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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑短一点的六年级英语故事带翻译:六年级英语短文带翻译 我们每一个人几乎都是在 听爸爸妈妈讲故事 中长大的。很多孩子晚上睡觉前肯定要爸爸妈妈给讲故事。这就说明,爱听故事是少年儿童的天性。可见在英语教学中采纳故事教学是符合少年儿童的心理和生理的特点的。我细心收集了短一点的六班级英语故事带翻译,供大家观赏学习! 短一点的六班级英语故事带翻译:微不足道的善举 A man was strolling along the beach when he suddenly noticed from afar what he thought werechildren dancin

2、g. 有个人在沙滩上漫步,在不经意间看到远处似乎有孩子在跳舞。 What on earth are they doing dancing on the beach?as he quickly paced towards them. 他们为什么要在沙滩上跳舞呢?他边想边快速地朝孩子们走去。 He was surprised that a boy and a girl were not dancing but picking up the starfishes whichwere washed ashore by the tide and throwing them back into the s

3、ea. 他惊异地发觉,那个男孩和那个女孩并不是在跳舞,而是在捡被潮水冲上岸来的海星,然后把它们扔回大海。 Excuse me, why are you throwing the starfishes back into the sea?he asked. 请问,你们为什么要把海星扔回大海呢?他问。 The children ignored the remark but they continued picking up the starfishes and kept throwingthem back into the sea. 孩子们没有理睬他,连续捡海星向大海扔去。 Dont you th

4、ink it is a waste of your time as there are hundreds of starfishes still lying around.Surely you cant keep this act all day long. 你们不觉得这是在铺张时间吗?还有成千上万只海星躺在岸上呢!你们确定不会一成天都这样扔下去吧。 At last the elder boy replied,Sir, you see the sun would soon rise and the tide will ebb away. 后来,年龄大一点儿的男孩说:先生,你知道吗,太阳很快就要

5、升起来了,潮水也会退去。 Though my sister and I cant throw all the starfishes back into the sea, we are sure it mattersto the ones we succeed in throwing. 虽然我和妹妹不能把全部的海星都扔回大海,但我信任,对于被我们扔回大海的海星来说,我们所做的是至关重要的。 Would you like to join us, it would make a difference.The man smiled and said,It certainlywould,so he to

6、o pick up the starfishes and threw them into the sea. 你想加入我们吗?这很有意义。那人笑了笑说:特别情愿。于是,他也捡起海星,朝大海扔去。 短一点的六班级英语故事带翻译:小树 Tom with his axe was stepping through the wood, a sapling called to him, and stopped him on his way,Do clear away those trees, kind friend, I wish you would! 汤姆带着斧子穿过树林时,一棵小树叫他,他就停下了脚步。

7、好心人,帮我砍掉那些树吧,我盼望你能帮我这个忙! They will not let me have free play, on me the sunlight cannot fall. To spread my roots, I find no room at all, no whisper of the wind about me plays, and they twine above my head a veritable maze. 它们让我无法自由地玩耍,阳光照不到我的身上,我的根也无法延长。我完全没有空间了,四周密不透风,它们在我头顶结成天罗地网。 I tell you, but

8、for them, if I could only start, youd find me in a year the pride of all this part. The dell to right and left my friendly shade should cover, but as it is, you see! Im brushwoodlittle over. 我告知你,要不是它们,一年之内,你会发觉我才是这里的傲慢,我的枝叶将会遮挡山谷的左右两旁。然而,你看,现在我只是小灌木。 Then Tom, he swung his axe apace, his kindness d

9、id not waver, and to do a friend this favour, and round the little tree he cleared a tidy space. 于是,汤姆挥动他的斧子。为关心伴侣,他义不容辞!他在小树的四周开拓出了一片洁净的地方。 Poor Sapling! Not for long his triumph lasted, the heat came first, his sap to drain, and then he was lashed with hail and rain, and last a dreadful storm, whi

10、ch left him quite dismasted! 可怜的小树!好景不长,先是酷热降落,吸走了它的汁液。接着它又患病了暴雨和冰雹的攻击,最终一场致命的风暴把它的枝叶都打折了! Oh foolish one,heard by a serpent,it was you that brought about your fall. 傻瓜!它听到四周的一条蛇说道,你是自作自受! If longer in the woods kind shelter youd been reared, then neither heat nor wind your calm could so importune:

11、you had the elder trees for guardians of your fortune, and if there came a time when all had disappeared, because their day was past and gone. 假如你在哺育你的老树怀抱里待更长的时间,无论炎炎烈日还是狂风大作,你都可以在老树的庇护下安稳度日。假如有一天那些老树都离开了这个世界,随着时间的消逝,你也长到它们那样的高度了。 In turn you might have reached such height, as years went on, and so much health and strength have gathered. That all this harm would never have been done, and fiercer storms than this you might have safely weathered. 你也变得像它们那样强壮有力,那样即使比这更大的风暴,你也可以挺过去,而不会是今日这样的结果。 看了短一点的六班级英语故事带翻译的人还看了: 1.关于短一点的英语故事阅读 2.简短的英语故事带翻译 3.英语短文故事十篇带翻译 4.5个英语励志故事短文 5.学校六班级英语小故事第 4 页 共 4 页


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