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1、七年级深圳(S),同步辅导(29-32版),1 精讲精练 2 巩固提高 3 缤纷课外收藏夹之重点短语归纳,说词解语同步课堂活学活用,Words & Phrases ReadingListening & Speaking,第30版精讲精练,说词解语,说词解语voice & sound & noise,【词语点拨】 voice作名词,意为“嗓音;说话声”,多指人的说话声、嗓音、歌唱声等。in a loud/lowvoice意为“高声地/低声地”。如:She has a sweet voice. 她的声音很甜美。He told me the news in a low voice. 他小声告诉了我这

2、个消息。, sound意为“声音”,泛指耳朵可以听到的任何声音。如:He heard a strange sound at midnight. 午夜时,他听到一个奇怪的声音。,说词解语voice & sound & noise, noise意为“噪音;喧闹声”,常指不悦耳、不和谐的声音。如:He cant work because there is too muchnoise outside. 外面太吵,他无法工作。,说词解语voice & sound & noise,【即学即练】 用voice、sound或noise填空。1. _ can travel faster in water tha

3、n in air.2. Its good manners (礼貌) to speak in a low _ in public.,Sound,voice,说词解语voice & sound & noise,3. I enjoy listening to the _ of the rain hitting the window.4. The factory makes much _. That makes it hard for people nearby to sleep well.,sound,noise,说词解语voice & sound & noise,【词语点拨】 add作及物动词,意

4、为“增加;添加”。如:The fire is going out. Will you add more wood? 火要灭了,你能加点柴吗?,说词解语add, add作动词,还可表示“(数目)加;加起来”。如: If you add 4 and 3, you get 7. 4加3等于7。 add to 意为“把加入”。如: Please add my name to the list. 请把我的名字加到名单上。,说词解语add,【拓展】 add to意为“增加;添加”。如: The music added to our enjoyment. 音乐给我们增添了快乐。,说词解语add,【即学即练】

5、 根据汉语意思,补全句子。5. 她往菜里加了些盐。She _.6. 住在这家酒店会增加我们的花费。Living in this hotel will _.,added some salt to the dish,add to our cost,说词解语add,【词语点拨】 return作及物动词,意为“归还”,相当于give back。return sth. to sb./return sb. sth.意为“将某物归还给某人”。如: Please return the car key to me. = Please return me the car key. 请把车钥匙还给我。,说词解语re

6、turn, return作不及物动词,意为“返回”,常与to连用,相当于come/go back to 。如: We returned to school after holiday. 假期过后,我们返回了学校。 *注意:return本身已含有back的意思,所以其后不能再接back。,说词解语return,【即学即练】 根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。 7. 爱丽丝忘了把书及时还给图书馆。Alice forgot to _ _ _ _ _ _ in time.8. 多年的旅行之后,奥德修斯回到了他的家。Odysseus _ _ _ _ after many years of travelling

7、.,return the book,说词解语return,to the library,returned to his home,第30版精讲精练,同步课堂,同步课堂要点解读,【要点链接】 two thirds意为“三分之二”。英语中分数的表达方式是:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1时,分母用复数。如: one fifth 五分之一; two fifths 五分之二,要点1 two thirds,同步课堂要点解读,【一试身手】 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. One _(three) of the information in the report is not true.2. Th

8、ree _(fourth) of the students in my class are from the village.,third,fourths,同步课堂要点解读,【要点链接】 turn off意为“关掉”,其反义短语是turn on,意为“打开”。如: Please help me turn the washing machine on. 请帮我打开洗衣机。,要点2 turn off,同步课堂要点解读,与turn相关的常用短语还有turn up和turn down。turn up意为“(把音量)调高”;turn down意为“(把音量)调低”。如: Can you turn dow

9、n your radio? 你可以把收音机的音量调低吗?,同步课堂要点解读,【一试身手】 用off、on、up或down填空。每词仅用一次。3. I want to watch the news on TV. Turn it _, please.4. Turn _ the music player so we can hear it outside.,on,up,同步课堂要点解读,5. We can save energy by turning _ the lights before we leave the flat.6. If you turn something _, you make

10、the sound of it lower than before.,off,down,同步课堂要点解读,【要点链接】 its time (for sb.) to do sth.意为“是(某人)做某事的时间了;(某人)该做某事了”。如: Its time for you to get a real job. 你该找份真正的工作了。 its time to do sth.和its time for sth.可以互换。,要点3 its time (for sb.) to do sth.,同步课堂要点解读,如: Its time to take a break.= Its time for a br

11、eak. 该休息了。【一试身手】 翻译句子。7. 我们是时候离开这个小镇了。_,Its time for us to leave the town.,同步课堂要点解读,【要点链接】 remember not to do sth.意为“记得不要去做某事”。如: Remember not to throw the rubbis everywhere. 记住不要乱扔垃圾。,要点4 remember not to do sth.,同步课堂要点解读,与remember相关的用法还有remember to do sth.(记得去做某事)和remember doing sth.(记得做过某事)。如: Rem

12、ember to bring your keys. 记得带来你的钥匙。 I remember meeting him last week. 我记得上周见过他。,同步课堂要点解读,【一试身手】 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。8. Its hard to learn a language. Remember not _(give) up.9. Do you still remember _(go) fishing with Dad when we were six?,to give,going,第30版精讲精练,活学活用,活学活用,. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。,nois

13、e, add, return, remember, voice, on,活学活用,1. Yuki had to _ to the store to look for her purse.2. Why is the computer still _? I told you to turn it off.,noise, add, return, remember, voice, on,return,on,活学活用,3. When someone speaks or sings, you hear their_.4. So many years have passed but I still _ M

14、iss Scott very well.,voice,remember,noise, add, return, remember, voice, on,活学活用,5. You can use the calculator (计算器) if you want to _ these numbers together.6. Too much _ from the street made me feel uncomfortable (不舒服的).,add,noise,noise, add, return, remember, voice, on,活学活用,. 根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。1

15、. _ _(十分之一) of the workers are against your plan.2. Please _ _(调高) the radio so that they can hear it clearly.,One tenth,turn up,活学活用,3. _ _ _ _(是时候学习) to play a musical instrument.4. _ _ _ _(加一些柠檬到) your water and it will tastebetter.5. She _ _ _(记得做过蛋糕) with you. It is her sweet memory (记忆).,Its t

16、ime to learn,Add some lemon to,remembers making cakes,第31版巩固提高,基础巩固题 (Unit 5) (上),Words & Phrases,. 按要求写出相应的单词。 1. trip (同义词) _ 2. quantity (复数) _ 3. add (过去式) _ 4. off (反义词) _,journey,quantities,added,on,Words & Phrases,5. salty (名词) _6. value (形容词) _7. return (第三人称单数) _8. stir (现在分词) _,salt,valuab

17、le,returns,stirring,Words & Phrases,. 汉译英。 1. 一滴水 _ 2. 三分之一 _ 3. 掉进 _ 4. 一个愤怒的声音 _ 5. 从升起 _,a drop of water,one third,drop into ,an angry voice,rise from ,Words & Phrases,6. 一些化学物质 _7. 通过管道 _8. 从走出来 _9. 绰绰有余 _10. 食用油 _,some chemicals,through the pipes,come out of,more than enough,cooking oil,Words &

18、 Phrases,. 词汇选择。 i. 根据句意,选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。( ) 1. Is the meeting over, Mike? No, its break time now. It will continue in ten minutes. A. go on B. go away C. go down,A,Words & Phrases,( ) 2. Do you remember our wonderful journey to Xian? Of course. I remember everything about it. A. plan B. quiz C. t

19、rip,C,Words & Phrases,( ) 3. Mr Black, thank you for your valuable help. Im beginning to do well in Maths. Im happy to hear that. A. free B. useful C. special,B,Words & Phrases,( ) 4. I hear you have the book The Club. Could you please lend (借) it to me? Im sorry, but I have to return it to the libr

20、ary today. A. give it back B. bring it out C. throw it away,A,Words & Phrases,( ) 5. The shoes look a bit small. Do you have bigger ones? Oh, yes. Ill get them for you. Wait a minute, please. A. quite B. too much C. a little,C,Words & Phrases,ii. 根据句意选择合适的单词,完成句子。( ) 6. Sorry, sir. I couldnt find en

21、ough _. Can you take it out in (接受作为补偿) some candy? OK. A. change B. energy C. food,A,Words & Phrases,( ) 7. I think its a good idea for Linda to be a singer. Shes got such a beautiful _. I agree with you. She sings very well. A. face B. voice C. body,B,Words & Phrases,( ) 8. Alice, Im sorry that I

22、_ your green cup and broke it. Thats all right. Im going to buy a new one. A. lost B. dropped C. forgot,B,Words & Phrases,( ) 9. Hey, Michael! What are you doing on the computer? Oh, Im reading an article about how acid rain (酸雨) _. A. grows B. floats C. forms,C,Words & Phrases,( )10. Look at this m

23、achine. What does the blue light mean? Oh, it means the machine is _. You can use it now. A. on B. away C. over,A,. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。,a bit, add . to ., (be) made up of, dry up,part of, pocket money, take a shower, turn off,Words & Phrases,Words & Phrases,1. With the window open, Jack felt

24、_ cold.2. My school tennis team _ fifteen players.,a bit,is made up of,a bit, add . to ., (be) made up of, dry up,part of, pocket money, take a shower, turn off,Words & Phrases,3. The river near the village _ five years ago.4. Jessie hopes to get more _ to buy an expensive bike.,dried up,pocket mone

25、y,a bit, add . to ., (be) made up of, dry up,part of, pocket money, take a shower, turn off,Words & Phrases,5. The weather is too hot, so Id like to _ before lunch.6. You could _ some hot water _ the tea if its taste is too strong.,take a shower,add,a bit, add . to ., (be) made up of, dry up,part of

26、, pocket money, take a shower, turn off,to,Words & Phrases,7. Now people dont have to _ their phones on the plane.8. As _ the test, she had to write down the names of all the presidents (总统).,turn off,part of,a bit, add . to ., (be) made up of, dry up,part of, pocket money, take a shower, turn off,R

27、eading,. 根据句意及所给汉语或首字母提示,填写单词。 1. There are some _(滴) of water on the glass. 2. Benny is happy because he finds a new job in a _(银行). 3. Its not good to take in too much _ (盐) or sugar every day.,drops,bank,salt,Reading,4. This water _(管子) is too short. Could you find a longer one?5. The teacher ask

28、s the students to be careful with those _(化学品).6. Ms Schrier did a science e_ in the Chemistry class on Friday.7. The heat of the Sun turns the water in the bowl into water v_.,pipe,chemicals,xperiment,apour,Reading,8. Amy thinks the drink is not sweet enough, so she a_ more sugar.9. The shop sold (

29、卖) a large q_ of air conditioners (空调) this summer.10. Kim looked t_ the telescope (望远镜) to see what was happening in the street.,dds,uantity,hrough,Reading,. 根据Reading部分的内容,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。,Reading,Dora was in the bathroom. The tap was on. Then she heard (1)_ angry v

30、oice asking her to turn the tap off. It said she should stop (2)_(waste) water. Dora looked around, (3)_ there was no one there. To her surprise, the voice told her it was a drop of water. It also told her where it came from.,an,wasting,but,Reading,A few days ago, the water drop was in a cloud. It (

31、4)_(drop) into a river and ran into a reservoir. Then it was time for people (5)_(clean) it because it was dirty. People added some chemicals (6)_ it. It travelled through those (7)_(pipe) under the streets and then into Doras bathroom. However, that was,dropped,to clean,to,pipes,Reading,not the end

32、 of (8)_(it) journey. People would make it clean again. And it would go into a river and then into the sea again. (9)_(final), the drop of water asked Dora not to waste or pollute water. It said water was (10)_(value). After finishing the talk, Dora turned the tap off and came out of the bathroom.,i

33、ts,Finally,valuable,Listening & Speaking,. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Please remember _(call) me when you arrive home. 2. Ten minutes are enough for us _(finish) this English exercise. 3. My friend told me _(wait) for him at the gate after school.,to call,to finish,to wait,Listening & Speaking,4. Reading is o

34、ne of the best ways _(learn) a foreign language. 5. Lucys mother was sick, so she had to _ (do) all the housework. 6. Ben is excited because its time for him_(have) the swimming lesson.,to learn,do,to have,Listening & Speaking,. 根据对话内容和所给首字母,补全对话。A: Hey, Peter! I just watched a video about a young m

35、an online. Hes so brave.B: Why? What did he do?A: He went to a wild island by the sea (1)w_ taking any food or water and lived there for a few days.,ithout,Listening & Speaking,B: That sounds difficult. Where did he sleep at night?A: He (2)b_ himself a house out of wood.B: Did he drink the sea water

36、 when he got thirsty?A: Yes, but he would turn it into (3)f_ water first.B: Really? How did he do that?,uilt,resh,Listening & Speaking,A: Well, he found two bottles and a pipe on the island. He (4)a_ some sea water to one bottle and made a fire to heat it. The vapour from the bottle travelled (5)t_

37、the pipe, cooled into water again and then dropped into the other bottle.B: Wow! What a clever man! What did he eat then?A: He ate wild fruit on the island. He also caught fish in the sea.,dded,hrough,第32版缤纷课外,阅读理解1-5 BCCBC完形填空1-5 CBABA6-10 BAACC,收藏夹之重点短语归纳,【自我归纳】 汉译英。Reading1. 三分之二 _2. (河流)流进 _3. 关

38、掉 _,two thirds,run into,turn off,收藏夹之重点短语归纳,4. 环顾四周 _5. 把加入 _6. 的结尾 _7. 从走出 _8. 使开着 _,look around,add to ,the end of,come out of,leave on,收藏夹之重点短语归纳,Other parts9. 有点 _10. 的一部分 _11. 零花钱 _12. 捡起 _13. 顺便说一下 _14. 由组成 _,a bit,part of,pocket money,pick up,by the way,be made up of,收藏夹之重点短语归纳,15. 干涸 _16. 变成

39、 _17. 泡澡 _18. 洗淋浴 _19. 相反;而不是 _20. 多达_,dry up,turn into,have a bath,take a shower,instead of,up to,收藏夹之重点短语归纳,【学以致用】 根据汉语提示,填入恰当的短语补全下列句子。 1. Dont _(让水龙头开着). Turn it off after you finish using it. 2. There is something on the ground. Please _(捡起它).,leave the tap on,pick it up,收藏夹之重点短语归纳,3. _(多达) 600

40、 people fell ill on the ship. How terrible!4. _(的结尾) the story is sad. All the characters (人物) died.5. We arrived early at the theatre and spent a few minutes _(环顾四周).,up to,The end of,looking around,收藏夹之重点短语归纳,6. Beckett was an amazing writer. There is a lecture on his books tomorrow, _(顺便说一下). 7. This sofa can _(变成) a bed, so there is a place for you to sleep tonight. 8. Mum will be angry if she finds out that you go out with your friends _ (而不是) doing homework at home.,by the way,turn into,instead of,谢谢聆听!,


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