中学七年级英语上册(Unit 4 Where s my schoolbag Period 3)教案 (新版)人教新目标版 教案.doc

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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?目标1. 语言知识目标:1) 掌握以下词汇: radio, clock, tape, tape player, model, plane, model plane, tidy, but, our, everywhere, always。2) 能正确地描述物品所处的位置。3)能运用所学的句型询问及回答物品的位置。4)能听懂有关物品位置的对话,并能获得相关信息。5)能阅读有关描述物品位置的小短文,并能获得相关信息。2. 情感态度价值观目标:进一步培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯。在描述物品的位置的学习中获得英语学习的乐趣,逐步培养学生们对英

2、语学习的兴趣。重点难点1. 教学重点:1. 通过听力训练提高学生听音辨音的能力,并能获得相关信息。2. 阅读描述物品位置的相关短文,并能获得相关信息。2. 教学难点:阅读描述物品位置的相关短文,并能获得相关信息。教学环节与内容师生活动白板应用用时. Warming- up and revision Let Ss look at the pictures in 3a and 3b. Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture. Let some Ss report the differences between the pic

3、ture in P19 and the picture in P 21. . Presentation 1. Present the new words. T: I have some things on my desk, I think you can tell me how to say them.(Then hold up tape, tape player, model plane, teach them in the same way. Check the words using the cards.) 2. Ss read the words aloud. Then try to

4、remember the new words. 3. T: Lets do 1a in Section B. 4. Then check the answers with the class. Writing1. T: Now, lets have a competition. Lets see who can remember all the new words. 2. Change the paper with your partner and see who does best. . Listening 1.T: Tom wants his mother to bring some sc

5、hool things to school for him. But his room isnt tidy. So his mother cant find the things. 2. T: Now listen again. Where are Toms things? Write them down.1. The English books are under the radio.2. _3. _4. _3. Check the answers with the Ss. . Pair work Can you remember where the things are in Toms r

6、oom? Work in pairs, ask and answer questions about the things in Toms room. Writing 1. Look at the picture in 2b. There are many things in the picture. Do you know the words for the things? Who can say them in English?2. Now work with your partner. Write the words you know for the things in the pict

7、ure. 3. Teacher goes around the classroom, give some help. . Presentation 1. (On the screen, show Ss a very tidy room.) 2. (Show another room. Its not tidy.) 3. (Show a picture of Edison)Edison is very clever. He always asks questions. (Write always on the blackboard) 4. Ss read the new words tidy,

8、everywhere, always. Reading 1. Look at the picture in 2b. Here are two girls, Kate and Gina. They are sisters. They live in a room. They all have many things in their room. 2. Ss read the passage and find the answer to the questions. 3. Let some Ss say their answers. 4. Ss read the passage again. An

9、d fill in the chart.5. Check the answers with the class. Homework 1. Review the new words we learn today. 2. Draw a picture about your room. Describe your new room. S1: Where are the keys?S2: Theyre on the table.S3: Wheres the book? Is it on the chair?S4: No, it isnt. Its under the chair. T: Whats t

10、his? (Hold up a radio in the hand)Ss: Its a radio.T: Yes, its a radio. Read after me. R-A-D-I-O, radio. Ss: R-A-D-I-O, radio. Match the words with the things in the picture in 1a.T:Take out a piece of paper. Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the th

11、ings you remember. Lets listen to the recording of 1c and help his mother find the things.(Play the tape for the first time. The students circle the word they hear. Then check the answer.)English book, tape player, clock, rulernotebook, tape, model plane, radioT: Where are the English books?S1: They

12、 are under the radio. T: Wheres ?S2: ItsS1: bed, chair, sofa, clock, T: Youre very great. Who can add some more?S2: bookcase, mapT: Its a tidy room. (Write the word tidy on the blackboard.)T: Its not a tidy room. Its a dirty room. Look the books are everywhere. The clothes are everywhere. (Write the

13、 word everywhere on the blackboard.)Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy? Now read the passage and answer these questions. lets look at the chart in 2c. In the chart, you should list Kates things and where they are. You should also list Ginas things and where they are. Read the passage again and complete the

14、chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. 357755561板书设计Section B 1 1a-2c1. radio, clock, tape, tape player, model, plane, model plane2. 2a: bed, sofa, bookcase, table, desk, chair, bookcase, clock, schoolbag, pencil box, clock, watch, tape player, tapes, books,3. tidy, everywhere, always, but4. Is Kate tidy? Yes, she is. Is Gina tidy? No, she isnt. 5. 教学反思注意描述位置的句子。


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