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1、Module 4 Life in the future第一课时Unit one Everyone will have a small car.【授课人】:广外艺 顾佳如(实习单位:平洲四中)【授课类型】 :新授课【教学内容】 :外研版初中英语Students Book 2M4 U1【学生记述】 :A class of 51 pupils.【时间】: 40 minutes【教学目标】 :知识目标: 1. key words: cable TV, calculator, cell phone, chalk, Internet, satellite TV, computer, paper, rule

2、r, everyone, no one2. key structure: will+动词原形(一般将来时)能力目标: 1.能够用英语向他人介绍自己梦想中未来的学校情感目标: 1 . 通过对美好未来的憧憬,培养学生乐观向上的精神。【教学重点】 :1. 语法点:一般将来时will+动词原形2 词汇: cable TV , calculator, cell phone, chalk, Internet, satellite TV【教学难点】 :一般将来时的使用。【教具准备】 :1. 教学课件、 PPT【教学过程】一 热身 复习( Warming-upRevision)1复习 module 3的重点语

3、法:一般将来时( 1):be going to +动词原形操作:通过 free talk形式对各种句型进行问答:What are you going to do this weekend?Are you going to have a lesson this weekend?Is he/she going to do some sightseeing this weekend?What is he/she going to do this weekend?She is going to do her homework this weekend.(板书)二 呈现新课( Presentation)

4、1. 教授本个 Module 最重点的新语法知识:一般将来时( 2): will +动词原形操作:新授:句型转换,用will代替 be going toShe will do her homework this weekend.主语+will+ 动词原形。(板书)Will she do her homework this weekend?Will+ 主语+动词原形? ( 板书)Yes,she will.No,she will not.= No,she won(板书) t.机械操练: look at the pictures and answer.-What will she/he/they d

5、o this weekend?-She/he/they will.意义操练: Guessing game-What will Miss Gu do this weekend?-Miss Gu will go shopping this weekeng. go to Guangzhou2. 学习新词汇use the Internet(新词)cable TV, calculator, cell phone, chalk, Internet, satellite TV,computer, paper, ruler操作:单词相对应的图片出现在PPT上,图文结合,老师教读单词,学生跟读。(难读的单词穿插

6、“ train, train, train”游戏)机械操练:全班一起拼读单词两次意义操练 :Guessing Game把 9 个新授单词分别放到Box A 到 H 九个盒子里,让学生猜猜What s in Box A/B/C/ /H ?3 课本 Activities 1,2,3(这部分主要是为下一环节做一个warming-up )1 ) Activity 1: look at the picture,which words can you use to describe it?blackboard, cable TV, calculator, cell phone, chalk, comput

7、er, dictionary, email, Internet, paper, pen, pencil, radio, ruler, satellite TV操作: What s in your classroom?What s in the picture?2 ) Activity 2:Say what you can use to study English?操作: What do I use to teach English?You use to teach English.You don t use to teach English. What do you use to study

8、Math? I use to study Math.I don t use to study Math.everyone, no one3 ) Activity 3:Talk about your class.Everyone uses a pen. No one uses a calculator.操作: PPT上呈现两个句子:Everyone use a pen.No one use a calculator.让学生读这两个句子之后,自主发现语法错误。再呈现出正确的句子:Everyone uses a pen.No one uses a calculator.学生自主用 everyone和

9、 no one 来谈谈自己的教室。4 对话的学习操作: free talk- imagineWhat will schools be like in the future?Will there be schools in the future?Listen and answerWill there be schools in the future?Activity4:Listenand check the truesentencesforDaming and Betty.Activity 6:Read and choose the best answer.Read the dialogue i

10、n roles and then fill in the blanks.5. Language point总结本节课所学的语言点。三 Practice (操练)Exercises :巩固语言点Group work: Talk about what your school will be like in 10 years. Make a report.四 作业( Homework)五课后反思:每个环节的过渡不够自然,使得整节课下来没有那么顺畅,还 需把握技巧,使整节课成为一个整体,而不是一部分一部分的呈现。 另外, 一个最主要的问题, 渗透能力不够强, 在讲语法的时候还需再渗透一些,哪怕时间多花了一些,宁愿少讲,也要精讲。六指导教师评价:整个课下来是一个完整的课堂,基本已经达到一节课的要求。


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