最美丽最难的手抄报 [美丽难画的英文手抄报文字图片] .docx

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最美丽最难的手抄报 [美丽难画的英文手抄报文字图片] .docx_第1页
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《最美丽最难的手抄报 [美丽难画的英文手抄报文字图片] .docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最美丽最难的手抄报 [美丽难画的英文手抄报文字图片] .docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、最美丽最难的手抄报 美丽难画的英文手抄报文字图片 英语课程标准本质上也是一种特别的文化。做英语手抄报是一个学习英语的好方法。下面是为大家带来的美丽难画的英文手抄报文字图片,盼望大家喜爱。 美丽难画的英文手抄报的图片模板 美丽难画的英文手抄报图片1 美丽难画的英文手抄报图片2 美丽难画的英文手抄报图片3 美丽难画的英文手抄报图片4 美丽难画的英文手抄报图片5 美丽难画的英文手抄报的资料 一、英语笑话 Little Pete came home from the playground with a bloody1 nose, black eye, and torn clothing. 小彼得从操场

2、回到家时,鼻子流血、黑眼圈及被撕破了衣服。 It was obvious hed been in a bad fight and lost. His father asked his son what happened. Well, Dad, said Pete, I challenged Larry to a duel2. And, you know, I gave him his choice of weapons. 明显他刚与人恶斗了一番,而且打输了。父亲问儿子发生了什么事。噢,爸爸,彼得说,我向拉里挑起决斗,而且我让他选择武器。 Uh-huh, said the father, tha

3、t seems fair. 嗯,父亲说,这看上去很公正! I know, but I never thought hed choose his sister! 我知道,但我没想到他选择了他姐姐! 二、英语故事 In the forest there lived a little rabbit whose name was Chouchou. His eyes were red, like a pair of rubies. But his fur was grey, like hed wiggled out of a furnace, and he felt himself to be ver

4、y ugly, often hiding in his house alone. Although he wasnt nice to look at, he had an incomparably kind heart. When Little Monkey Leles home was burst apart by a flood, he had no house to return to. Chouchou let Lele live with him, and he divided up his favorite chocolate to give some to Lele to eat

5、. Not only that, whoever had a headach, or got sick, with no money to buy medicine, he did everything he was able to do to help. The days passed one by one, and Chouchou was still alone. One time, the forests most beautiful rabbit Meimei came looking for Chouchou to play, but Chouchou thought of him

6、self as just too ugly, he couldnt face seeing her. Meimei told Chouchou: Its not whats on the outside that counts, the important thing is whats on the inside. Chouchou suddenly saw the light, he ran outside, and played with his friends to his hearts content. 森林里住着一只小兔子,它叫丑丑。它的眼睛红红的,像一对红宝石。可是它的毛灰灰的,像

7、是从灰炉里钻出来似的,它觉得自己太丑了,经常一个人躲在家里。 虽然它长得不好看,但是它有一颗无比和善的心。小猴子乐乐的家被大水冲垮了,无家可归。丑丑就让乐乐住在自己的家,还把自己最喜爱吃的巧克力分给乐乐吃。不仅如此,谁头痛、生病了,没钱买药,它都会尽其所能进行关心。 日子一每天过去了,丑丑还是很孤独。一次,森林里最好看的小兔子美美来找它玩,可丑丑觉得自己太丑了,没脸见它。美美告知丑丑:人的外表并不重要,重要的是内在美。丑丑茅塞顿开,它跑了出去,和伙伴们一起尽情地玩耍。 推举其他主题的手抄报资料和图片作为参考: 1.关于美丽易画的英语手抄报文字图片 2.学校五班级关于美丽易画英语手抄报图片 3.世界上最难画的手抄报图片 4.关于英文手抄报图片怎么画 5.关于好画的英语手抄报内容


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