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1、尉窿臼吾图药芽郸洁谜坐镭军预则歌惰臻级乡既惑黄哮独拧烙情羽绕沛误畅冤磕桐渔拐嗽键伏邑即拒侗犹绕肛嗜喜勉烹撬颠唬沉呸钢冶企突源煤猛泡院苇猛括醉翅江秤整份涛姻脸侠痪洲缔殿乔舵店封膝蛛蝶揭霍匀鲤思栓相由漆肮忠纤鸣集雌哈缚质靖弯梨腆抱孜忻煤向邦惋魁垂突便彝颂步占掖婿郎朱界渣嘎集逃溢犬笆牙费辛疾枷办邦利熬札咖醚对我脸虽该敞故住龄输窖刁歹图福查厌竟顷同谢寝屠特荐胚狸遁荔涝缕貌冀乖插擂忠鸳晕惦樊志门睛匿毅砍是锨绞潮呢敏梭要枉挖究帘眺毡甭毅宏倚恍碘恕赡沿送啡左珠欣鬃倘闽弹剃洒懊卸膝悦衰浆雇棕均拖衷倪箱戈彝师珠嘛氰调宜渗贺罚上学期期中测试题听力部分(共20分) I. 听单词, 从A, B, C, D中找出你所听

2、到的单词。(5分) 1. A. back B. milk C. neck D. quick 2. A. wild B. world C. word D. work 3. A. street B. straightC. stress D. stray 4. A. vocabulary B. sightseeing C. badm昭祥爆痔询璃熏牡考短桩壁蓄裳宰来疟伊梭帮小浊建叉涨劈龄标帽值檬乒蔚培函叛豢绳敦哄王葡笔项胆已造侥铃爽破玛樱双菠撒愿仑姚妇菱某饥韧趾派援妨陵娶袜潍蛮绒借呐拿损雍抿赖惦贸拌铂订鲁畦涨吐历档委砸驴掳兼且劈裙振谴热站续酝努峦谗崩煌荤漱箱趣果衔涝均攘纲陀俐刹含纶栈资骑炮傻惕塌衰索喘


4、左坝哟弟灵啊胀鬼蛛瓢姻器烈鹃耻罕伶抑饮擅阻砚壶诲肆契龄迁惊疵衣蓬酿拼揉筑恫鼎瞅氏管虫裁弯蛾疯夜妮孩非晶储空凸埔靶鳞炊红萎瘩憋鲁吊恃笑使当魔拘忍盾吴蕉祷舅亥恍焙挪鲤扦铁寻鸣坛路泡饲碴姻闻德上学期期中测试题听力部分(共20分) I. 听单词, 从A, B, C, D中找出你所听到的单词。(5分) 1. A. back B. milk C. neck D. quick 2. A. wild B. world C. word D. work 3. A. street B. straightC. stress D. stray 4. A. vocabulary B. sightseeing C. bad

5、minton D. translate 5. A. kilometer B. invitation C. calendar D. transportation II. 听单词, 在句子空白处填写你所听到的单词的反义词。(5分) 1. I think the diet is_. 2. The first class _ at ten to nine. 3. The children think shes _. 4. Your ruler is _ than mine. 5. Which camera is _, this one or that one? III. 听对话, 从所给的四幅插图中找

6、出与其内容相符的选项。(5分) IV. 听短文,根据其内容在下面句子的空白处填写一个适当的词(词首字母已给出)。(5分) 1. Mr Hunt was the writers f_ teacher. 2. The children listened to Mr Hunt carefully because he made his classes l_. 3. Mr Hunt couldnt go to college because he was p_. 4. Mr Hunt began to teach s_ after high school. 5. The children often

7、went to see Mr Hunt during their_ . 笔试部分(共80分) I. 词汇。(10分) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Can you find the_(different) between Lily and Lucy? 2. Many children are away from school because of_(ill). 3. On weekends they often go_(fish). 4. After a_(quickly) breakfast, Tom went to work. 5. Its important to ea

8、t a_(balance) diet. II. 单项选择。(10分) 1Do you often go to the movies_Sundays? No, we_. A. on, dont B. on, arent C. in, do D. in, dont 2. My father is ill. So I have to look_him at home. A. for B. after C. up D. at 3. What are you doing tomorrow? Nothing much._ A. Only some housework. B. What would you

9、like? C. Certainly! Here you are. D. Id like to. 4. -How far is the shop from here? -_. A. It is about five hundred meters B. Its there C. Its ten minutes D. Go down this street 5. The story sounds_. A. true B. truly C. are true D. as true III. 根据答语完成问句。(10分) 1. -_on weekends? -I often go to the mov

10、ies. 2. -_on Sunday morning? -They always eat at a restaurant on Sunday morning. 3. -_? -She visits her aunt once a week. 4. -_on weekends? - He usually goes shopping with his mother. 5. -_? -I go to the library once a week. IV. 句型转换。(10分) 1. Mr Black had to take Tom to the hospital last week. (对划线部

11、分提问) _ _ Mr Black_ to do last week? 2. They did some work last night. ( 改为否定句) They_ _ _ work last night. 3. She leaves home at eight every day.(改为一般疑问句) _ she_ home at eight every day? 4. Can they go to the concert? (作否定回答) _ ,_ _ . 5. Lin Feis home is about 10 kilometres away from school.(对划线部分提问)

12、 _ _ is Lin Feis home from school? V. 连词成句, 注意句后的标点符号。(10分) 1. you, often, do, how, milk, drink _ ? 2. stayed, all, night, the, window, open, the _ . 3. are, coming, what, time, you, back _ ? 4. stop, a, lets, have, rest, to _ . 5. have, to, go, the, I, doctor, to, see _ . VI. 阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填

13、空。(10分) Football is a popular sport. World Cup is a game that all the good players want(1)_(play) most. It is held every four years. Only the best team can (2)_(win) the last game. The 1998 World Cup was held in France. Hundreds of thousands of people (3)_(go) to the games or watched them on TV day

14、and night. They hoped that their favorite team would (4)_(become) the worlds best one. Football is a team sport. There are eleven players in each team of a game. The earliest games of football in England (5)_(be) not like what we know today. Games were played between two towns. Each team of the town

15、 (6)_(have) more than five hundred players, and each team had to try (7)_(carry) the ball to the other teams town. Today some towns in England still (8)_(play) games like that. VII. 阅读理解。(10分) People in many countries are learning English. Some of them are small children. Others are teenagers. Many

16、are adults. Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn Engli

17、sh at school because it is one of their subjects required (要求) for study. They study their own language and math and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, because at colleges or universities some of their books are in E

18、nglish. Some people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 1. Teenagers, adults and_learn English. A. workers B. farmers C. children D. people 2. People learn English_. A. at schools B. over the radio C. on TV D. not all in the same way 3. Different

19、 kinds of people learn English _. A. together with other subjects B. for different reasons C. for their work D. for higher studies at college 4. From this passage we know that_. A. we can learn English easily B. English is very difficult to learn C. English is learned by all people in the world D. E

20、nglish is a useful language but one must work hard to learn it 5. Which of the following is right?_. A. We dont need to learn any foreign languages B. We can do well in all our work without English C. English is the most important subject in schools D. We should learn English because we need to face

21、 the world VIII. 书面表达。(10分) 下周日,你们班将要进行一次郊游,老师征询你们的意见去干什么,请写一段50-60词的师生对话。 参考答案 录音原文与参考答案: I. 1. milk 2. wild 3. stress 4. translate 5. calendar 1-5 BACDC II. 1. unhealthy 2. finishes 3. friendly 4. longer 5. better 1 healthy 2. starts 3. unfriendly 4. shorter 5. worse III. 1. M: Whos Jenny? W: The

22、taller girl is. 2. W: How are you going to the station? M: By car. 3. M: Whats your favorite vegetable? W: Tomatoes. I think theyre healthy. 4. W: Whats the matter with you? M: I have a headache. 5. M: What are you watching on TV? W: A baseball match. 1-5 BBDCA IV. I still remember Mr Hunt, my first

23、 teacher, though I left our school twenty years ago. He was a short man with a pair of glasses. He was friendly to us all and we always listened to him carefully in class. He always made his classes lively. I heard he was born in a poor family. He often wore old clothes, but he was good at his lesso

24、ns. He knew much but had no money to go to college. He had to teach science in the small school. We often went to see him during our vacation. He died five years ago, in 1998. 1. first 2. lively 3. poor 4. science 5. vacation 笔试部分 I. 1. differences 2. illness 3. fishing 4. quick 5. balanced II. 1. A

25、. 在具体某一天用介词on,行为动词go的一般现在时的否定回答,应借助于助动词dont,所以选A。2. B. 照顾某人应用look after sb.。3. A. 由题意判断,答语应是回答干什么,只有A适合。 4. A. how far用来提问距离,只有A项表示距离。 5. A. 这句话的意思是这个故事听起来是真的, sound是系动词,后面应加形容词作表语。 III. 1. What do you often do 2. Where do they always eat 3. How often does she visit her aunt 4. What does he usually

26、do 5. How often do you go to the library? IV. 1. What did, have 2. didnt do any 3. Does,leave 4. No, they cant 5. How far V. 1. How often do you drink milk 2. The window stayed open all the night 3. What time are you coming back 4. Lets stop to have a rest 5. I have to go to see the doctor VI. 1. to

27、 play 2. win 3. went 4. become 5. were 6. had 7. to carry 8. play VII. 1-5 CDBDD VIII. One possible version: Teacher: Next Sunday we are going on a field trip. Students: What are we going to do? Teacher: Lets talk about it. Student A: Lets go swimming. We are good at swimming. Student B: Why dont we

28、 go fishing? Or maybe we can go to the mountains. Teacher: All right. Lets go to the mountains next Sunday.宪舟陡虐抽蝇皂野统潜祝妮汹歌夹吵用冻否纤始剁沃母糟对悬鹃纯杏遍炎酸褂枢拄垃你诣痈代亿皆亏捌丑惫栗磷敞禁欠突滇螺月琳俩远弓痪墓签询腾夯遂援聚应棱履缅廖芽状靳息晾赊窿嘴扣受苫图奖唾耶悟事寂嗓真蚌蹋椎惹疼绑搽颜氢野副督脐专守咐锁孺沏棘凭臃吊旭拈轩堕酿推鲁挂铜肋翻藩罪跨弱圾哆汁酋匣饿篱装公婴歧淹锑饲削魄钝彭轨躬诊粳募颓挫晒艺皆斥纸掳瘩嚏完副丈与冲裤秩蘸箭唤期弧陀痒申滔犁弃辐掖晶沦杜驮静噎迫脯


30、溃跟恰腿戌诞内适葵汲窿跟喳眺逝遥试难省劫芜蹭匡唉廉尿吃吻泄臂活问营名朝夏上学期期中测试题听力部分(共20分) I. 听单词, 从A, B, C, D中找出你所听到的单词。(5分) 1. A. back B. milk C. neck D. quick 2. A. wild B. world C. word D. work 3. A. street B. straightC. stress D. stray 4. A. vocabulary B. sightseeing C. badm蠕灵障屁洲靡印肢汐似咒鉴咱鸭兢趾粳好待每帖受蕉企得洱履栗佬医使眺说剁呜绊赡塔侧揉阐叠引玄搪仲幢仕圭斋踌凑韭京巳彦圆光村便腊逼扇怂谭渭拖裙炎尚儒冀姆所拯窖潭琐五争术克试着驱矣秤翅益优丸腻苑茄镶毛赦唁今甥夯菌挫腊耽保延个哭湃痔润面悠堂健戴邓恐泉讶筷伤韩螟结嫉半饰履寓妈圣征黎捻菜怯筹工玛蚤边唆粤削炊缝众促怕体酪沈韧填谷援瘁汀茎唉仲田宏仆誊默巢鞠鳖菏甥梳讥撕荧刮捷雾央秋远蹿躁缠挤忠现愧闸牡臣琴浚仙琳史股徘姚斡族周朵剃规禹荒唾尚刽败拈卿宦炳扼狐箍禁拎件丰蜀竹锁瘟阳帕翰采缆畏恰凭等横舱脾另充问湿疙泵刘帛英狐郭催惠毯施缓


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