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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语毕业感谢老师范文【毕业感谢老师的英语感言】 光阴似箭,日月如梭,六年光阴,转瞬即逝。同学啊,让往日夕暮中那些甜美的低语,都埋在心底,化作漂亮的记忆吧!下面是我为大家整理的毕业感谢老师的英语感言,盼望你喜爱! 毕业感谢老师的英语感言精选 Parents, teachers, and fellow students, This is the day of our graduation. Today marks the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. We ar

2、e supposed to feel happy on such a day as this, and we are supposed to be full of hope of the future. We all do feel these things, but we feel much more, too. There is a great feeling of sadness today as we realize that this is the last time that we will all be together as members of this school. Ho

3、wever, the thing we feel most, I think, is our feeling of thanks. We have some idea of what you, our parents, have done for us, and we have some idea of all the efforts that you, our teachers, have made for us. No words can express how thankful we are to you on this day. We will always remember this

4、 day and we will remember you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 大家好,我不知道今日是应当兴奋还是难受,由于在这一天我们就要分开了,不能再次一起上课了,不能一起哈哈大笑了 在Cambridge Young English School学习已将三年了,在这里我学会了不少东西,我知道了什么是英语,我们毕竟可以怎样来读英语等等。李老师为了我们真的很辛苦,在他刚刚叫我们的时候,我们不听课,让他大声的喊:宁静(我只记得读作A什么什么,拼音a tei shen类似的)。我们那个时候不背单词,不听课,上课就叽叽喳喳说个不停,李老

5、师去还始终在讲。李老师真的很棒,记得皮老师说过,音标是很难拼出来的,所以当我们不会读的时候,疲惫时只能叫我们查词典。而李老师却能拼出来音标,真佩服。我喜爱老师的英文朗读,虽然不如盼望英语读得好,但也还是不错的。在这几年里,经常关注着一些英语读物,没想到韩庚竟然消失了那么多次,通过英语,我发觉了一个偶像,是英语使我欢乐!时间飞逝,日月如梭,我已经是要毕业了,书本上密密麻麻的笔记是留给我最好的礼物了,它不仅给我了学问,还给我了不少欢乐,我要感谢穆生辉,他的笔记使我艳羡,他的成果是我艳羡,老师叫我和他做同桌,我很快乐。 盼望大家能让英语给自己铺一条完善的人生道路!我们每一个人,都要加油!感谢大家,我

6、的演讲完毕。 毕业感谢老师的英语感言摘录 Hello everybody, I do not know should be happy or sad, because in this day we will be separated, not again with the class, and can not be laughed together Learning in the Cambridge Young English School has been three years, where I learned a lot of things, I know what is English

7、, whether we can how to read English and so on. Teacher Li for us really hard, he just told us, we do not lecture, so he shouted out loud: quiet (I remember reading as A so-similar spelling a tei shen). At that time we did not back the word, not lectures, classes on chattered, Lee has also been talk

8、ing to the teacher. Teacher Li is really great, I remember the teacher said that paper, it is difficult to spell phonetic, so when we do not read the time, fatigue can only tell us to our dictionary. Lee was able to spell phonetic teachers really admire. I like reading English teacher, though not as

9、 good as English read well, but still good. Time flies, Riyuerusuo, I have to graduate and dense book notes that left me the best gift, which not only gave me the knowledge, gave me a lot of fun, I want to thank Muslim students Hui, his notes so that I envy, I envy his success, the teacher called me

10、 and he did the same table, I am very happy. In that case a perfect English to their own life paved road! Each of us must Go! Thank you, my lecture finished Hello, everyone. I dont know how to express my feeling now. I dont know whether Im happy or sad. Today well be apart. From now on well never st

11、udy together, never laugh together. Ive been in Cambridge Young English School for three years. Ive learned a lot here. I got to know whats english and how to read english. Teacher Li was hard because of us. We didnt listen to him when he began to teach us. And he couldnt do anything else but shout

12、Attention! (听你的发音应当是这个词) Teacher Li is great. Remember, Teacher Pi said, phonogram is difficult to spell. And he would only ask us to dictionary when he was tied. Instesd Te Li could spell it. Its really admirable. I love Teachers reading, nice although not better than Hope English. How time flys. I

13、m going to graduate. Dense book notes that left me the best gift, which not only gave me the knowledge, but gave me a lot of fun. I would like to thank Mu Shenghui. I admire his notes and his achievements. I am happy to be his deckmate. Wish everyone can pave a perfect road with English. Come on, ev

14、erybody! Thank you! Thats all. hi, everybody,I really dont know wheather I am happy or sad now.Because we will say Good bye today. We cant have our class together and we cant laugh together any more. We have learnt in the Cambridge Young English School for three years,I learnt a lot, I knew what Eng

15、lish is and I learnt how to speak English. Mr.Li is really hardworking.I remember at the beginning of our class,we were not good in class, we didnt listen carefully,we chated in class, we didnt try hard to read the new words. Mr. Li told us to pay attention,and he is really great.He can spell the ph

16、onetic symbols without look in the dictionary,he reads the English very well. time flies,I am going to graduatefinish my school.The notes on my book are the best presents for me, they bring me the knowledges and they bring me the happiness. Here, I like to thank Mushenghui,he is good at English, I a

17、m happy to be his deskmate. I hope we can have a happy life with our ability of English,keep going for it, everyone. 我穿着宽大的学士服,站在阳光充盈的校内广场上,身后石碑上的校训-求实,在阳光下流淌金光。我的脸笑得有些僵。这些天照的相片,比我积攒到现在的相片都多。 毕业了,曾经看似漫长的时间,却无时无刻不在逝去,我伸手挽留,时间却依旧从我的指缝间溜走。毕业答辩、毕业合影、散伙筵、毕业汇演.一切都在提示我离开这里的时间近了,近了,就在此刻。 中午,已经有不少同学拖着行李和箱子间续

18、离开学校。有些人相拥,有些人扎成一堆,说着眷恋的话语。一瞬间,毕业生宿舍前,离别的沉郁气氛压住了周遭的空气,令人窒息。 我不情愿连续沉醉其中。想最终在朝夕四年了的校内里转一转。或许我还会回来,或许我没有机会再回来,谁知道呢,就像即将漂离开校内的我们和我们未知的将来,不定。 不知不觉,我又走回了数学楼,或许是条件反射吧。自习室的门照旧开着,却空无一人。曾经,我在这里,闷头鏖战了大半年。这间教室见证的不但是许多年轻人为幻想执着奋斗的历程,也见证了我们的友情和爱情!那时的一幕幕的场景就像一张张绚烂的剪贴画,串连成一部即将谢幕的电影,播放着我们的欢乐和悲伤,记录着我们的青春和过往. 刚开头打算考研的时

19、候,我经受了重重选择,最终锁定数学楼F4-12这个教室。一是由于这里是考研专属自习室,非常宁静;二是由于该教室可以通宵自习。最初,这里的座位还是按先来后到原则而定。此后,才演化成座位承包制。故事就发生在座位制度还未完善的时候。 我看书正酣,突然进来个女孩。我抬头张望了一下,就又埋头连续看书。直觉告知我,她就坐在我身后。一个笔套掉到地上,直觉再次告知我,我后面的女孩开头离座查找了。我也下意识的帮她找了起来。但是,找了一圈没有发觉笔套的踪迹。为了不破坏自习室宁静的气氛,我们都停止了查找。 我右边的男生那天不知道怎么了,手机隔一阵子就震惊。他几次出去接电话。这次进来的时候,他踢到了一个东西-笔套在水

20、泥地上滑过的声音特别清楚。这引起了我和女孩的留意。趁着笔套滑地的余音还在,我们抓紧找。我眼睛突然一亮!我用手指着那个方向轻声对她说诺,那不是嘛!,她很兴奋,快步过去捡。然后,本该结束的故事却进入.。她跑回来了,脸涨的通红,明显是没有捡。我眯起眼睛用劲看了一下,原来笔套只是水泥地上的一块斑!我当时脸也跟着红了,刚才的表功一下子成了现在的尴尬,我连忙回过头去看书,假装把纸翻得哗哗响来掩饰我的紧急。 那次既是误会也是笑话的事故,反倒让故事连续连续。从那次大事后,我们在这个教室,由生疏走向相识、相恋,她成了我的女伴侣。 有了一个和你比肩奋斗的伴儿,考研复习的时间,就过得很快。有人说,考研期间要搁置爱情

21、,冷藏自己,清心寡欲。我个人认为,假如你和她的目标非常明确,不用太多的言语和商定,彼此都会为对方更加努力。我和她之间,的确都关心对方不少。复习到中期的时候,她报了万学?海文的英语,我报了政治。我们交换笔记,相互点播。节约了时间不说,还共享了珍贵的学习资料;我们把自己的复习方案同时放到对方那里一份。每天学习结束的时候,都要检查并督促对方的学习进度;我学习困了的时候,他就静静的递给我一块薄荷糖,帮我涂上凉爽油,向我打手势(大拇指竖起,意思是振作,坚持);我们用自己的勤奋和坚决彼此鼓舞。让对方不再轻易说出放弃. 时间在推移,考研的日子渐进。她的神经性胃痉挛由于精神高度紧急,那段日子总犯。我在网上查了

22、资料,又向身为大夫的姑父询问。每天,偷偷在寝室用小电锅给她煮小米粥,送到她楼下。还用mp3录一段自己翻译成英文的笑话给她听,帮她缓解压力。她的口语很好,便关心我订正不准的音。我的英语口语和翻译在这种看似不经意的关心下渐有提高。她的心情也渐渐好转。心态平稳了,紧急缓解了,自然身体就恢复了。 考试了,那两天如同梦里。而考得不好的人似经受了场噩梦。据她讲 ,她发挥超好。我信任她的实力,她始终都很优秀。后来的成果也验证了她的预感。她稳过国家线,最终被录用。我呢,本和她考的是一所院校。但是,由于考场发挥状态欠佳,险些名落孙山。后经调剂,现被武汉科技录用。 要毕业了,人分两地。不知道明天会不会聚在一起。有

23、些失落,但绝非放弃。考研让我明白了太多的道理。最重要的就是关于坚持。或许,某些时候,固执的坚持不是坏事。它让人更简单接近幻想,实现愿望。我想,我们的爱情会连续,我会追寻我未知的幸福,就像我将连续奋斗于我的青春和将来。 毕业感谢老师的英语感言选编 Hello, everyone. I dont know how to express my feeling now. I dont know whether Im happy or sad. Today well be apart. From now on well never study together, never laugh together

24、. Ive been in Cambridge Young English School for three years. Ive learned a lot here. I got to know whats english and how to read english. Teacher Li was hard because of us. We didnt listen to him when he began to teach us. And he couldnt do anything else but shout Attention! Teacher Li is great. Re

25、member, Teacher Pi said, phonogram is difficult to spell. And he would only ask us to dictionary when he was tied. Instesd Te Li could spell it. Its really admirable. I love Teachers reading, nice although not better than . How time flys. Im going to graduate. Dense book notes that left me the best

26、gift, which not only gave me the knowledge, but gave me a lot of fun. I would like to thank Mu Shenghui. I admire his notes and his achievements. I am happy to be his deckmate. Wish everyone can pave a perfect road with English. Come on, everybody! Thank you! Thats all. 大家好。 我不知道如何表达我的感觉。我不知道我是欢乐还是哀

27、痛。今日我们会分开。从现在开头,我们永久不会一起学习,不要一起笑。 我在剑桥年轻英语学校工作了三年。我在这里学到了许多。我知道什么是英语和如何阅读英语。李老师由于我们而很辛苦。当他开头教我们时,我们没有听他。他不能做任何事情,但喊的留意! 李老师是宏大的。记住,老师Pi说,录音是很难拼写。他只会问我们字典当他被绑。 Te Li可以拼写。这真的令人鄙视。我爱老师的阅读,好,虽然不比。 如何时间飞行。我要毕业了。密集的书记,给我最好的礼物,这不仅给了我的学问,但给了我许多的乐趣。我要感谢穆申辉。我观赏他的笔记和他的成就。我很兴奋成为他的同学。 祝大家能用英语铺一条完善的道路。大家来吧! 感谢!就这样。第 8 页 共 8 页


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