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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于英文笑话带翻译爆笑:英文小笑话带翻译 笑话能反映出一个民族的价值系统及其对四周世界确定和否定的态度。我整理了关于爆笑英文笑话带翻译,欢迎阅读! 关于爆笑英文笑话带翻译篇一 And Where Did You Meet Your Wife? 你在哪里遇到你太太呢? Two acquaintances were in the barber shop getting shaves at the same time. 两个生疏的伴侣刚好同时在理发店内刮胡子。 After the barbers had finished, 理发师刮完他们的胡子后, each ma

2、n was asked if he would like some after-shave applied to his skin. 两人都被问到要不要在脸上抹上一些刮胡子后所使用的香水。 No, no, answered the first man. 不,不,第一个先生说。 My wife will think Ive been in a whorehouse. 我太太会以为我去过妓院。 Go ahead, said the other. 我没关系,另一个先生说道。 My wife has never been in a whorehouse ! 我太太从没在妓院待过! 关于爆笑英文笑话带翻

3、译篇二 Thirstin for Love 渴望爱情 Thurston was in the habit of visiting his girl-friends apartment from time to time, 沙斯敦常常去他女友的公寓住处, but always managed to get home at a decent hour with a plausible excuse. 但他总是设法找个理由以免太晚回家。 But this time, both he and his girlfriend had fallen asleep, 但这一次,他和女伴侣都睡着了, and i

4、t was 2:00 a. m before Thurston came to. 当他醒来时都已经凌晨两点了, Thinking fast, he immediately called home, 沙斯敦脑筋一转,立即打电话回家, and when his wife answered, panted, Dont pay the ransom! Ive escaped! 当他太太接电话时,他有意喘着气说:千万不要付赎金!我已经平安逃出来了! 关于爆笑英文笑话带翻译篇三 A Touching Farewell 一个感人的告辞 Two old friends were out golfing. 两个

5、老伴侣出外打高尔夫球。 As they were preparing to tee off near a road, 当他们在一处路旁预备开球时, a funeral cortege drove by and one of the two friends took off his hat and held it over his heartuntil the line of cars had passed. 一列出殡送葬车队恰巧经过那里,其中一位伴侣脱去帽子放在胸前,直到车队通过后才戴上帽子。 Well, that was good manners on your part, said his partner. 你这样做实在很有礼貌,他的同伴说道。 Oh, it was the least I could do. 喔,那只不过是我最起码所能做的事了。 After all we would have been married thirty years next Tuesday. 究竟,到下星期二我们结婚就满三十年了。 看了关于爆笑英文笑话带翻译的人还看了: 1.经典英文笑话带翻译 2.经典英文笑话带翻译 3.英语爆笑笑话 4.爆笑英文笑话带翻译精选第 3 页 共 3 页


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