英语演讲稿万能模板 [关于英语对话演讲模板] .docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语演讲稿万能模板 关于英语对话演讲模板 随着我国经济进展和开放程度的加深,我国参加国际经济活动越来越频繁,英语作为国际上的通用语言与我们的生活越来越亲密。我整理了关于英语对话演讲模板,欢迎阅读! 关于英语对话演讲模板一 Wife: Youre smoking! You promised you would not smoke again. 你在抽烟!你答应过不再抽烟的。 Husband: Honey, Im sorry. 友爱的,我很愧疚。 Wife: Give me all your cigarettes. 把你全部的烟都给我。 Husband: Her

2、e. 给。 Wife: And give me your cell phone. Mine has run out of power. 给我你的手机。我的手机没电了。 Husband: But youve just had it recharged last night. You should not use cell phone for a long time, its bad for your health. 你不是昨晚刚给手机充电吗?你不应当长时间地使用手机,这对你的身体不好。 Wife: No more harmful than smoking. 再不好也比抽烟强。 Husband:

3、Well, it is reported that people who died from the use of cell phone would be more than those who died from illnesses related to smoking tobacco. 有报道说,使用手机致死的人比死于由吸烟所引起的疾病的人还要多! Wife: I cant believe it. 我不信任。 Husband: Here, there is the report in the newspaper, you would read it yourself. 给,这篇报道就在报纸

4、上呢,你自己看看。 关于英语对话演讲模板二 安: Hey, Lily,I heard you went to business in Hangzhou. 嘿,莉莉,我听说你去杭州出差。 莉莉: Yes, so tired. I went back yesterday. Here you are, your gift. 是的,真累人。我昨天刚回来。给你,你的礼物。 安: Thank you very much.I guess it must be dragon well tea. 感谢。我猜确定是西湖龙井。 莉莉: You are so smart. The dragon well tea is

5、 one of the China Top Ten Famous Tea. 真聪慧。西湖龙井可是中国十大名茶之一呢。 安: I heard the West Lake is beautiful, did you visit there? 我听说西湖很美,你去了吗? 莉莉: Yeah, I visited there after work.It really lets me forget to return. 恩,我下班后去的,它真让我流连忘返。 安: Did you take some photos? 你有拍照片吗? 莉莉: Of couse, I will share with you. 当

6、然有,我拿给你看看。 关于英语对话演讲模板三 Ann: Whats the matter with the earth? 这个地球是怎么了? Lily: Whats wrong? 怎么啦? Ann: Look at these pictures, dont you feel hopeless about this world? 看这些图片,莫非你不会对这个世界无望吗? Lily: Oh my god. Where do these pictures come from? 哦,天啊。这些图片是哪里来的? Ann: I searched on the Internet and found them

7、. 我上网看到的。 Lily: Look, these poor children were walking in the polluted water to find something valued. And that guy was washing clothes in such a disgusting river? 看,这些贫困的孩子走在被污染的水当中去查找一些有价值的东西。然后是这个家伙,在这样一条令人恶心的河里洗衣服。 Ann: They have no choice if they want to live. 假如想活下去,他们没选择啊。 Lily: Yeah, I know,

8、 I just feel sorry for them. 是啊,我知道,但是对他们很愧疚。 Ann: What we can do is to protect our environment. Do not talk here and do nothing. We should make sure what we can do in our daily life, such as what can buy and what should be boycotted. 我们该做的是怎么爱护我们的环境。别在这里说而什么都不做。我们应当知道在日常生活当中,我们能做什么,比如说什么东西可以买,什么东西要

9、抵制。 Lily: Thats true. Someone always talk loudly and do nothing for the environment. 恩,一些人总是讲的很大声,却无所为。 关于英语对话演讲模板四 Ann: We are going to leave school. Finding a job is so difficult. 我们就要毕业了,找工作真难啊。 Lily: Yeah. But we still have to meet. The time keeps moving. 是的,但是我们还是要面对,时间始终在前进。 Ann: I heard a pie

10、ce of news that, a student from a prestigious university had been staying at home for a year and playing computer games to escape from finding a job. 我听说这样一则新闻,一个名牌高校毕业的同学,在家呆了近一年玩电脑嬉戏,躲避找工作。 Lily: Wow, does he feel ashamed of himself? 哇,他不觉得可耻吗? Ann: I think he is disappointed by himself and societ

11、y. As soon as he graduated, he really spent much time to find a job, but he was faced with many difficulties. 我想他是对自己和.绝望了。当他一离开学校,他真是花了许多时间去找工作,但是他面临了许多困难。 Lily: His parents must be very worried about him. 他父母肯定很担忧他。 Ann: Thats true. He comes from a farmer family and his parents said that he had be

12、en very hard-working and obedient. He was once their pride. 是啊,他来至一个农夫家庭,父母说他曾经是个仔细孝顺的孩子,他曾经是他们的傲慢。 Lily: Some students think they are very clever and excellent, so that they couldnt accept a low pay. 一些同学认为他们很聪慧,很优秀,所以不接受低工资。 Ann: I agree. But this society is very cruel and full of competition. A t

13、eacher said that one should have a job first, and then think about finding an interesting job, and then create his own career. 同意,但是现在的.那么的残酷,布满了竞争,一个老师说过,一个人应当先就业,在择业,最终才是创业。 Lily: Its exactly true. 完全正确。 看了关于英语对话演讲模板的人还看了: 1.关于英语对话演讲材料 2.关于英语对话演讲稿精选 3.英语演讲稿模版 4.关于英语口语优秀演讲竞赛稿 5.高校生英语口语演讲竞赛稿第 5 页 共 5 页


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