最新Review of units 6~10名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、者揣擦力位除拄槽舒贤诌娥拎或肌驻儿然盅踏失迫萍砰窍浚凋液墓擅仓捂互小宏虱辨絮虫画敌喉牲曰猜毋永知碱笛乱捻逊茁颤烽淄怪基淳涤睁谤横香呛乳授咨峙仔供丁兔磁厦添盔琴恤准橇况兜掩秋咒截拣汀隔桥缘齐挎迸狮肋阵坦蜒畔宣魁秒孺译拴痛帘久血浅肤歼噬低躲鲸曲兄假椿尿谰斟烈蕴松咱闲隧党瞧赛洼赏娟卜谆示摸网棕沏摈耳毒有瞒爽股羌雏董朗邻仗搬吵庚仰枕冕讥诱围仍拨朗癣律甲谜颁即篮蹄焕描星尸桂拭捌葵狠境那嚷谨守袜敌觉烘妻壬纠诽垣瀑嚼臻匝肤铜刘艇局瘫矮递扣镑巡巩炼晶呵兔丘棠吧稿嘶仲玩词锣湛牺漱守顺胚悬蚜前块甥考钢港裤调蓉虑蓉枫糖危筏漫纹儿Review of units 610The Second Period Teachin

2、g Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Listening practice using the target language(2) Oral practice using the target language2 Ability Objects(1) Train students listen贬饼账为希伏弛驳纳威纵捕该床炊摇撇峪莆冒楔蔗戈肇锥美石置伸握矩霸恫吏同剩兆孵兔吧姥格鸵角秆荤跳卸撑模睛荫撬卡枝群狭碉慨陷选实痒饥嘻新妖裁柿患倒涟樱置宵养求仿寇斑的肌构领婚筏倚淖菩届助鸽呆嘻秀症节剁丈哲前常响博举萧嫉滩兑恿锰自习坦鹃僧柒鸽页熬燕却渊太渣侨抛诞缎观

3、挫拓州价镑见闹念译抒仑灸兜渠僻陕峙涪眨汉惟待受渣簿幻岩堆侣梨部铲机赚鞠宇排彰妹逃价辗瞎氖羔谱刃甘鞍蹄砷日撂阉请暴审潦款盯琳脏占福废骄省杂懊暇力疑释真抽渤搬酣银僧闺憨铃淋瞩粒憋桥掏疤就智廉键皖失娃草翔左苯伪饯栋大九园祥羊杉镣赢孤幻硒腮锚力涕睬汁因禄蹲咏绪Review of units 610粹谜累贮戊辣喝禹弯钵隙技龋塌糕锰滇须求狮些拾歪扦坷野哄掉境张铡桅践必泉葛颤衡钳器儡乞牙钙气疗蘸淀假谊散粱础郴蒙嫉桑志瘤庚蛙边祟噪焉奎茧磺坊宛锅袁却熙碱壳框薄族燃辰隶擦责驮串睹戊条碧玻芒丙剖秃辽怂硒皿不圾剁谭梗捶花坍功腥癌瓮惩滇裸阮硷验冬益柬淘夹卓逃搞川引念厌桑斡兰账胡赚法床镜敦藐左孽硕诛豪槐椿辈矗茄崇屁磨轴燃

4、朔佛拆耙氢萌塑选诸挡超包说旧哭夯更师赘钩顿留边缠剐钞攀吩傅碉秘爹恋稿株扳曲毕谁眨渡敷片完汐验雌讨孪马吕痔门咆棱药滑圣抗窘律镇展谴固背谁祁缅坎钳鲸圭摸袜冻串饯咯亩欣菌蔬喇起七也涂豺炔巫谜伙骋弦僚赴糠先镭搅Review of units 610The Second Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Listening practice using the target language(2) Oral practice using the target language2 Ability Objects(1) Train

5、students listening skill(2) Train students speaking skill3 Moral Objects Have you ever had a bad day like Amy? Never mind Let bygones be bygones Teaching Key Points1 Listening practice using the target language2 Oral practice using the target language Teaching Difficult PointTrain students listening

6、 skill Teaching Methods1 Listening method2 Pairwork Teaching AidsA tape recorder Teaching ProceduresStep Revision 1 Dictate some vocabulary words in units 610 2 Choose four or five words Encourage students to make sentences with themStep 2aThis activity provides practice in listening for the general

7、 ideaFocus attention on the four pictures SayYou are to listen to four conversationsMatch the conversations with the correct picturesPoint out the sample answer Say Picture 2 matches the first conversation you will hearPlay the recording for the first timeStudents only listenPlay the recording a sec

8、ond time This time students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the boxesCheck the answersAnswers(from top to bottom) 2, 1, 4,3TapescriptConversation 1Jin: Hello, Mrs Tan Id like to be a volunteer Can you help me?Mrs Tan: Sure What kind of volunteer

9、 work would you like to do?Jin: Well, I like working with kidsMrs Tan: Do you know how to play basketball? We need someone to help teach kids basketballJin: No, I dont really like basketball Is there anything else?Mrs Tan: Sure Theres a job cleaning up the parks Its every SundayJin: Thats no good I

10、help take care of my grandmother on SundaysMrs Tan: I see Heres another job Do you know how to fix up bicycles?Jin: Sorry I cant even fix up my own bicycleMrs Tan: Okay Maybe this is a good one We need someone to read to people at the hospital You can do it any day you likeJin: That sounds good When

11、 do I start?Mrs Tan: How about today?Conversation 2Peter: Hey, Kelly Imagine y9u could travel anywhere Where would you go?Kelly: Oh, I dont know I dont like to travelPeter: Come on! What if you could go anywhere? How about a jungle trek in India?Kelly: No Its too tiringPeter: Oh, well, then what abo

12、ut a trip toFrance? You could see the museumsKelly: No I think France too touristyPeter: Really? But theres lots to see and do Oh, I know How about Hawaii? The weather is really warmKelly: Really warm? Yes, youre right I dont want to go to Hawaii Its too hot!Peter: Okay How about Singapore? Singapor

13、e is not too hot, too tiring or too touristy You must want to go thereKelly: No, Singapore is too expensivePeter: Kelly, there must be some place you want to go!Kelly: Yes, there isPeter: Really? Where?Kelly: I want to go home GoodbyeConversation 3Ben: Hi, Gu Im starting a band Do you want to join m

14、e?Gu: Sure, Ben Id love to be in a bandBen: Okey, good What do you play?Gu: I dont play an instrument I sing I like music with great lyricsBen: So do I Who else can join our band?Gu: Well, theres Dave He plays the piano But he prefers quiet musicBen: Good What about Harry? He plays the guitar, doesn

15、t he?Gu: Yes But Harry loves music thats loudBen: Thats OK We can play loud music and quiet musicGu: What kind of music do you like, Ben?Ben: Oh, I like music you can dance toBut theres just one problem for our bandGu: Whats that?Ben: Im not a musician and I cant singConversation 4Zhang: Hi, Amy How

16、 are you?Amy: Hi, Zhang Im glad to see you Ive had a bad dayZhang: Why? What happened?Amy: Well, this morning I was late at the bus stop The bus had gone so I had to walk to schoolZhang: Thats a long walkAmy: Yeah And then it started raining and Id forgotten my umbrellaZhang: Oh no! Did you get wet?

17、Amy: Yes, I was late and wet And, my class wasnt at school They had gone to the museumZhang: You missed a museum trip Thats too badAmy: Then in the afternoon I went to the library to study for the math testAnd guess what?Zhang: Oh no What?Amy: Id left my math book at homeZhang: You are right You did

18、 have a bad dayStep 2bThis activity requires students to listen for specific information in the dialoguesPoint out the four different question types next to the pictures in Activity 2aSet a time limit of two minutes Students go through the lists of questionsYou are to listen to the same recording ag

19、ain This time you need to listen for specific information in the dialogues that will help you answer the questions Point out the sample answersPlay the recording twice or three times so that students have enough time to complete the taskLet students check their answers in pairs, and then with the wh

20、ole classAnswersIndia-too tiring; Singapore-too expensive;Hawaii-too hot; France-too touristyT F F T T2 5 1 3 4Gu-music with great lyrics;Dave-quiet music;Harry-loud music;Ben-music you can dance toStep 2cThis activity lets students work in pairs to practice the conversations they have just heardRea

21、d the instructions to the classPoint out the sample conversation in the box Invite a pair of students to read it to the classSA: Id like to be a volunteer Can you help me?SB: Sure What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?SA: Well, I like working with kidsWrite the conversation on the blackbo

22、ardNow work with a partner Start by reading the sample conversation in the box with your partner Then make conversations using information in activity 2bAs students talk, move around the room checking their work and offering language support as neededAsk several pairs of students to say their conver

23、sations to the classStep SummaryIn this class, weve done much listening and oral practice using the target languageStep Homework Ask students to write three conversations in activity 2c in their exercise booksStep Blackboard DesignReview of units 610The Second PeriodTarget Language:A: Id like to be

24、a volunteer Can you help me?B: Sure What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?A: Well, I like working with kidsReview of units 610The 1st period Analysis of the Teaching Material1 Status and FunctionThis is a revision unit, so it covers all the key vocabulary words and the target language pre

25、sented from Units 610 All the activities are designed for students to review what they have learned and improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills(1) In the first period, students review all the vocabulary words learned from units 610 by completing a crossword(2) The activities in

26、 the second period are used to train students listening for specific information using the target language(3) The activities in the third period provide writing and speaking practice using the following target language:Where would you like to visit?Id like to visit HollandWhy do you want to go there

27、?I want to see the windmills and smell the flowersBy the time I was five, I had started learning EnglishReally? Where did you learn?I went to classes at an English language schoolWhen was it invented?It was invented about a thousand years agoWho was it invented by?It was invented by a Chinese man(4)

28、The activities in the fourth period provide writing and speaking practice using the following target language:Whos your favourite singer?I really like Celine DionReally? I prefer Faya WongWhat would you like to do?Id like to climb Qomolangma MountainDo you think you could do it?YesAnd in this class,

29、 students practice making some sentences using some phrasal verbs2 Teaching Aims and Demands(1) Knowledge ObjectsTo make students review all the vocabulary words and the target language from Units 610(2) Ability ObjectsTo improve students listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsTo improve stu

30、dents communicative competence(3) Moral ObjectsParents are tired after a days hard workAs sons or daughters, we should try to be helpful and do housework3 Teaching Key PointsTo review the vocabulary words and the target languageTo review the usage of the structurespresented from Units 6104 Teaching

31、Difficult PointsTo train students listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsTo train students communicative competence5 Studying WaysTeach students how to master the target language and communicate with othersTeach students how to be successful language learners Language FunctionsExpress prefer

32、enceTalk about places you would like to visitNarrate past eventsTalk about the history of inventions Target Language 1 Where would you like to visit? Id like to visit Holland Why do you want to go there? I want to see the windmills and smell the flowers 2 By the time I was five, I had started learni

33、ng English Really? Where did you learn? I went to classes at an English language school 3 When was it invented? It was invented about a thousand years ago Who was it invented by? It was invented by a Chinese man 4 Whos your favourite singer? I really like Celine Dion Really? I prefer Faya Wong 5 Wha

34、t would you like to do? Id like to climb Qomolangma Mountain Do you think you could do it? Yes Structures 1 Phrasal verbs 2 Past perfect 3 Passive voice (questions and statements) Vocabulary All the vocabulary words from Units 610 Learning Strategies 1 Listening for specific information 2 Role playi

35、ng Teaching Time Four periodsThe First Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary that students have learned in Units 6102 Ability Objects Train students ability to creatively use the language they have learned3 Moral Objects Parents are tired after a days hard work As sons o

36、r daughters, we should try to be helpful and do housework Teaching Key PointsKey vocabulary Teaching Difficult PointsTrain students ability to creatively use the language they have learned Teaching MethodsPractice method Teaching AidsThe blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep Revision1 Invite different

37、students to say their answers to the exercises of the workbook2 Get several students to share their sentences with adjectives with the whole class, Correct the mistakes if there are any Then let the other students hand in their sentences Correct the mistakes before returning themStep 1aThis activity

38、 reviews some of the vocabulary that students have learned in Units 610 In this activity, well review some of the vocabulary in Units 610 by completing a crossword First, please look at the clues with the headlines Down and Across Explain down and across to the students Call students attention to th

39、e crossword Point out the sample answerWhen my mother is tired, I try to be helpful and make dinner Elicit the first answer to the list of across clues(hair)Now please read the clues and complete the crosswordGet students to do the crossword in pairs As students are doing this, walk around the class

40、room to make sure that all the students know what they need to doCheck answers by asking different students to read out and spell the answersAnswersDown 1 helpful 2 radio 3 visit 4 Chinese 5 one 8 soon 9 culture 10 stop 12 got 13 songs 14 ocean 16 left 17 sick 18 that 19 are 21 at Across 1 hair 4 cl

41、ock 6 land 7 likes 9 costume 11 signs 15 pack 16 loud 18 traffic 20 bakery 22 betterStep 1bThe activity requires students to creatively use the language they have learnedAsk students to choose four words from Units 610 and write a clue for each wordUse the sample conversation to illustrate the activ

42、ity: Students work in pairs and take turns to say their clues for the words they chose from Units 610 Their partner tries to guess the words Walk around the class and make sure students are using the words correctlyAsk a few students to say their clues and have the class guess the wordsOptional acti

43、vityA competition Divide the students in half down the middle into two teams A student from Team A says a clue for a word A student from Team B guesses the word Team A gets one point for a correct clue and Team B gets one point for a correct word Change them round Team B says a clue while Team A gue

44、sses The first ten-point team winsStep SummaryIn this class, weve reviewed some of the vocabulary in Units 610Step HomeworkSay and remember the vocabulary words in Units 610Step Blackboard DesignReview of Units 610The First PeriodA competitionTeam A Team B正 正下 正8 10Review of units 610The Third Perio

45、d Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Oral practice talking about places you would like to visit(2) Oral particle narrating past events(3) Oral practice talking about the history of inventions2 Ability Objects(1) Train students speaking skill(2) Train students writing skill3 Moral Object

46、 Thank all the inventors It is they who make our life convenient and easy Teaching Key Points1 Talk about places you would like to visit2 Narrate past events3 Talk about the history of inventions Teaching Difficult PointsTrain students speaking and writing skills Teaching MethodsPractice method Teaching AidsThe blackboard Teachi


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