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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑马克思英文简介马克思英文简短介绍 卡尔海因里希马克思,马克思主义的创始人之一,被称为全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的宏大导师。下面是我为你整理的马克思英文简介,盼望对你有用! 卡尔海因里希马克思简介 Karl Heinrich Marx (German: Karl Heinrich Marx, May 5, 1818 - March 14, 1883), one of the founders of Marxism, the organizer and leader of the first international A great mentor for the

2、 proletariat and working people all over the world. The spiritual leader of the proletariat, the pioneer of the international communist movement. Marx is a great German thinker, politician, philosopher, economist, revolutionist and sociologist. The main works are Capital, Communist Manifesto and so

3、on. Marx founded the well-known philosophical thought as historical materialism, its greatest wish is for the individuals comprehensive and free development. Marx founded the great economic theory. In his personal terms, his great work is Capital, and Marx established his principles of elaboration a

4、s Critique of Political Economy. Marx believes that this is the political economy principle thing, this is the essence, and later people can continue to study on this basis. Marx argues that the demise of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally unavoidable. He and Engels co-fo

5、unded the Marxist doctrine, is considered to guide the working people around the world to achieve the socialist and communist great ideals of the struggle of the theoretical weapons and action guide. 卡尔海因里希马克思人物生平 Early school Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in the German Federal Prussian kingdom Rhine

6、 province (belonging to the German Rhineland-Palatinate) Terry City, a lawyer family. His grandfather Rabbin Marc Levy was a Jewish law jurist, his father, Hirsch Karl Marx, later renamed Heinrich Marx, born in 1782, with Dutch Jewish woman Henriette Presborck married, gave birth to many children, b

7、ut found in a document of the heir, only Karl Marx and three daughters Sofia, Emir, Luisa survived. In October 1830, Marx entered Trier Middle School. After graduating from high school, enter the University of Bonn, 18 years after the transfer to the University of Berlin to study the law, but most o

8、f his focus is on the philosophy and history. In 1840, the Prussian New King Frederick William IV ascended the throne, persecuted Liberal Democrats, demanding that all publications must pass a rigorous review, the university lost academic freedom, and the new king appointed the University of Berlin

9、professor FWvon Schelling would review the , But the position of Marxs scholar in philosophy is higher than the theological position can not be accepted by the anti-Hegelian professor, so Marx will be sent to the doctoral thesis to the Saxony - Weimar - Eisenach Grand Duchy of the University of Jena

10、 ( Jena) examines doctoral qualifications. In 1841 Marx applied for a degree from the distinction between the natural philosophy of Democritus and the natural philosophy of Epicurus, and successfully received the PhD in the University of Jena from the unanimous approval of the committee. After gradu

11、ation as Rheinland editor, met in the history of Marx thought quite famous forest theft problem. Revolutionary career At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the industrial revolution swept through Germany, which promoted the development of the economy of the countrys Junke landlords, and also e

12、xacerbated the extreme poverty of the lower working people. Hunger drives the poor to pick up dead branches in the forest, picking wild fruits, and some even break the hunting grounds and ranches. Although the 1826 Prussian Penal Code on the unauthorized logging and theft of trees severely punished,

13、 but the incident is still increasing. And many people do so in order to be sent to the detention center to receive a prison rations, it is hunger and homeless to force people to violate the forest management regulations. In 1836, there were 150,000 people who were subject to criminal penalties in P

14、russia, accounting for 77 per cent of all criminal cases. In the face of this rather serious social situation, the Prussian rulers did not find the root of the problem and the solution to the problem from the social system level. Instead, it introduced a tougher bill that would pick up dead branches

15、 in the forest, Some other violations of the forest management regulations have also been upgraded to theft and criminal penalties. According to the record of the Sixth Rheinland Parliament in 1841, in October the following year, the article Debate on the Forest Burglary Law was written to condemn t

16、he legislatures favor of the interests of the owners of the trees, to deprive the poor of the right to pick up dead branches, To put forward their own view of forest legislation. The Prussian government was very angry at the views expressed by the Rheinische Zeitung, who immediately sent a seizure o

17、f the Rheinland newspaper to force it to stop printing. Marx angrily resigned from the editorial duties of the newspaper. Marx did not regret his own actions, on the contrary, he recognized the governments ugly. He is looking for the opportunity to continue to resolutely fight against the government

18、. 1843 Rheinische issue license was revoked by King Prussia, because Marx published in the newspaper criticized the Russian czar article, triggering the dissatisfaction of the Russian Tsar Nicholas I, King of Prussia received a protest after the arrest of the ban Reported that Marx was unemployed. D

19、uring this period, Marx met Friedrich Engels. Engels is the owner of the factory owner is very much appreciate the idea of Marx, often money to sponsor Marxs activities and life, Marx to do learning seriously serious but life with nature, often delayed to the newspaper to the manuscript, Engels ofte

20、n help Marxs work and pens Some articles. married family February 14, 1814, Yanni Marx was born in Teller a famous family. Yanni Marx (February 12, 1814 - December 2, 1881, formerly known as Johanna Jenny Bernard Jolie von Weston Warren (Johanna Jenny Bertha Julie von Westphalen) is A German sociolo

21、gist, who is only a few minutes away from the home of Marx. In the late summer of 1836, at the University of Bonn, the first year of the study of Marx, back to Terrier to his girlfriend to marry him. Yanni and 18-year-old Marx agreed for life. In accordance with the custom at that time, this is unpr

22、ecedented. Aristocratic birth, the daughter of Yan Ni, was recognized as the most beautiful girl and the Queen of the Queen, many handsome aristocratic youth dumping, suitors who lack some people, no doubt, you can conclude a glory Wealthy marriage. But she is contempt for all the traditional concep

23、t of society, without the knowledge of their parents to promise to a citizen of the community, she can not predict and Marxs future life how to live. Marx thought that he could not marry Yanni in front of his father, Yan Nis father, as a temporary adviser. So at first he could only reveal his secret

24、 to his father. He believes that his father will be in front of the parents of Jenny for a successful pro-ready for a variety of preparations. In October 1836, Marx moved from the University of Bonn at home near the University of Berlin at home, which meant that they were to be loyal to each other f

25、or a long time. In Berlin, because of the feelings of the mind and love and the love and the suspense and anxiety, once influenced the Marx wholeheartedly into learning. He had told his father frankly that he had fallen into the real tranquility because he was far from the Moose Valley and was far f

26、rom his infinite beauty of Jenny. Troubled him is not a guessing heart, because he had never had the slightest doubt on the love of Jenny, but because of the thought of her and long years in the long years of separation, so that he felt very heavy mood. So, 18-year-old Marx wrote writing poetry, poe

27、ms to express their feelings and feelings. Most of Marxs poems are singing Yanni and pouring himself into her, but there are many of them that express their own thoughts and aspirations and desire to make a difference. On April 15, 1841, Marx received a Ph.D. degree in advance. Young philosopher had

28、 just arrived in Trill, hastened to his most beloved home, the doctoral thesis personally sent to the hands of Jennys father. Yan Ni and Marx after years of separation, had intended to immediately get married. But there is a doctoral thesis and can not be used as a basis for subsistence, so he and Y

29、anni had to cancel the idea of marriage, continue to wait. Beginning in April 1842, Marx began writing for the Rheinische Zeitung. In October 1842, the shareholders of the Rheinland newspaper appointed Marx as editor, and in March 1843, Marx was forced to withdraw from the editorial board of the Rhe

30、inburger. And then with Arnold Luger in consultation with the work on the joint publication of the plan. Then on June 19, 1843 he went to Croznach (Yanni after her father died in March 1842 and his mother moved to this place), and waited for him for seven years, was born 1814 born in the German aris

31、tocratic (Baron) family of Jenny von Westphalia married. From their private agreement to life together, Yanni waited for a long seven years. In the past seven years, in addition to her had a few times with the fiance of Marx had a few times together, only from the distant with their thoughts and let

32、ters to accompany him. She wrote in a letter to Marx: How brilliant is your image in front of me, how magnificent it is! How far is it from my heart that you can always be by my side, my heart, How is the joy of joy for your beating, my heart, what is anxious to follow you on the way you follow . .

33、everywhere I am with you, walking in front of you, but also with you I hope that I can fill the road where you are going, and clear all the obstacles that will stop you from moving forward. At the same time, she has to struggle with her aristocratic relatives. After the wedding, Marx and Jenny then

34、set off a short wedding trip. In the autumn of 1843, the young Marx and his wife set foot on the exile journey to Paris. During this period he proceeded to study political economy, the French social movement and the French history, and eventually led to its becoming a communist. At the end of Octobe

35、r 1843, Marx and Yanni came to Paris together, and they came to Luga for two months earlier to organize and publish the magazine German and French Yearbook. At this point, they opened a life full of hardship and self-sacrifice. Because of Marxs outstanding contribution to the cause of communism and

36、to the landlords and bourgeoisians ruthlessly expose and criticize, so that all the conservative forces to exclude him, expelled him. He had to carry a small home around the transfer of their difficulties sometimes difficult to imagine the point of life. At the end of March 1850, with the death of L

37、ondon in London, Jenny wrote a letter to a friend Joseph Weiderme, depicting her life at that time: Because here the nurse is too high wages, although I often have a bad chest , But still their own children to feed the poor children from my body sucked so much sadness and anxiety, so he has been fra

38、il, day and night to endure severe pain.He has been born since the night, Can fall asleep for two or three hours, and recently with violent ventilation, so the child struggles all day on the death line, because of these pains, he desperately sucked milk, so that my breasts were injured and cracked;

39、blood often flow One day, I was holding him sitting, suddenly the female landlord came, I paid her five pounds of arrears, but we have no money at hand.Then came the two bailiffs, Will be my meager home - bed clothes and so on - and even my poor childrens cradle and the better toys are seized. They

40、threatened me to say two hours later to all West and I have to sleep with the shivering children sleep light board. Marx and Yanni symbiotic four women and two children, for the above reasons, only three daughters (ie eldest daughter Jenny Marx, second daughter Laura Marx, Three daughter Elena Marx)

41、 grew up at that time thanks to Helen de Mute Lin Heng, Yanni if there is no such a loyal assistant, it is difficult to imagine her and her children later how to go down The In this situation, Yan Ni is still deeply in love with Marx. In addition to her mother and housewifes responsibility, in addit

42、ion to worry about the daily life, but also take on a lot of other work. Yanni is an indispensable secretary to Marx, and almost all manuscripts of Marx - most of which are hard to recognize - must be clearly written by her before being sent to a printing or publishing house. And publishers and edit

43、orial office negotiations, some cumbersome procedures, it is difficult to deal with the affairs, must write the situation, many by her agent. Marx was not the kind of person who was easily present in his mouth, but when Yanni left him for a few months because of his mothers death, he wrote in her le

44、tter: Deep passion Because of the close proximity of its object The performance of the daily habits, and in the next resort under the influence of magic will grow up and re-have its inherent strength of my love is the case.As long as we are forced for the space, I immediately understand that time in

45、 my Love is like a sun and rain in the plant - to grow. I love you, as long as you stay away from me, it will show its true colors, like a giant face. In this love focused on all my energy and all the feelings. . . if I can put your gentle and pure heart close to his heart, I will be silent, not for

46、 a cry. I can not kiss you with lips, but have to resort to the text, to the text to convey the kiss. The love of Marx and Jennys dusk is more intense. 1880, may suffer from liver cancer, she with amazing restraint ability, endured great pain. In this scared of the years, Marx took care of his wife,

47、 not left or right in order to make her happy, Marx in 1881 in July and August, accompanied her to France to see the eldest daughter and a few grandson. In the fall of 1881, due to anxious and insomnia, excessive physical exertion, Marx was ill. He is suffering from pneumonia, life is dangerous, but

48、 he still can not forget the yanni. Their little daughter talked about her parents life, I will never forget the scene of the morning. He felt that he was much better and had gone to the mothers room. Young people, like a pair of young men and women who are beginning to live together, are not like a

49、 sick man and a dying old woman, unlike a man who is about to farewell. December 2, 1881, Yan Ni sleepy. This is the biggest blow that Marx has never suffered. On the day of his death, Engels said: Moore (from India, who describes the dark skin) is also dead. In the next few months, he accepted the doctors advice, to the mild climate to rest. But no matter where they can not forget Yan Ni, could not stop grief.


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