【关于初中优秀英语美文摘抄】 初中美文摘抄600字.docx

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《【关于初中优秀英语美文摘抄】 初中美文摘抄600字.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【关于初中优秀英语美文摘抄】 初中美文摘抄600字.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【关于初中优秀英语美文摘抄】 初中美文摘抄600字 阅读是人生的一种美妙享受。阅读经典美文可以让同学的心灵得到滋润和净化,穿越时空与绽开灵魂的沟通,在不断提升的精神境界中让生命之树得以枝繁叶茂。我共享关于学校优秀英语美文,盼望可以关心大家! 关于学校优秀英语美文:埋怨是心灵的癌症 Have a farcical story, is said to have a woodcutter, always feel oneself needs hard work to have income, the in the mind is very uneven. One

2、day, he more think more gas, was in for lunch on the wife big complaint, his wife are in bad mood, and damn the daughter is cooking in the kitchen. Daughter is also very fire, rage, carelessly when cooking, put a spoon of salt, now, the woodcutter ate more fire! Feel that their life is already prett

3、y bad, incredibly even didnt have to eat a good meal. Then, after dinner he stormed back to the mountain to chop wood, cut, and short of breath to the other woodcutter recounting his life bad luck. The more he speak more spirit! Cut firewood one not careful, the axe to fly out to sell, hit a passer-

4、by, the stranger is not others, but by the neighbors, visiting path on the way princes neighbours, neighbouring the king was so angry to send troops attacked, a war broke out. A war, even indirectly resulting from a full MaiYuanSheng lunch. This story gives modern people a lot of remind: put blame o

5、n, is the cancer of the soul! In the process of we dont even know it, the blame will spread. If a person always complaining, batch this review it, then, he (she) emotions could easily spread to others, and even affect the entire group of the atmosphere and ethos, gradually, the group was filled with

6、 complaints, chu relatively negative atmosphere. Blame mood will absorb light a persons happiness, ones popularity, suction light absorbance self-confidence, absorption power, not only can not get no originally, still can let oneself are all used to be that eats. Think about the cicada. They must be

7、 spent seven years in the darkness of the underground, only can singing on the branches for months in the summer. Cicada knows his own fate, since they are born is not a fish, can not carefree swim in the water; Is not a bird, can not be in the vast sky fly free. They choose labored in the dark, rat

8、her than against light day. Compared to the eyes in sight in the darkness, a hard, setbacks and difficulties have what is worth to complain about. All not equal to idea, not happy, in our work to meet almost every day in the life. We may have done put blame on the attitude of others, although so we have been fighting in the way of success, but without success. Know better to change yourself, rather than complain all day, you are the in the mind have light and joy. 看了关于学校优秀英语美文的人还看了: 1.关于学校生优秀英语美文摘抄 2.学校优秀英语美文摘抄 3.初三优秀英语美文摘抄 4.适合学校生的经典英语美文 5.关于学校生英语美文摘抄第 3 页 共 3 页


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