签证邀请函范本 来华邀请函范本.docx

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《签证邀请函范本 来华邀请函范本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《签证邀请函范本 来华邀请函范本.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑签证邀请函范本 来华邀请函范本 出国,写签证邀请函是很有必要的,我带大家看看下面一系列签证邀请函范本,盼望可以关心到大家。 签证邀请函范本篇一 敬重的xxx领事馆签证处官员, 您们好! 本人姓名xxx, 家住xx省xx市xx家属区xx楼xx号,住宅电话是(86)xxxx-xxxx。今特写此信邀请我的xx (邀请人与被邀请人关系)xxx(被邀请人姓名)于x年x月x日至x年x月x日到我家探亲。我的身份证号码是xxxxxxxxxx。 我将负担其在此期间的一切开销。XXX(被邀请人姓名)的生日是X年X月X日;在xx国的住址是:XXX XXX ,XXX。 请负责官员予

2、以批准,特此致谢, (邀请人签名) xxx x年x月x日 签证邀请函范本篇二 Dear Visa Officer: My Name is Zheng Wang, I am writing this letter to invite my mother (xxx, Date of Birth xxx) and my father(Jingzhang Wang, Date of Birth 25/09/1956) to visit us in Australia on the 10th of February 2021 for a period of 12 months. I have been

3、living in Australia for about 6 years, and this is the first time my father can come to visit me and my wife. We will enjoy the great time of family reunion in Australia. During the period of visity, my father will mainly stay with me in the address below. We also plan to travel around Australia for

4、 a couple of times. I will cover all expenses during his visit in Australia, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, and all other related expenses. Your favorable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. If you have any ques

5、tion regarding this matter, please kindly contact me with the contact details below. Email address: Mobile Number: +61 424 023 764 Address: 2/41 Gladstone Ave, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Sincerely, Zheng Wang 12/11/2021 签证邀请函范本篇三 旅游签证邀请函/Invitation Letter fro Tourist Visa To Chinese Embassy / Consulate,

6、I hereby invite the following individual to visit China, whose information is listed below: 被邀请人信息 Information of the invited party 姓名 Name (as appeared on passport)_ 性别 Gender 男 Male 女 Female 诞生日期 Date of Birth_ 护照号码 Passport Number_ 访问目的(探亲、访友、旅游等) Purpose of visiting China (Visiting relatives, friends, tourist, etc) _ 访问城市 Cities to visit_ 抵华日期 Date of arrival in China_ 谁将担当来回中国及在中国的费用? Who will pay for travel living expense_ 邀请人姓名或单位 Name of inviter_第 3 页 共 3 页


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