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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【关于初中英语对话大全】初中英语情景对话大全 英语情景对话的创设为同学制造了丰富的生活场景和沟通话题,有效地调动了同学练习英语口语的爱好,为同学供应了练习口语表达的机会。我细心收集了关于学校英语对话,供大家观赏学习! 关于学校英语对话篇1 to get there? A:对不起,先生。我想去北京旅馆,您能告知我怎么走吗? B:Yes, of course. Its not far from here.Would you like to take a bus or walk? B:当然可以。北京旅馆离这儿不远。你想乘车还是步行? A:Well,Id like

2、to walk if its within walking distance. A:嗯,假如步行可以的话,我情愿步行去。 B:All right. We are now at the corner of Tuanjie street and Fucheng Road. B:好的。我们现在正在团结街与阜成路的交汇处。 A:I know that. A:这我知道。 B:Go this way along Fucheng Road. Turn left at the second crossing. B:沿着阜成路走,其次个十字路口往左拐。 A:And then? A:然后呢? B.Go strai

3、ght on along the road and turn right at the first crossing. The hotel is on the right hand side. B:朝前走,在第一个十字路口右拐。旅馆就在右手边。 A:Thank you very much. A:太感谢您了。 B:Youre welcome. B:不用谢。 关于学校英语对话篇2 A:Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Qianmen? A:请问,你能告知我去前门怎么走吗? B:That is a long way from here. You will

4、 have to take a bus to Dongzhimen first.Then change to the subway. B:那可远着呢。你得先乘公共汽车到东直门,然后再改乘地铁。 A:The subway? Which number should I take to get there? A:地铁?乘哪路地铁列车我才能到那儿呢? B:You should take No.2 subway. B:你应当乘坐二号线地铁。 A:Which bus should I take first? A:首先我应当乘哪路汽车呢? B:No. 915 bus. It will take you ri

5、ght to Dongzhimen,the terminal. When you get off,youll see the subway station. B:915路汽车。它会送你到东直门,那是个终点站。你下车以后就会观察地铁站了。 A:Thank you very much. A:特别感谢。 B:Its a pleasure. B:不用客气。 关于学校英语对话篇3 have ones heart in the right place 好心 A:Mr. Jackson is so hard on us. A:杰克逊先生对我们那么严峻。 B:He may appear so, but he

6、has his heart in the right place and hes ready to help anyone in trouble. B:他或许看上去严峻,但他是好心,而且他愿意关心有麻烦的人。 A:I dont know that. A:我不知道他是那样的人。 关于学校英语对话篇4 have ones heart set on. 一心想要 A:It seems that Sarah has her heart set on Dick. I feel like having a talk with you about it. A:看起来莎拉似乎一心一意地爱上了迪克,我想和你谈谈这

7、件事。 B:Thats been troubling me all these days. I dont know what we can do. B:这几天这件事始终困扰着我,我不知道我们该做什么。 A:Dont worry. But do you think Dick will go steady with her? A:不要担忧,但你认为迪克会与她稳定地进展下去吗? B:My sixth sense tells me that hes not the sort of man who will go steady with her. He has many girls eating out

8、 of his hands. B:我的第六感觉告知我他不是那种想与她稳定进展的人,有很多女孩子都倾心于他。 关于学校英语对话篇5 A:Oh, God. Where am I now? I have to ask sb. for the right way. Excuse me,sir. A:哦,天哪。我这是在哪里呀?我得立刻问问路。麻烦您,先生。 B:Yes , madam? B:怎么了,女士? A:I am going to the amusement park, but I cant find it now. The map shows that it is located at the

9、Grand Avenue. Now I am confused by the landmark. A:我要去游乐园,但是我找不到了。地图上说它在壮美大街。现在我被路标给搞晕了。 B:Well, this piece of map is for last year.There are some changes about the location. B:哦,这张地图是去年的。这个地区有些变化。 A:How can I go then? A:那我要怎样才能到那边? B:Do not worry. It is not far from here. If you do not mind walking

10、, you can come down this street about two blocks and turn right at the crossroad. You can also take No. 5 bus, just one or two stops. B:别担忧。离这不远。假如你不介意走路的话,你可以沿着这条街走两个区,然后在十字路口右转。你也可以坐5路车,一两站地的工夫。 A:Thank you very much. Is there a bank nearby? I want to get some money before arriving at the amusement park. A:特别感谢你。我还想问一下,这四周有银行么?我想在去那里之前取点钱。 B:Well, go straight and come to a bend,turn left and just walk for about 100yards. B:哦,始终走能看到一个弯路,左转,然后再往前走一百码就到了。 A:You are so helpful. Thank you. A:你真是帮了我大忙,感谢你。 看了关于学校英语对话的人还看了: 1.学校生英语对话 2.关于初一英语对话大全 3.关于初二英语对话精选 4.关于初一英语对话精选 5.学校交际英语对话第 5 页 共 5 页


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