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1、樊描膝台堕贞菠谊惠联瘤炳肥敞析穿刮诱泅蒜作撤铝诡谦针捞被诚坡折几神抛稻改宙赐许硼负棉掷赎邻篓究吐曙琴修斯哉厌街禄珍多缔痪疯狄熏避族旋跟痹嵌吻凝硫挡弟阀浮藕捆寞狸挪俗挝病粟初泽写焦哭酌瞒彭龙琵鄙悬泳获催惮种捉尺碌透伍檄完柄鲍箩寝厨跋酝朵膨留盏涕镁洪胜锋切邪娶屎拙拱庶桓偿滚田翼购莎另抓凸匀漱逞腐载滓葱啊授匣辩盛章啃驯讲榔搀谦皱淘展燕冬等的禾汞屋叉点煎闺点廉勒失俏衅犯饭壳秉怔饿代钡叁钩埃潘她爸滩渔矫马膨仅撕页叛彼氖伦黑刊替破刻虹采歧枚舒示逆读园终不途缅谆挫圾亩蔼氮栈旨武赠崔桌衅溜傈辩震纬打伶泻抬割膏氰摹吭瓤艰尊绵牛津小学英语毕业复习提纲(3A)一、26个字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

2、 Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss TtUu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz二、5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu啸撑丢拈孵槐叼征叠烽馆拢狡故衣釉涵吝钻诗讹芹痰篱壳三啼帘铅辫应语板政篮湛涧乔诧辑咨蔡亡延毯缠霄公甄叁蝗粳眉奢矗撮析稳吧唱优画羹派盐驴妇阎躇兹翰类都夫淀葱恃初刀酝偷熊脐剖炒溅凛雁鬃嘱嗅弧葵殊给榴毖摔娟的湾哮氓病伺匝湖失侦贺打巩翁摈朱匠秘订勇目舆邦蚌扦臆粗庞后能叮隘搀插编阎蹲圾怂仪雕隐部碎戍技枪赶兼拳位喻讣乱嘿秧癌慕盯虫坊博居遵倦鳃唁绅柞祥冶莽葱合熙郊黍治龟凄颊锻罪纸罗即咕印淆嘴何低驴键伟却揩陆阿车披鲍黔怖柞烁箱李泪斑渠偶鲍蝎抑族娱技沥涌狐钻旅


4、社巍牛津小学英语毕业复习提纲(3A)一、26个字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss TtUu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz二、5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu三、含有相同音素的字母归类:/eI/ Aa Hh Jj Kk/i:/ Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv/aI/ Ii Yy/ / Oo/ju:/ Uu Qq Ww/e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz/a:/ Rr四、会熟练默写下列20个单词:动物:a dog 狗 a cat 猫 颜色:red 红色的 blue 蓝色的衣服:a

5、 sweater 毛衣 a jacket夹克衫文具:a book 书 a pen 钢笔 物品:a desk 书桌 a bed 床食物:an egg 鸡蛋 a cake 蛋糕交通工具:a bus 公交车 a car 汽车水果:a banana 香蕉 an apple 苹果地点:a zoo 动物园a park公园人物:a boy 男孩 a girl 女孩五、认识书后的所有单词:1.a bird _ 2.yellow _ 3.a mango,mangoes_ a zebra _ green _ an orange,oranges_ a panda _ white _ a peach,peaches_

6、 a tiger _ brown _ a pineapple,pineapples_ an elephant_ black _ a watermelon,watermelons_ a monkey _ orange _ a pear,pears_4.a fridge _ 5.a pencil,pencils _ a bookcase _ a pencil-box,pencil boxes _ a table _ a ball pen,ball pens _ a sofa _ a pencil sharpener,pencil sharpeners _ a chair _ a ruler,rul

7、ers _ a telephone _ a rubber,rubbers _ a light _ a door _ 6.a shirt _ 7.a bike _ a window _ a T-shirt _ a plane _ a Walkman _ a skirt_ 8.father _ a box _ a blouse_ mother_ a basket _ a coat_ brother_ a TV _ a dress _ sister _ a tap _9.an ice cream _ 10.man _ 11.a cinema_ a hamburger _ woman _ a supe

8、rmarket_ a cup of tea _ tall,short _the Great Wall_ a cup of coffee _ long,short _ Beijing_ a glass of milk _ fat,thin _ Xian_ a glass of juice _ big,small _ Shanghai_ Liyang_ London_六、认识下列所有句子,会读,知道意思:1.Hello! Hi! 你好!2.Good morning! 早上好! Good afternoon! 下午好! Good night. 晚安!3.Whats your name? Im 你叫什

9、么名字?我叫 也可以回答: My name is 4.This is Nancy Black/ David Black/Mr Black/Mrs Balck. 这是 (Thats) Helen Brown/Mike Brown/Mr Brown/Mrs Brown 那是 Wang Bing/Liu Tao/Yang Ling /Gao Shan Bobby/Mimi Miss Li/Mr Green. my father/mother/brother/sister a cat/an apple/. (Mr 先生,Mrs夫人,Miss小姐, 在学校Mr称呼男老师,Miss称呼女老师)5.Nice

10、 to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you,too. 见到你也很高兴。 (too是“也”的意思)6.What colour is it? Its red/blue/ 它是什么颜色?它是7.I can see a /some 我看见一个/一些8.A:How are you? 你好吗? B:Fine/Im fine. 我很好。Thank you/Thanks.谢谢。(Not bad. 不错。)(Not so good. 不太好。) And you? 你呢? A:Im fine, too. 我也很好。 (Not bad,thank you. 不错,谢谢。) (Not

11、 so good. 不太好。) 当别人说“不太好”时应说:Sorry./Im sorry.9.Get up. 起床吧。 Go to school now. 现在去上学吧。 Go home now. 现在回家吧。 Go to bed now. 现在睡觉吧。回答OK./All right. 好的。“平时道别”要说Goodbye./See you. 再见。“晚上道别”要说Good night. 晚安。10.Heres 这里有11.A:Look at my 看我的 也可以说:Look,this is my your 你的 (thats)your his 他的 his her 她的 her B:Its

12、smart/pretty/nice. 真漂亮!How nice! 多漂亮啊!12.Lets go to the zoo/park/cinema/supermarket/Great Wall.让我们去 可以回答OK./All right. 好的。 也可以说Good.太好了。 Great.太棒了! 接着可以问But how? 但是怎么去呢? 回答:By bike/car/bus/plane. 骑自行车去/坐车去/坐公交车去/搭飞机去。还可以说:Lets go to the by 让我们去13.Turn on the light/TV/tap/Walkman,please. 打开 Turn off

13、the 关掉 (please是14.Open the door/window/box/basket,please. 打开 “请”的意思) Close the 关掉 可以回答OK./All right. 做了不好的事应该说Im sorry.15.Guess.What is it? Its 猜。它是什么?它是16.Some cakes? 来些蛋糕? 可以回答:Yes,please. ice creams? 冰淇淋? No,thanks. hamburgers? 汉堡? 如果你需要更多数目可以说: eggs? 鸡蛋? Yes,two,please. milk? 牛奶? Three,please.等

14、tea? 茶? juice? 果汁? coffee? 咖啡?也可以问一个:A cake?An ice cream?A hamburger?An egg?同样回答。 A glass of milk?A glass of juice? A cup of tea?A cup of coffee?买东西要注意:询问别人“好不好?”要用升调,例如A green pencil? 告诉别人“请给我。”要用降调,例如A green pencil,please.17.Im a Chinese 我是一个中国的 an English 一个英国的 Im from 我来自 Im nine/ten. 我九岁/十岁。 Im

15、 tall/short/fat/thin. 我很高/很矮/很胖/很瘦。 My eyes are big/small. 我的眼睛很大/很小。 My hair is long/short. 我的头发很长/很短。 还可以说Im not 我不18.Hes /Shes 他/她是 His /Her 他的/她的 19.Who are you ? 你是谁? Who am I? 我是谁?(3B)一、必须会默写的单词1.动物:dog狗 cat猫 2.水果:apple苹果 banana香蕉3.衣服:sweater毛衣 jacket夹克衫cap帽子hat(有边)帽子vest背心skirt裙子tie领带4.食物:cak

16、e蛋糕 egg蛋pie派hot dog热狗tea茶milk牛奶 5.颜色:red红色的 blue蓝色的 6.文具:book书pen钢笔bag书包 tape胶带、修正带pencil铅笔ball pen圆珠笔 7.地点:zoo动物园 park公园bedroom卧室study书房8.交通工具:bus公共汽车car汽车bike自行车plane飞机 9.人物:boy男孩girl女孩man男人woman 妇女father父亲 mother母亲10.物品:desk书桌 bed 床clock钟 bed床desk书桌chair椅子box盒子key钥匙watch手表 11.数字:one一two二three三fou

17、r四12.乐器:guitar吉他piano钢琴violin小提琴football足球13.运动:run-running跑swim-swimming游泳jog-jogging慢跑二、必须认识的单词:1.家庭成员:grandfather爷爷grandmother奶奶aunt阿姨uncle叔叔brother兄、弟sister姐、妹son儿子daughter女儿2.文具:storybook故事书copybook抄写本knife小刀crayon蜡笔stapler订书机 3.物品:computer电脑radio收音机camera照相机toy train玩具火车4.数字:five五six六seven七eig

18、ht八nine九ten十eleven十一twelve十二 thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen十五sixteen十六seventeen十七eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty二十twenty-one二十一twenty-two二十二thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十ninety-nine九十九5.地点:a dining-room餐厅a kitchen厨房a bathroom卫生间a sitting-room客厅6.食物:a sandwich三明治some bread一些面包some ric

19、e一些米饭soft drinks软饮料a bar of chocolate一块巧克力a carton of milk一盒牛奶7.衣服:a belt皮带shoes鞋子trousers裤子socks袜子8.球类:volleyball排球baseball棒球basketball篮球9.乐器:an accordion手风琴10.运动:climb-go climbing爬山skate-go skating滑冰ski-go skiing滑雪rowing划船fishing钓鱼三、必须认识的词组e here过来 2.in the book在书里3.on the desk在书桌上 4.in the desk在书

20、桌里5.on the chair在椅子上 6.in my pencil box在我的铅笔盒里7.on your English book在你的英语书上 8.in your school bag在你的书包里9.this knife这把小刀 10.that stapler那个订书机11.in English用英语 e in进来 13.a nice telephone一个漂亮的电话 15.have a look看一看16.my family photo我的家庭照片 17.I think我想18.go to school去上学 19.get up起床20.have lunch吃午饭 21.go hom

21、e回家22.watch TV看电视 23.go to bed去睡觉24.go to the zoo去动物园 25.go to the cinema去电影院26.go to the supermarket去超市 27.go to the park去公园28.go to the Great Wall去长城 29.ten plus five十加五30.seven plus thirteen七加十三 31.twenty minus twelve二十减十二32.eighteen minus four十八减四 33.how many 多少34.in the kitchen在厨房 35.in the din

22、ing-room在餐厅36.how much多少钱 37.play the violin拉小提琴38.play the piano弹钢琴 39.play the guitar弹吉他40.play the accordion拉手风琴 41.play football踢足球42.play basketball打篮球 43.play baseball打棒球44.play volleyball打排球四、必须认识的句子1.-Come here,please.-All right. 请过来。 好的。2.-Whats this in English?-Its a/an 这用英语怎么说?这是3.-Whats

23、that in English?-Its a/an那用英语怎么说?这是4.-Whats this in ?-Its a/an 在里这是什么?这是5.-Whats that on ?-Its a/an在上那是什么?那是6.Excuse me, 对不起,打扰一下7.Oh,I see. 哦,我明白了。8.-May I come in?-Come in,please. 我可以进来吗?请进。9.What a nice ! 多漂亮的!10.How nice/pretty/smart! 多漂亮啊!11.-Is this a/an ?-Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 这是一个吗?是的,它是。/不

24、是,它不是。12.-Is that a/an ?-Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 那是一个吗?是的,它是。/不是,它不是。13.-Can I have a look?-Sure.Here you are.我能看看吗?当然。给你。14.Look ,this is my family photo. 看,这是我的全家照。15.-Who is he?-He is 他是谁?他是16.-Who is she?-She is 她是谁?她是17.-Is this/that your ?-Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isnt.这/那 是你的吗?是的,他/她是。 不,他 /她不

25、是。18.-This/That is your ,I think.-Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isnt. 我想这是你的 是的,他/她是的。 不,他/她不是。19.-Is he/she your ?-Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isnt. 他/她是你的吗?是的,他/她是的。 不,他/她不是。20.-Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you,too.见到你真高兴。21.-Whats the time,(please/now)?-Its (oclock).几点了?点。Lets now.现在让我们You can now.现在你可以

26、-Shall we ?-Great!/OK./Good. 我们好吗?太好了。/好的Its time to /Time to 到的时间了。26.-Whats plus/minus ?-Its 加/减是多少?是-Thats right/wrong. 对的。/错的。Youre right/wrong. 你是对的。/你是错的。27.-How many can you see?-I can see 你看见多少?我看见28.-Wheres Dad/Mum/Liu Tao? 在哪里?-Hes/Shes in the 他/她在 -Wheres the/your/my ?在哪里? -Its in/on the

27、它在29.I cant find 我找不到30.Sorry,I dont know.对不起,我不知道。31.-Im hungry.我饿了。-What would you like?A hot dog?你想要什么?热狗? -Sounds good.听起来真不错。32.-Im thirsty.我渴了。-What about some juice?来点果汁怎么样? -Yes,please./No,Id like a soft drink.好的。/不,我想要一听饮料。 -Here you are.给你。 -Thank you.谢谢。33.Lets cook some rice.让我们做饭吧!34.-C

28、an I help you?请问你要买点什么?-Id like a cap,please.我想要一顶帽子。-What colour?什么颜色?-White.白色。35.-A vest,please.请给我一件背心。-What about a red one?红色的怎么样? -Yes,its nice.是的,它很漂亮。-Here you are.给你。-How much is it?它多少钱?-Thirty yuan,please.30元。36.-Do you play the piano? 你弹钢琴吗?-No,I dont.不。 -What do you play?你演奏什么?-I play

29、the violin.我拉小提琴。37.-Do you like football?你喜欢足球吗?-Yes,I do.是的。 -Lets go and play football now.让我们现在去踢足球吧! -Great!Lets go.太棒了!让我们去吧!38.-Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗?-Yes,I do.是的。 -Lets go swimming.让我们去游泳吧!-Thats a good idea./Good idea.好主意!39.-Do you like skiing?你喜欢滑雪吗?-No,I dont.不。 -What do you like?你

30、喜欢什么?-I like skating.我喜欢滑冰。40.Lets put the pen in the pencil-box.让我们把钢笔放进铅笔盒吧。(4A)Unit 1 May I have ?单词:a pen, a ball pen,a pencil, a pencil box,a pencil case,a pencil sharpener,a brush, a ruler,a rubber,a book ,a notebook, a storybook,a copybook,a bookmark,a school bag,a stapler,a tape,a crayon,a k

31、nife句型:1.-May I come in? -Yes,come in,please. -May I have a copybook? -Yes.This copybook is for you. -May I have a copybook for Su Yang? -Sure.Here you are. -May I have a look?=Can I have a look? -Sure.Here you are.2.-Heres a card for you. -Thank you. -This ruler is for Gao Shan. -All right.3.Happy

32、Teachers Day!4.-Whats in your pencil case? -Ive got 语音: /b/ big boy box rabbit /k/ cap cat ; kite book key kitchen ; clock chickenUnit 2 In a toy shop单词:a dog,a cat,a tiger,a panda,a monkey,a zebra,a bird,an elephant,a lion, a koala,a bear,a rabbit句型:1.-Whats this/that? -Its a/an -How lovely!/I see.

33、2.-This/That is your/his/her ,I think. -Yes,it is./No,it isnt/3.-Id like this koala,please. -Here you are. -Thank you.4.-I like my koala. -I like your koala,too.3.-In which box? -This one./That one.语音:/d/ desk dog bird read/f/ fat five off (of /v/); photo telephone elephant Unit 3 A purse单词:a key,a

34、box, a basket,an umbrella,a water bottle,a fan,a purse,a camera, a radio,a computer, a Walkman, a telephone, a TVa fridge,a bookcase,a table,a sofa,a chair, a light,a door,a window,a tap句型: 语音:1.-Wheres my water bottle? /g/ get girl egg go -Is that your water bottle? /h/ hat hot ;who whose -Yes,it i

35、s. 2.-Wheres my umbrella? -Is this your umbrella? -No,it isnt.Its Helens. Perhaps your umbrella is in your classroom.3.-Thank you. -Not at all.Unit 4 I like 单词:a car.a bus,a bike,a planea puppet,a puzzle,a balloon,a kite,a doll句型:1.-Whats this/that in English? -Its a/an 2.-Do you like puppets? -Yes,

36、I do./No,I dont. -Do you like it? -Its nice.I like it.3.-I like/love kites. -Me,too.4.-Lets colour it. -OK./All right. -Lets clean the car.语音:/d / Jim juice jacket jeans ; age orangeUnit 6 Whose gloves?单词:a coat,a jacket,a sweater,a dress,a skirt,a shirt,a blouse,a T-shirt,a cap,a hat,a tie,a vest,a

37、 belt, a scarf(a pair of) trousers,jeans,gloves,shoes,socks,shorts,句型:1.-Whose is this/are they? -(Perhaps) Its/Theyre (I think.)2.-Look at my dress. -Its too small/big/long/short.Try this on.-OK.3.-The jeans are too long.Try this pair on. -All right.4.She looks so funny.5.-My pencil is too short.-You can have this long one.6.-My rubber is too small.-Dont worry.Heres a big one.语音:/l/ like lunch balloon lemon/l/ milk ball pencil world/m/ milk


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