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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【关于小学英语故事欣赏】小学英语绘本故事 英语作为一门语言学科,具有工具性和人文性。就工具性而言,同学通过英语学习把握基本的英语语言学问,而语言与故事的关系就像花与土壤的关系,语言的学习离不开故事,所以英语语言的学习和故事不是割裂开的。本文是关于学校英语故事,盼望对大家有关心! 关于学校英语故事:玛莎的故事 Martha wanted to enter Iron People Competition. Her motive was to make some money and a cup on a silver mount. She just mortgag

2、ed her house. Her competitors mostly were males. Each player was given 5-pound food at most. Every one must make the most of it. Every one could eat no more than a mouthful food every meal. On the first morning, the sky was a mosaic of blue and white. The players mounted a high mountain. More or les

3、s they felt tired. At night, they lied down on the moss to sleep. Mosquitoes and mice visited them. The next day ,they needed to cross a river. It seemed that the mountainous waves would turn the ship over. A man was hurt. Martha suggested they stop to help him. But her motion was rejected. The othe

4、rs thought the situation became more and more urgent. Time lost return no more. Martha had a high standard of morality. Her moral sense let her made a decision. She quit and escorted the wounded man back. She carried the man, walking on the motorway. The motorway was dirty, and moreover, it was dang

5、erous. Their movement was slow.On the way, Martha found a car, but its motor was broken. It took her an hour to fix it. She drove the car to the hospital quickly but the man was dead. His injuroes proved mortal. Even though man is mortal, Martha mourned for the dead friend. 玛莎想参与铁人赛。她的动机是想挣点钱和得到一个戴银

6、底座的奖杯。她刚刚抵押了她的房子。她的竞争对手大部分是男性。每个选手安排到不超过5磅的食物。每个人必需充分利用它。每个人每顿仅仅能吃一口食物。第一天早晨,天空像一幅蓝白镶嵌的图画。选手们登上一座高山。或多或少,他们感到累了。晚上,他们躺在苔藓上睡觉。蚊子和老鼠来访问他们。其次天,他们需要渡河。山一般的波浪好像要把船儿打翻。有个人受了伤。玛莎建议他们停下来关心他。但是她的提议被拒绝了。其他人认为形势越来越紧急,时间流失就不再回来。玛莎有高尚的美德。她的道德感让她做了一个打算。她退出了竞赛护送伤员回去。玛莎背着伤员走在高速大路上。高速大路很脏,而且很危急。他们的移动很缓慢。路上,玛莎发觉了一辆车子,但发电机是坏的。她花了一个小时修好。然后她开车飞速去医院,但那人已经死了。他受的伤势致命的。虽然人终有一死,玛莎还是哀悼那位死去的伴侣。 看了关于学校英语故事的人还看了: 1.关于英语故事短文观赏 2.关于英文短文故事观赏 3.关于经典英语小故事观赏 4.英文美文励志小故事品析 5.5个英语励志故事短文第 2 页 共 2 页


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