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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于六一儿童节的英语诗歌:六一儿童节的英语诗词 六一国际儿童节,通常简称为六一、六一儿童节,它是属于儿童的重要节日,是幼儿园中重大生活大事,同时也是一项重要的.大事,在我国它是指1950年后在每年的6月1日庆祝的节日。我共享关于六一儿童节的英语诗歌,盼望可以关心大家! 关于六一儿童节的英语诗歌篇2 Children watch architecture in a building block Children, the Children Happy I admire how you are Architecture in a building block t

2、o see you alone House at the hands of skillful you Block 1 of the established Weiran In praise of the elders after You are always happy to put them came overturned Tear down the moment you laugh Carefree transparent clear Children, I admire you You can start again immediately Innovate People often s

3、ay: The world is a stage Life but can not be the slightest bit Games Our lives every reconstruction Too many things to pay Faced with the colorful building blocks of life At the time we set up Always do not have the courage to tear down the Those who are already old things We are forced to stick to

4、conventions Rough tough life Has enabled us to fall short of Architecture in a building block when you the imagination of today Faced with a heavy heart and a sense of helplessness Children, I sincerely admire you Faced with this complex social How I wish I could Children of Freedom in a state of mi

5、nd To build their own high-rise buildings Innovate do not go out of ordinary things 看孩子搭积木 孩子,幸福的孩子 我是多么的艳羡你 看你独自搭积木 房子在你灵活的手下 一座座巍然的树立起 在接受了长辈夸奖后 你总乐于把它们轰然推倒 推倒的瞬间你的笑声 清亮透亮 无忧无虑 孩子,我艳羡你 你能立刻开头再次创新 人们常说:世界是舞台 可人生却不容半点嬉戏 我们生命中的每一次重建 都要支付太多的东西 面对人生五光十色的积木 我们在搭建时 总是没有士气去推倒 那些早已陈旧的事物 我们被迫墨守陈规 人生的艰辛坎坷 已使

6、我们失却了 你今日搭积木时的想象力 面对内心的沉重和无奈 孩子,我诚心艳羡你 面对这个简单的. 我多么盼望我能够 以一个孩子的自由心境 去搭建自己的高楼大厦 去创新出不平凡的事物 关于六一儿童节的英语诗歌篇3 im practicing telepathy. im learning esp. im getting mental images like pictures on tv. i thought id pick your brain a bit. i thought id read your mind, to get the answers to this test, but now im in a bind. i probed your thoughts and consciousness, and now i guarantee, we both are gonna flunk because youre copying from me. 看了关于六一儿童节的英语诗歌的人还看了: 1.六一儿童节英语诗阅读 2.六一儿童节英语诗歌:I Love Me 3.关于儿童节的诗歌英语 4.儿童节英语诗歌朗诵:THE ROSE IN THE WIND 5.六一儿童节英语诗歌朗诵第 4 页 共 4 页


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