八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Go With Transportation练习(无答案)(新版)冀教版 试题.doc

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1、Go With Transportation1.Dont forget _ the letter. A. to send B. sendC. sendingD. being sent2. The chair looks very old, but in fact it is very comfortable to _. A. sitB. sit on C. be satD. be sat on 3. Is _ necessary to return the book tomorrow? A. this B. that C. itD. which4. Im afraid they would n

2、ot allow him _ here. A. to smokeB. smokingC. smokesD. smoke5. Mother told me _ the water before I drank it. A. boilingB. boiledC. boilD. to boil6. On my way home, I stopped _ some food. A. buyB. to buy C. buying D. bought7. John was made _ the car for a week as a punishment. A. to washB. washing C.

3、wash D. to be washing8. The sitting-room needs _, but itll have to wait until Saturday. A. be cleaningB. to be cleaned C. cleanD. being cleaned9. The first thing I want to do is _. A. visit to himB. to visit him C. visiting himD. visited him10. Li Yang advised me _ too much, otherwise I would have b

4、een drunk. A. not to drink B. to drink C. not drinking D.drinking 一. 用动词不定式或ing分词填空1. I enjoy_.(sing) 2. What do you want_(do) next ?3. I learnt _(swim) when I was three years old. 4. I was very upset and started_ (cry). 5. I hope _(see) you again soon. 6. It is a fine day today, so I suggest_(go) f

5、or a walk.7. Where is Lily ? I need _(talk) with her.8. I am too fat, so I have decided _(do) more exercise.二. 选出正确答案( )1. I usually go _ with my mother at weekends. A. shop B. to shop C. shopping( )2. He is not old enough _ to school. A. to go B. go C. going( )4. People must stop _down trees. A. to

6、 cut B. cutting C. cut( )6. Mike managed to give up _. A. to smoke B. smoking C. smoke( )7. I am sorry to have kept you _ for such a long time. A. to wait B. waiting C. wait( )8. She has a nice voice. I often hear her_ in the morning. A. singing B. to sing C. sing( )9. I dont like traveling by boat,

7、 it always makes me _sick. A. to feel B. feeling C. feel( )10. Let me_ you around the city. A. show B. to show C. showing( )13. She forgot_ the TV when she left home. A. to turn off B. turned off C. turning off D. turn off( )14. My parents want me _ good marks. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got( )1

8、5. The doctor asked Mary _the medicine three times a day. A. not to remember taking B. not to forget taking C. not to remember to take D. not to forget to take( )17. What about_ a letter to your friend on the Internet ? A. try sending B. try to send C. trying sending D. trying to send( )18.Let him_

9、it by himself. A. to do B. doing C. did D. do( )22. I remember_ my wallet here. But I cant_ now. A.putting; find B. to put; finding C. to put; be found D. putting; be found( )23. Could you tell me _ work out the problem ? A. how B. how can I C. how to D. how will I( )24. I saw a little boy_ a kite y

10、esterday afternoon. A. flew B. fly C. to fly D. flying( )25. His jokes made us all _. A. to laugh B. laughing C. laugh D. laughing( )26. Its very kind of you_ me with my English. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps( )28. Mother told me _ walk along the river. A. do not B. not to C. to not D. not(

11、 )29. Her ambition is _ an engineer. A. become B. to become C. be D. /( )30. Youd better _a rest now. A. to have B. have C. having D. had( )31. Thank you for _me the secret. A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. told( )32. I used to_ in the countryside, now I am used to_ in the city A. living; live B. li

12、ving; living C. live; living D. live; live( )34. This film is worth _. A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. saw( )36. China is becoming _. A. strong and strong B stronger and strong C. stronger and stronger D. strong and stronger( )38. Our city is getting _ . A. more beautiful and more beautiful B. more and more beautiful C. beautifuler and beautifuler D. beautiful and beautiful( )39. Taxis in Shenyang are cheaper than _ in Beijing. A. that B. it C. this D. those( )40. I prefer_ basketball to _ football. A. playing; playing B. playing; play C. play; playing D. play; play


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