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1、A green world,单词回顾,学生早读时已预习过本单元单词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。,digseriousturn offcausewise,vi&vt 挖洞、沟等adj.认真的,严肃的关上开关vt.导致,造成adj.明智的,Words & phrase review,turn off cause serious problem What should we do to live a green life? take shorter showers take the underground,Expressions:,Listen and

2、 answer,Listen to the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo and answer the following questions.,Questions,What is Hobo going to do?2. Will more tree be planted?3. What is Eddie going to do in the garden?,He is going to plant trees.,Yes.,He is going to plant breadfruit trees.,Fill in the blanks.,Hobo _ _ _

3、 plant trees. Eddie _ _ with Hobo, because he likes _ in the garden. Eddie _ _ breadfruit trees.,is,going,to,will,go,digging,will,plant,Look at the pictures and make up a sentence about the ways to live a green life.,Look and Say,We can protect the environment by recycling waste.,For example:,We can

4、 reduce air pollution by riding bicycles.,We can save water by taking shorter shower.,We can save energy by turning off the lights when we leave a room.,Talk,Work in groups and discuss what you can do to live a green life. Use the conversation on P107.,Language points,be serious about 对.认真,负责 She is

5、 always serious about her work. 她总是对工作很认真。 If youre serious about becoming an actor, you must work hard. 如果你真想当一名演员, 你一定要努力工作。,2. turn off 关上开关 He turned off the water. 他关上了水龙头。 If you dont like the programmes, you can simply turn off the television. 要是你不喜欢这些节目, 你完全可以把 电视机关掉。,3. cause 导致,造成The fire

6、caused much damage.火灾招致重大损失。The book caused great interest and argument.这本书引起了人们的极大兴趣和争论。,I. 按提示填空。,I find this tool is a great help when I _(挖掘) the garden. The cars _(导致) serious air pollution. Please _(关掉) the radio. There are so much noise. I dont think that was a _(明智的) decision.,wise,dig,cause

7、,turn off,II. Translate the setences into English.,我们能为绿色生活做些什么呢? 我常常乘地铁上班。 我们可以通过骑自行车来减少空气污染。 乘坐交通工具是明智的。 离开教室时请关灯。,1. What should we do to live a green life?,2. I usually take the underground to go to work.,3. We can reduce the air pollution by riding bicycles.,4. Its wise for people to choose pub

8、lic transport.,5. Please turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.,Reflection,turn off cause serious problem What should we do to live a green life? take shorter showers take the underground,Preview,Read the text on Page 108. Learn the new words and expressions on P108.,Homework,Surf the Internet to find more information about ways to live a green life.,Thank you!,


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