take 认为的英文【认为的英文短语】.docx

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《take 认为的英文【认为的英文短语】.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《take 认为的英文【认为的英文短语】.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑take 认为的英文【认为的英文短语】 认为,确定某种看法做出某种推断。下面就由我为大家带来关于认为的英语短语集锦,盼望大家能有所收获。 关于认为的相关短语 认为 take for 认为 regard as 关于认为的相关短句 stipulation deemed not to be written; 认为无用的规定 take . for granted; 认为十拿九稳 What do you think of it? 你认为怎样? I dont believe it to be true. 我认为这不是真的。 We hold that all nation

2、s should be equal. 我们认为全部国家都应一律公平。 What do you think of the thesis? 你认为这篇论文怎样? We deem it necessavy to make this clear to you. 这件事我们认为有必要跟你们说清晰。 We all think this proposal feasible. 大家认为这个建议是可行的。 关于认为的词语辨析 reckon, think, count, consider, deem, regard, believe这组词都有认为的意思,其区分是: reckon 指对人或事作全面权衡,把各方面看法

3、考虑进去后得出结论。 think 一般用词,指根据自己的看法提出看法。 count 指作出推断后而得出的看法等。 consider 指经过考虑和观看后得出的结论。 deem 正式用词,常用于法律、文学,强调作推断而不是思索。 regard 侧重凭外表或表面现象作推断。多强调观点。 believe 通常指依据肯定的证据,经思索后而认为属实。 关于认为的相关例句 1. Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation. 专家们认为目前通货膨胀加剧有多种缘由。 2. His opponents viewed him a

4、s stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible. 他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。 3. People always think Im a fool, and I dare say theyre right. 人们总认为我是个傻瓜,想必他们是对的。 4. He doesnt feel he is cut out to be a leader. 他认为自己没有做领导的才能。 5. I think that the vice president was in the loop. 我认为副总统是局内人。 6. I believe that a journalist sh

5、ould be completely objective. 我认为新闻记者不应当有丝毫偏见。 7. Does it sound like music? I wouldnt go that far. 这听上去像音乐吗?我可不那样认为。 8. Mr Morris feels the museum is using advertising to good effect. 莫里斯先生认为博物馆作的广告卓有成效。 9. Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitution. 她坚持认为,妓院是卖.可为人接受的一种形式。 10. No

6、t everyone thinks that the government is being particularly generous. 并非全部人都认为政府特殊慷慨。 11. Doctor believed that his low sperm count was the problem. 医生认为他的精子数太低是问题所在。 12. Dont assume your baby automatically needs feeding if shes fretful. 不要想当然地认为你的宝宝一闹就是要吃奶。 13. Sometimes things dont turn out the way

7、 we think theyre going to. 有时事情并不像我们认为的那样进展。 14. In many respects Asian women see themselves as equal to their men. 在许多方面,亚洲女性都认为自己和丈夫是公平的。 15. I still think I have a bit more to offer. 我还是认为我能再略微多付出一点儿。 关于认为的双语例句 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。 I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year. 我认为直截了当地告知他这个坏消

8、息倒是友好的行为。 I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away. 你并不认为我会信任那个可鄙的借口,是吧? You dont expect me to believe that pitiful excuse, do you? 我认为能被邀请参与晚宴是很大的荣幸。 I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner. 我认为他是对的。 I think he is right. 就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难。 So far as English

9、 is concerned, it is not so difficult as you might think. 我认为这个答案是正确的,但他认为它是错误的。 I think that this answer is right but he thinks that it is wrong. 但是我们发觉的状况却特别不同。 尽管我们认为大萧条并非犹如它被解释的那样是货币政策失败的标志,它也不像人们普遍认为的那样是市场机制失败的结果。 But we found that the situation was very different. 我认为大多数人认为全球变暖是一个事实上存在的问题。 I think most people believe that the global warming is a real issue.第 4 页 共 4 页


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