraph company. It was there that he became interested in the uses of electricity. At that time electricity was still in the experimental ses, and Edison hoped t

46、o invent new ways to use it for the benefit of people. As he once said: My philosophy of life is work. I want to bring out the secrets of, nature and apply them for the happiness of man. I know of no better service to render for the short time we are in this world. The same year, when he was only 22

47、 years old, Edison invented an improved ticker-tape machine which could better report the prices on the New York Market. The ticker-tape machine was successful, and Edison decided to leave his job and concentrate wholly on inventing. When the president of the telegraph company asked how much they owed him for his invention, Edison was ready to accept only $3,000. Cautiously he said: Suppose you make me an offer. How would $40,000 stri


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