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1、Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?一. 复习目标: 谈论假期活动的计划安排 二. 所属话题: 计划与愿望课前复习题: 一 写出下列单词临时照顾_宿营_计划_发送_观光_租用_农村_大自然_忘记_旅行者_著名的_欧洲_二. 写出下列词组多久_回来_去度假_非常_ 骑自行车旅行_计划某事_ 去旅游观光 _去徒步旅行_ 租录像带 _ 在家放松_看望祖父母_和朋友一起度过时光_去海滩_三. 翻译下列句子1祝你旅行愉快!从海南给我发张贺卡吧!_2 他计划度过一个轻松愉快的假期。 _3我不喜欢离开太久。 _4她爸爸下周六将飞往旧金山。_5我热爱大自然,计划在美丽的

2、乡村度过快乐时光。 _6他原来考虑去希腊或西班牙,但最后决定去加拿大。 _7他想做一些不同的事情。 _8他希望能忘掉所有的烦恼。_ 四. 写出不同类型的假期活动观光旅游:go_, go to _, take _ in Europe, _ time in the countryside, _vacations to Italy购物访友:_文体活动:_家里活动:_ 课堂巩固练习题: 一 . 选择填空1. -Nancy,do you have any plans for the weekend? -I am _a movie with my brother.A .going to see B.see

3、ing C.will go 2. -_she going for vacation? -Shes visiting her cousins.A.What B.Whats C.How 3.-Your little gilr looks _and clever.-Thank you for saying so.A.lovely B.love C.healthy 4.-What are you doing this weekend? -Were _.A.go camp B.going camp C.going camping 5. -When is your father goinng? -He _

4、 on Thursday. A is going B went C going 二. 完形填空 Most American families like to have a holiday 1 summer. Summer is a good season 2 holidays . It is very hot during the months of July and August . Children do not go to school during these 3 months. Some 4 like to stay at home during the holidays. They

5、 work in the garden, visit friends, 5 books ,or watch TV. Many families 6 their lunch to a park or somewhere far 7 the city . They like to eat where there are many trees or there is a nice lake. 8 they live near the sea , they often go to the beach. They can fish, swim or enjoy the sun there. Americ

6、an is a large country . Many families travel by 9 or by train to see interesting places. They also travel by plane to a foreign country. Many big cities have many famous buildings ,theatres, shops and other places 10 travelers.( ) 1. A. for B. in C. on ( ) 6. A. takes B. take C. took( ) 2. A. to B.

7、of C. for ( ) 7. A. from B. away C. off ( ) 3. A. one B. two C. three ( ) 8. A. But B. And C. If( ) 4. A. people B. women C. peoples ( ) 9. A. car B. a car C. cars( ) 5. A. read B. watch C. look ( ) 10. A. for B. in C. on三. 完成对话,每空一词:A: Jim, _ was your weekend?B: Great. I went to the beach with my f

8、riends and had a barbecue together.A: That _ like a lot of _. Did you go swimming, too?B: Sure. I think its a fantastic _ to go.A: I couldnt agree. Thats an idea place for _B: It _ is.A: I cant _ to go there _. 四. 根据中文情景提示,写出恰当的句子(1)你想知道朋友度假时打算做什么,你会这么问:_(2)你告诉同学你打算去海滨度假,你可以这么说:_(3)你告诉你的妈妈Jane这个周末要在

9、家照顾她的妹妹,你会怎么说:_(4) 你想知道你的朋友打算和谁去度假,你会怎么问:_课后练习题:一.语篇理解 Summer vacation is coming. Mike and his friend are _ for vacation. Mike is thinking about _. He is taking photos of Great Wall. Frank is planning to go hiking _. He wants to draw some pictures of trees and animals. All of them wish to have a great time.二. 连词成段字数5080左右。 提示词: vacation, stay, beach, decide, nature_三. 你心目当中理想的假期是什么,展开你想象的翅膀,制定出你的出游计划. ( 写在纸上)Unit 3 完型填空 BCBAA BACAA语篇理解 making plans going to Beijing in the mountain 4


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