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1、外研版 ( 三起 )- 英语- 打印版外研版六年级英语下册教案Module 5Unit 2 Hes riding his bike, but its start to rain.教学内容分析本节课谈论的话题是当一件事发生时另一件事同时也在发生。重点是现在进行时的用法。教学目标知识目标1)学会; Hes riding his bike ,but it s starting to rain.2) Shes eating dinner ,but the photo is ringing教学重、难点重点:1 本单元所学的所有单词和动词短语。2 学会使用 be+Ving 形式难点:在日常生活中熟练运用此

2、类语。教具、学具准备单词卡片 录音机 图片教学设计思路1 在热身时边复习以前的动词词组边做动作,培养学生学英语的兴趣。2 教学方法:情景教学法:利用图片和照片中的情景,让学生边指边谈。老师问一些学生我进教室的时候你在干什么,3 老师叫几个学生做动作,让其他学生猜,他们在干什么。4 让学生打开书本,学习新的句型。5 反复领读让学生理解句意及句子结构。4 玩游戏猜动作。这节课的内容与学生的生活实际能联系起来, 学生比较感兴趣, 教学内容对他们来讲不是很难。指一指,谈一谈,充分调动学生学习的积极性,激发学生的学习 兴趣。教学环节Step 1 Warm up 1 Greeting2 What am I

3、 doing?3 What are you doing? Step 2 lead inWell, look at this picture .Do you know what are they doing? 1 What is she doing?2 Im listen to music but mum is coming, Now ,you can ask your partner , what areyou doing?Ss, talk about peeving形式Let Ss look at the picture and listen to the tape. Step 3 Pres

4、entationListen and say .what is they doing?1) Shes eating dinner, but the phone is ringing.2) Hes riding his bike.3) Shes watching TV ,but the doorbell is ringing.4) Hes listen to music ,but its starting to snow.学生实践表现学生完成传话游戏Ss: Underline the new words Ss: Read and spell the words.学生观看、体会教师所说句子的意思引

5、导学生学习新单词并应用发音规律拓展到其他的所学词语上学生通过句子理解词组意思 .Step 4 SummaryToday we learnt, Hes riding his bike ,but it s starting to rain. 2 She s watching TV ,but the doorbell is ringing习题设计Write the sentences on your paper 3 times. Look at the picture, make sentences.Listen to the tape板书设计Unit 2 He s riding his bike, but it s starting to rain 1 Hes eating dinner ,but the photo is ringing.2 Hes starting to cross, but a car is coming.3 She s taking to her friend, but her mum is calling.4 She s playing, but the doorbell is ringing.


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