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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于英语手抄报的内容【有关春天英语手抄报】 春天,的确是令人振发精神、意气风发的。你知道怎么做一份关于春天的英语手抄报吗?今日我给大家带来了有关春天的英语手抄报,供大家阅读和参考。 有关春天的英语手抄报图片观赏 有关春天的英语手抄报图片 有关春天的英语手抄报图片2 有关春天的英语手抄报图片3 有关春天的英语手抄报图片4 有关春天的英语手抄报资料1 Sally, Sally!. The incessant rain falls on the earth, chew silkworm mulberry leaves of noise. Warm the rain

2、 like a string of pearls, and seemed to connect a whip, flips the winters shadow, the driving of chill, brought vitality to the earth. Tall plane trees out sections, the green saplings spit out the new bud, willow remove grey old clothes and put on the light green coat, soft fluttering in the spring

3、 wind, graceful branches, like a shy girl dance dance. The grass like a group of lively and lovely children, from to test out the naughty little head, curiously looked in this beautiful world, tender, green, a large a large, as if the earth covered up with a green carpet. Colorful flowers airtime, f

4、iery red azalea like a burning flame; Pink peach blossom is like the beauty of the sunrise; The snow under the white pear flower like a month, namby-pamby petals shining in the sun with a beautiful light. Hard little bees busy, drilling drilled in flowers, colorful butterfly spread the wings of the

5、feminine, dancing in the air. River has thawed, the warm sun shining on the river, radiant with absolute golden light. Swarms of small goldfish in the water, pours out of blisters from time to time. The blue sky, the white clouds in the yellow light, such as yarn, for a moment like a dog, then like

6、the rolling waves, and the children playing the colorful kites chasing each other. The birds hopping on branches, flying in the air, haw pumping, za zha, they with a crisp, sweet song, praise the beautiful spring. 有关春天的英语手抄报资料2 Spring is coming, the grass rubbed his change to eyes, sprouted. You see

7、 that a piece of green grass in the distance, a look, and let people feel better. The grass is green, the flowers open. Peach blossom chardonnay, pear flower is like snow, especially the magnolia, there are yellow, red, white, and rushed to doo-yan, great. Willow is not to be outdone, spit out the b

8、ud, the buds on the branches, the wind flat, like the little girls braids. Children also put on a beautiful spring, frolic on the lawn, chasing. Listen, joined the swallow them, sometimes hovering low flying in the sky. From time to time is flying high, like a dance. Spring has came to our color stays the same all around us, as long as you are willing, you can touch everywhere. 猜你感爱好: 1.关于春天的英语手抄报内容 2.关于春天的英语手抄报图片 3.关于春天英语手抄报图片 4.关于春天的英语手抄报简洁 5.春天的英语手抄报内容 6.春天英语手抄报 第 3 页 共 3 页


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