阅读的喜悦英文演讲稿 [有关英文小笑话演讲稿阅读] .docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑阅读的喜悦英文演讲稿 有关英文小笑话演讲稿阅读 笑话是一种流传广泛为人民群众所宠爱的文学样式。一篇好的笑话,总是以短小的篇幅、精炼的语言、讽刺的手法,表达一个引人发笑的故事,在笑中寓有深义,发人深思,促人战斗,使人猛醒。我整理了有关英文小笑话演讲稿,欢迎! 有关英文小笑话演讲稿篇一 孩子的复数形式 Teacher: What is the plural of man,Tom? 老师: 汤姆,男人这个词的复数形式是什么? Tom: Men. 汤姆:男人们。 Teacher: Good. And the plural of child? 老师: 答得好。那孩子的

2、复数形式呢? Tom : Twins. 汤姆: 双胞胎。 有关英文小笑话演讲稿篇二 The couple seated in restaurant seemed to be having a wonderful time. But as the woman glanced away from the table,their waiter suddenly rushed over. 在饭馆里坐着一对夫妇,他们看上去特别兴奋。但是当那女子向旁边瞥了一眼时,服务员立刻跑了过来。 Madam look,he said.Your husband just slid under the table. 夫人

3、,您瞧, 他说,您丈夫滑到桌子底下去了。 No,he didnt,she replied.My husband just came in the door. 不,他没有, 她回答,我丈夫刚从门外进来。 有关英文小笑话演讲稿篇三 An older lady gets undressed and starts to get into the bathtub. She gets about halfway into the tub and thinks, Was I getting into the tub or getting out? 一个上了年纪的女人脱了衣服预备去洗澡。她刚把一只脚迈进浴缸就

4、想:我是准备进去呢?还是刚要出去? She calls out, Bernice! Was I getting into the bathtub or getting out? 她大声喊:伯尼斯!我这是刚要去洗澡还是准备要出来呢? Bernice says, Well I dont know. I 11 have to come up and look. Bernice starts walking up the stairs to the bathroom, gets halfway up and thinks to herself, Was I going up the stairs or

5、 down? She calls out Sally! Was I going up or down the stairs? 伯尼斯说:我不知道,我这就上去看看。伯尼斯开头往楼上的浴室走,走到一半时想到:我这是要上楼呢还是下楼?她大喊:莎莉!我这是要上楼呢还是要下楼呢? Sally, who is just being with Bernice down in the living room calls back,How should I know? and thinks to herself, I m glad Im not losing my mind like the other people in this house. 刚还和伯尼斯在楼下客厅里的莎莉喊:我怎么知道?她自己想:我真的很兴奋我不像这个屋子里的其它人一样没记性。 看了有关英文小笑话演讲稿的人还看了: 1.英语小笑话演讲稿 2.学校英语小笑话演讲稿 3.关于经典的英文小笑话 4.英语小笑话演讲稿带翻译 5.关于英文笑话演讲稿精选 第 3 页 共 3 页


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