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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【有关中秋节的英语对话阅读】有关旅行的英语对话 英语对话教学是中学英语教学的重要组成部分,它对提高同学英语口语水平,培育同学的语言交际力量都有很大的作用。我细心收集了有关中秋节的英语对话,供大家观赏学习! 有关中秋节的英语对话1 The Mid-autumn Festival is coming. Stevens Chinese friend Li Lei invites him to celebrate the festival together. 中秋节就要来了。史蒂文的中国伴侣李雷邀请他一块共度佳节。 Steven: Will you go back

2、home to celebrate Midautumn Festival? 史蒂文:中秋节你回家吗? Li Lei: Sure. In China, it is important for us to have dinner together on Mid-autumn Festival. 李雷:当然问了。在中国,中秋节 这天在一起吃顿团聚饭是很重要的。 Steven: How will you celebrate it? 史蒂文:那你们都怎么庆祝中秋呢? Lj Lei: Our family will enjoy mooncakes and watch a beautiful full mo

3、on together. 李雷:我们会一起吃月饼、赏满月什么的。 Steven: I like eating mooncakes. There are so many different kinds of fillings in them. And they are all very delicious. 史蒂文:我很喜爱吃月饼。有好多种馅儿,很好吃。 Li Lei: Would you like to go home with me? We can celebrate the festival together. 李雷:你情愿跟我一块儿回家吗?我们可以一起庆祝这个节日。 Steven: Th

4、ats great, thank you! 史蒂文:太好了,感谢你。 有关中秋节的英语对话2 A:今日天气真好。上星期好热呀! A:Nice weather, isnt it? It sure was hot last week. B:真兴奋现在是秋天,凉快一点儿了。今日是中秋节? B:Im glad it is getting cooler as we are into autumn now. Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. A:什么是中秋节? A:Whats that? B:是一个传统中国节日,农历的八月十五日。 B:It is a traditional Ch

5、inese holiday. It falls on the 15th day of the eighth moon according to the lunar calendar. A:中秋节做什么呢? A:What do you do on Moon Festival ? B:是全家团聚的日子。 B:Its a time for family reunion. A:有没有什么传统的或特殊的食物? A:Any traditional food ? Any special food? B:有,我们吃月饼当甜点。 B:Yes, we eat moon cake for dessert. 有关中秋

6、节的英语对话3 Cathy: Hello,Betty. 你好,贝蒂。 Betty: Hello,Cathy. 你好,凯西。 Cathy: Do you know the Mid-Autumn Festival ? 你了解中秋节吗? Betty: No,I dont. Could you introduce the Mid-Autumn Festival for me? 你能给我介绍一下中秋节吗? Cathy: Of course. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the two most important holidays in the Chinese c

7、alendar,and is a legal holiday in several countries. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. 当然。中秋节是两个最重要的农历节日之一,并且在几个国家定为法定假日。农夫在这个日子里庆祝夏季收获季节的结束。 Cathy: Traditionally, on this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harves

8、t moon, and eat moon cakes and pomeloes together. 传统上,在这一天,中国的家人和伴侣将聚在一起观赏光明的中秋月,在一起吃月饼和柚子。 Betty: Wow,that sounds great. Could you tell me when to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival ? 哇,这听起来真好啊。那你能告知我什么时候庆祝中秋节吗? Cathy: The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the fifteenth day of the August, chinese calendar. 中秋节是阴历的8月15日。 Betty: Really?Almost. 是吗?快到了。 Cathy: Yes. 是的。 Betty: I wish you could come with me。 我盼望你能和我在一起。 Cathy: No problem. 没问题。 Betty: Thanks,Cathy. 感谢你,凯西。 Cathy: Not at all. 不用谢。 看了有关中秋节的英语对话的人还看了: 1.关于中秋节的英语对话 2.有关中秋节的英语故事 3.关于中秋的英语美文 4.关于歌颂中秋节的英语美文 5.关于国庆假期的英语对话 第 4 页 共 4 页


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