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1、2018高考高三英语3月月考模拟试题06满分为150分。用时120分钟。第卷(三部分,共105分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1When did the plane leave?AAt 11:05BAt 11:15CAt 11:252How did Charles travel in China? ABy airBBy carCBy train3What

2、does the woman want the man to do?ATo paint her houseBTo build a new houseCTo choose colors4Who is the woman most probably?AMrBlacks bossBMrBlacks patientCMrBlacks secretary5What will they do first?AGet some gasBSee a playCHave a dinner第二节(共15小题;每题15分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中

3、选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6What did the woman do on Friday?AShe prepared for the examBShe attended a class activityCShe had a history lesson7 What is the weather in the desert like at night?AHot and doBHot and wetCCool and dry8Why is

4、it easy to see different rocks in the desert?ABecause there are few plants thereBBecause there arc too many rocksCBecause the sunlight is very strong听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9How many stories did the man tell the woman?ATwoB Three CFour10What happened to the robber at last?AHe was killedBHe was caughtCHe ran

5、 away11Why did the man in the last story get into the chimney?ATo clean the chimneyBTo give his friends a surpriseCTo climb into his house听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12Where does this conversation take place?AIn a restaurantBIn a sports shop.CIn the classroom13What is the probable relationship between thetwo s

6、peakers?ASalesgirl and customerBCustomer and waitressCTeacher and student13What does the man need?AA tennis racketBSports shoesCA cooking book听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15What is the woman going to do?AAttend a partyBTake a holidayCHave a good sleep16When does the woman plan to arrive?ALate FridayBMidday Satu

7、rdayCSaturday night17What is the weather like in the town during the day?AColdBWetCWarm听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18What is the talk mainly about?AThe entertainment awardsBThe Nobel PrizesCPeoples Choice Awards19What draws more attention in the preshow?AWhat the stars sayBHow the stars dress upCWhen the star

8、s arrive20What does the speaker like best?AThe winners filmsBThe winners jokesCThe winners words.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.operation was very successful indeed, which was _ comfort to the concerned motherAThe; /BAn; the CAn;a DThe,;

9、a22Could you help me with the math problem?_You must be barking up the wrong treeAA pleasureBHang on a minuteCWhats the point? DAre you kidding?23Drunk driving used to occur_ in our city, but now such cases are rareApractically Bgenerally Cfrequently Dgradually24Having failed to do what I_ to, Im af

10、raid of being scolded by my parentsAam expected Bwill be expectedCwas expected Dhave expected25The mother, _in the kitchen, totally forgot the medicine on the table within thechilds reachAto be occupied BoccupiedCoccupying Dbeing occupied26Can a person enjoy the pleasure from his work?_he can have h

11、is interests and the work combinedAAlthough BSineCWhile DUnless27Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for LiteratureHe certainly _ that honor, for his works are so popularAreserves Bdeserves Cobserves Drespects28Be careful, for the delicate glass _ easilyAis broken Bbreaks Cwill break Dhas broken29_an

12、 hour every day has made a considerable difference to my healthAHaving walked BWalk CWalking DWalked30 He became the _of criticism by the readers for his newly-published bookAtarget Btheme Cfortune Dfigure31The new driving test seems to be challenging, so the chances _he can pass it at the first att

13、empt are small.Ahow Bwhether Cthat Dwhere32Alex changed his mind at the last minute, otherwise we_an agreementAshould have reached Bcould have reachedCcan reach Dshould reach33Language learning,_ the expert pointed out in his lecture, is more than rememberingwords and phrasesAas Bwhich Cthat Dwhat34

14、_you leave your room in such a mess?Sorry, MumI forgot to tidy it upAMust BCan CShould DWill35HiTommyAre you busy now?_I have done my work, and Im going out for shoppingADont mention it BNothing seriousCNot really DNever mind第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。O

15、ne Monday morning, news got around in the schoolyard about a fire over the weekendSoon MrJohnson,my teacher, came to explain that the Art class would be 36 due to thefireHe also warned us not to approach the Art room because it could be 37 During the morning break, Kirn and I decided to take a 38 A

16、first hand observationwould make us heroes at lunchAt the appointed time, Kirn and I 39the Art room, ignoringthe consequence I would face 40 I got caughtWe stood on tiptoes looking hard 41 thedoor window, trying in vain to see 42 was forbiddenSuddenly a firm 43on our shouldersslopped usTurning aroun

17、d, I found a teacher staring angrily at usIn those seconds millions of 44flashed through my mindMy father would beat me hard45 than that, my mom might be somad she might not stop himMy spirits 46even lower wlien realizing how 47 MrJohnsonwould heWhen Kirn and I were led back to our classroom, I coul

18、d found 48 to hide and wanted tomelt into the 49 However, MrJohnson had a different 50 to teachSlowly, he bent down to look me in the 51 , and I was met with a look of concern ratherthan angerHe spoke softly as he explained why he was52 in my decision to go where I mayhave got hurtHe cared more abou

19、t my 53 than the fact that Fd broken a ruleMy heart was54 with regret, and I discovered that he still loved me even after F d disappointed himTherest of the day, he didnt even mention it in class publicly, 55 did he tell my parentsIt was the first time I felt the power of being given an unexpected s

20、econd chance36Aconfirmed Bexamined Ccancelled Dsuggested37Auseless Bdangerous Cchildish Dnaughty38Atest Brisk Ccheck Dchance39Areached Bsearched Centered Dcleaned40Auntil Bunless Cas Dif41Aover Bwithin Cthrough Dacross42Awhat Bhow Cwhy Dwhich43Aword Bhold Ccry Dorder44Athoughts Bfeelings Csolutions

21、Dexcuses45AEasier BLess CMore DWorse46Achanged Blifted Csank Dlost47Astrange Bangry Ckind Dsad48Asomewhere BanywhereCnowhere Deverywhere49AfireBlaugh Ctable Dfloor50A course Blesson Cknowledge Dability51Aeye Bhead Chand Dfeet52Aembarrassed Bexcited Cdisappointed Dmoved53Agrade Bhonesty Cinterest Dsa

22、fety54Bheavy Crelaxed Dempty55AsoBnor Ceither Dyet第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe New Folk Sound Of Terry Collier attracted little interest when first released (发行) , andby the time it was championed on a music chart, Callier had long abandoned music for

23、 a career incomputer programmingAs a result, he returned to music to make many recordings with someleading young artists in Britain, making it the most successful period of his lifeTerry Callier was born into a poor family on May 24, 1945 and grew up in ChicagoHelearned to practice the piano and beg

24、an singing in groups in his teensHe released his first single, Look At Me Now in 1962When offered a tour, he seemed to be a shining star soonButthen his mother stepped in, insisting that, at 17 , his place was not on the road but at home studyingWhile attending college, he began performing in folk c

25、lubs and coffee housesIt was alsowhen he started his songwritingCallier continued to record and give live concerts through the1970s touring with some famous popular singersHis combination of fierce guitar, wise lyrics(歌词) and sweet voices created a distinctive style known as jazz-folkHowever, he had

26、 more success as a songwriter than as a singer when he sang his hit song The Love We Had Stays on MyMind in 1971In 1983 he abandoned music completely to attend his 12-year-old daughter after splitting upwith his wifeHe got a steady job at the University of Chicago and did not touch a guitar foryears

27、Many years later, some DJs discovered his old recordings and began to play his songs inclubsThough Callier was unwilling to get involved in music again, Callier was eventually persuaded to come back, which brought him more applauses than he had ever experienced56From the first paragraph we can learn

28、 that Calliers delayed success led to _Aloss of interest in music Ba failure in his studyCIlls artistic rebirth Dthe reunion of old friends57What was Calliers mothers attitude towards hisdream of becoming a star?AsupportiveBunderstandingCindifferentDopposed58Which is in the right order in Calliers s

29、tory?He got a job in computer programming in Chicago universityWriting songs became as successful as singing songsThe New Folk Sound Of Terry Callier became most popularHe managed to release the first single and was offered a tourABCD59Terry Callier leave his career in music in 1983 because he _Awas

30、 offered a better job in Chicago collegeBhad to accept his wifes adviceChe wanted to take care of his daughterDlost interest in sing and writing songs 60What can we learn about Callier from the last paragraph?AHe reached a higher peak in his music careerBSome DJs helped him to write new songsCHe dec

31、ided to give up his family for musicDHis songs were only suitable in clubsBChina improved the quality health care to its population, but observers say continued reforms are still needed to solve the problems caused by high costs and uneven (不均衡的) spreadOLeary, a Britain-based medical researcher who

32、focuses on China, is greatly impressed by Beings success in making sure the insurance programmers cover a very large percentage of the population. But he says medical costs are still high, even for the insuredSo when health care costs are higher there are still out-of-pocket expenses, and that remai

33、ns a major challenge,he saysObservers say out-of-pocket expenses are not affordable for many in rural areas, where a serious illness can make lower-income residents fall into povertyAnother challenge is the uneven spread of Chinas health care reformCompared with the urban areas many rural areas are

34、still served by medical workers with little trainingAt the villagelevel rural doctors are often people who dont have regular medical trainingBut theyre oftenproviding all the services for the poorest people says OLearyHigh drug prices, a lack of qualified doctors and nurses, and an aging population

35、are stillthe problems as China improves its health care systemChina says that its healthcare system still fall far short of the publics demands for healthcareas well as the requirements of economic and social developmentBut many observers, includingOLeary, agree that China is making steady and posit

36、ive progress toward providing quality healthcare for its citizensThey are moving in the right direction, says OLearyTrying to provide a universalhealth care system for 13 billion people is a huge taskBut China will surely do better with itscontinuous efforts61OLeary expressed satisfaction with the _

37、 of the insurance programmes of ChinaArules BcostsCcoverage Dchallenge62The underlined phrase the insured in Para 2 refers to_Athe qualified doctors and nursesBthe people who have health insuranceCthose old people without any childrenDthe farmers who get richer and richer63According to OLeary, China

38、 faces many problems in improving health care system except_.Ahigh drug prices Black of qualified medical staffCan aging population Dlack of support of the people64What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?AThe urban areas don-, need Ac health care reform.BRural areas has a long way to go in

39、health care reform.CPeople in rural areas have no doctors to consult.DRural doctors are more qualified and hospitable.65From the passage we can learn, that Chinese health care Ahas improved, but more reforms are neededBseems an impossible projectChas achieved the greatest successD are often criticiz

40、ed by foreignersCUmbrella is a “difficult” novel. But if you enjoy challenges, just read on because Umbrella, as a Booker Prize winner, is one you cant miss. The story itself is not difficult to follow. It concerns a woman named Audrey, a Lo ndoner who grows up during World War I, works in a militar

41、y factory, and then survives an epidemic (传染病)spreading through Europe between 1915 and 1926. She is admitted to a mental hospital in 1922, and remains there, mind out of time, until 1971, when a doctor named Zach Busner awakens the sleeping beauty with a special drug. And decades later-on April 8,2

42、010, to be exact Busner thinks back on all this as he visits his old hospital.The story also involves painful facts of how the mentally ill were mistreated, and the careers of Audreys two brothers, one of whom becomes a soldier in the Great War. Fans of World War I will not want to miss the vivid descriptions of battlefields.What makes Will Selfs novel challengi


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