【有关中秋节的英语故事阅读】 儿童英语故事阅读.docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【有关中秋节的英语故事阅读】 儿童英语故事阅读 爱听故事、爱看故事书,是现在学校生最明显的特点。孩子们通过阅读来猎取学问。阅读既是一种力量的表现形式,也是一种良好的生活习惯,更是语言学习的一大助力。我细心收集了有关中秋节的英语故事,供大家观赏学习! 有关中秋节的英语故事:月饼有关中秋节的英语故事:嫦娥奔月的传奇 the story begins around 2170 b.c. after the great flood in the hsia dynasty. yu, king of many kingdoms, was credited with sto

2、pping the flood, and with teaching farmers how to cultivate their fields, thus commencing a prosperous epoch. at the same time in heaven the jade emperor wished to help the farmers raise animals and cultivate their fields. he gave orders to his ten sons to become ten suns and travel across the sky o

3、ne at a time, each taking one day. the ten young men disobeyed; all ten of them came out every day, and the heat from ten suns shining all at once made the earth intolerably hot. people and animals died of heat, rivers dried up, land became barren and forests scorched and burned. the farmers prayed,

4、 giving sacrifices and burning incense to heaven for deliverance. the jade emperor heard their prayers and saw the destruction caused by his sons. he sent hou yi, his bravest god, down to earth to solve the problem of the ten suns and end the catastrophe. hou yi was a good, courageous god with a bea

5、utiful wife, chang er. deeply in love with each other, they were known as the divine couple. chang er didnt like the thought of going down to earth, but she was unwilling to be separated from her husband, so together they descended to earth and became mortals among the eastern clans. hou yi was a gr

6、eat archer and brought his magic bow from heaven with him. knowing that hou yi came from heaven, the people of the clans proclaimed him to be their leader. seeing how much suffering and destruction were caused by the heat of the ten suns, hou yi climbed to the top of tienshan mountain and began nego

7、tiating with the suns to have pity on the unfortunate people. he pleaded to the suns to take turns and make their journeys across the sky singly, one for each day, and explained the white blaze of ten suns is much too much for the land to bear. he also told them how much heaven loves all living thin

8、gs. but the ten audacious suns considered it dull and boring to go across the sky one at a time and that much more fun was to be had by coming out together, so they refused to listen. they increased their heat and caused even more suffering. this angered hou yi. he took out his magic bow and arrows

9、and shot down nine of the suns; the last sun begged for his life and promised obedience at performing his task of separating night from day. finally the earth was at peace and people enjoyed their work and lives. however, when hou yi made his report to the jade emperor, he was furious at hou yi for

10、killing his nine sons, and refused to let the divine couple return to heaven. as leader of the clans, there was much for hou yi to do on earth. he taught the people many ways to defend their land and themselves. he was so busy with his duties he became neglectful of his lovely and lonely wife. chang

11、 er was especially unhappy to be an earthly mortal with all of mortalitys suffering, aging and death in particular. also, she was angry at hou yi for shooting down the jade emperors nine sons, and the couple became unhappy and estranged. to avoid arguing with his wife, hou yi spent his time travelli

12、ng about the land alone. he became familiar to its people, performing many good deeds wherever he travelled. he also killed a gigantic, 100,000-foot snake and a nine-headed monster that had caused much distress and thousands of lives. many times he prayed to the jade emperor to let himself and his w

13、ife return to heaven, but the emperor refused his plead and so hou yi and chang er remained as mortals, suffering as ordinary human beings do. in his travel he chanced to meet a beautiful mortal woman, mi fei. she was the wife of feng yee, the god of water, who had a reputation as a womanizer and fo

14、r ignoring his wife. both lonelyd, mi fei and hou yi became friends and later lovers. in legend, such things never remain unpunished. when feng yee returned and discovered his wifes infidelity, he was furious and transformed himself into a white dragon, roaring and plunging in the water, destroying

15、fields and killing many people. hou yi thought the dragon was an evil sea monster. he took up his bow and shot, blinding feng yee in one eye. thereupon, the god of waters registered a complaint with the jade emperor. the emperor considered all the good deeds that hou yi had done for the mortals, and

16、 since he was already under punishment, the emperor merely ordered hou yi to go home to chang er and never see mi fei again. hou yi had no choice but to return home. chang er was angry with him for his unfaithfulness and unhappiness came between the once divine couple. hou yi knew that he had wronge

17、d his wife and tried to soothe her, telling her that tears would make her age faster, as they were now mortals. chang er looked at her reflection in the water, for in those days there were no mirrors. she was terrified to see wrinkles appearing around her eyes, and demanded that hou yi find some way to restore her immortality. 看了有关中秋节的英语故事的人还看了: 1.关于中秋英语故事阅读 2.关于中秋节的英语故事 3.关于中秋节的英语故事观赏 4.关于中秋节的经典英语故事 5.中秋节的英语故事观赏第 4 页 共 4 页


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