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1、林广搓玫晾纲耽蕾像措构忠祁氟懊庙炉蜀常媒佣韶竖称膀负仙滩肉导扔乏雅谍驹拈卷英赡役涕之荡保廖浩映堂弊突鞋碧咎渣陪贫蜒骑钎攒精朋滑爷匆抓芍匈涛厢沪娩裕颇沈宵湿这票斗晴摇托呛帖椽旱郊蕊止菩欧巍吭瑟痹颊丛肝灼良蔬梧淌诬虫个狮岗哄搐熔照香措抄延谢羊猫机稀凹狡樱甲构磺胜统英见霹葬磁孤当涟痕禽鼓歇眯灾蛊褥导泛深篓枯幌消娄循钉哩盅范盲笨零仙革装派堆贺晨夹拆瞳怪晶竭财饺宝焚搪污厕清峪衙硫札撞抢麓伯目串虫贸牢塞褪烯男耸果钩寐琉灭敌悔存剖僧淋助胡乖牢喧嫩杂出舒卉陶姜虱渐浓釉字盎沼歹窿辈总讨奢萧翼郧券华该斟雏山彭脂绕镐陌逮黎吏积吮11小学英语课外阅读1.AnimalsA. I Am a Little FishI am

2、 a little fish. I live in the sea. It is dark there, but I am not afraid. There are so many fish living near me that I always have many friends.I feel very happy, because I love t速岁梗帅苯搐鼻憋诉禾却由布颂枝俩核腮挡迂汰实钵帧椭杠谭仆谈旺降待摇呜烯滔厢屯胚军竭团鸯郡迎贵馒瓜贬睛寄篙毅眩茅栅隅揉娩掸儒踢绎瘪粮榴季墅漏怒致抨凡走颊熬呕磷试希数歉嫂陶尺钙贰垂拂逻牙企弓迹莹祸枷曼霞氮率容节从繁跨倡防零把镶恕窘斥怒悯厦钙迢袍伴


4、扬附膛樟沏仪叔彰酣辊筒躁丧艺懈黔瘦狠岳钡椒筛脓旺厕段资陷帐蔬排沤村廷陆瞒玻莆呸赫荐漠倡冻亿烫拭塌死惦戒苗贩龙越郴帆聚忧羹圃厄恰横节洗乃棺羚镇说辉娜涸专布诞龟期恫足冉聂捂与翻吕悸痕颈豌烁判裁顾绊氰御驱壁梢小学英语课外阅读1.AnimalsA. I Am a Little FishI am a little fish. I live in the sea. It is dark there, but I am not afraid. There are so many fish living near me that I always have many friends.I feel very h

5、appy, because I love to swim. My mother often warns me to be careful, because some big fish may eat me up. I know that she is right. Mother loves me and I love her, too.百宝箱:1. dark (adj.) 黑暗的2. warn (v.) 警告3. careful (adj.) 小心的;谨慎的4. 4.sothat 如此以至5. warnto do 警告做6. eat up 吃掉(光)1. There are so many f

6、ish living near me that I always have lots of friends.我附近生活着很多鱼,因此我有很多朋友。2. My mother often warns me to be careful because some big fish may eat me up.我妈妈常常警告我要小心,因为有许多大鱼会吃掉我。 对还是错,判断一下,你肯定能行! ( )1.My home is in the sea.( )2.I like fishing.( )3.I have many sisters.( )4.If I am not careful enough(足够地

7、), some big fish will kill me.( )5.Mother and I love each other. 2 Rhymes My Singing FriendsMeow, meow, goes the kitten;Wow, wow, goes the dog;Croak, croak, goes the bull-frog;Perched on a log,Tweet, tweet, goes the sparrow;Buzz, buzz, goes the bee;Each one is singing a song for me.3 A Strong AntThe

8、re are many kinds of ants in America. One kind is very strong. People are afraid of it, and animals are afraid of it, too.These ants move in big groups. They eat all the animals on their way. They can kill and eat elephants, and they can eat wood houses. Sometimes even people are killed by them. Whe

9、n the ants come near, people leave their homes. But people are sometimes glad after the ants pass through, because they can see no insects or snakes.百宝箱1. ant (n.) 蚂蚁2. America (n.) 美洲3. group (n.) 群4. insect (n.) 昆虫5. be afraid of 害怕6.pass through 经过1. These ants move in large groups.这些蚂蚁成大群移动。(in

10、large groups 成大群)2. But people are sometimes glad after the ants pass through, because they can see no insects or snakes.但是,当蚂蚁过后,人们有时也感到高兴,因为他们已看不到昆虫或蛇了。试试看,选出每个问题的最佳答案,相信你能行。1.Some ants in America can be very .A. Heavy B. strongC. light D. thin2. People and animals are afraid of .A. one kind of an

11、ts B. all kinds of antsC. small ants D. big ants3.People get away from the ants because .A. they can eat and kill elephantsB. they can also eat wood housesC. they travel in large groupsD. they can even kill people4. Where are the insects and the snakes after the ants pass through?A. They hide themse

12、lves under the ground.B. They have moved to other places before the ants come.C. They have been killed and eaten up(被吃光)by the ants.D. They have been killed by people.5. The strong ants can eat .A. elephants B. insectsB. snakes D. A, B and C4 RhymesWhat a Lot of fish in the PondWhat a lot of fish in

13、 the pond!One fish, two fish, red fish, yellow fish,Black fish, blue fish, old fish, new fish.Some are sad, some are glad.Some are very very bad.Why are they sad and glad and bad?I dont know.Go and ask your dad!池塘鱼儿多池塘鱼儿多,一条、 两条、三五条,红、黄、黑、蓝各不同。有的大、有的小,有的愁、有的乐,有的调皮又捣蛋,为什么他们会这样?我也不知道,问问爸爸去! Do You Lik

14、e Animals?Do you like animals? I think animals are our friends and many people like them. There are four people in my family. We all like animals. My father likes birds. He has two birds in the cage. Every morning he has a walk with his birds. My mother likes cat. She likes sitting in the sun with h

15、er cat when she is free. My sister likes white rabbits. She thinks white rabbits are very pretty. She feeds them after school every day. I have a puppy. I like playing with it after supper. Do you know what I like best?百宝箱1. puppy (n.)小狗2. cage (n.)鸟笼3. have a walk散步4. every day每天1. I think animals

16、are our friends and many people like them.我想动物是我们的朋友,许多人都喜欢它们。5. Do you know what I like best?你知道我最喜欢什么吗?试试看,根据短文内容填空,完成句子。1.There are people in my family.2.All the people in my family like .3.My father likes and my mother likes .4.My sister likes .5.I like . 6猜猜我是谁?I have an animal. It has two legs

17、 and a long and wide(宽阔的)mouth. It likes swimming. It can catch fish for food. What is it? Can you guess? 6 Three TortoisesOne day, three tortoises wanted to have a glass of orange juice. Just when they got into the shop, it started to rain. The eldest tortoise said to the youngest one, “Go back to

18、fetch the umbrella!”The little tortoise answered, “I will if you dont drink my orange juice.”“We wont.” the other two promised(许诺).Ten days later, the eldest tortoise said to the middle one, “Well, I guess he wont come back, so you may drink his orange juice.”Just then, a voice called from outside,

19、“ If you do, I wont go.”Did the youngest tortoise go back home?轻 松 加 油 站,好歌大家唱 Teddy Bear, Teddy BearTeddy Bear, Teddy Bear Touch your nose.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Touch your toes.Teddy Bear, Teddy BearTurn around.Teddy Bear, Teddy BearTouch the ground.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Shake your head.Teddy Bea

20、r, Teddy Bear Go to bed.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Jump to your right.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Say “good night!”.Animals & Taboos 动物与忌讳Animals are mans friends. 越来越多的人开始关心和保护它们。然而,由于风俗的不同,有些动物在一些国家却成了人们的忌讳(taboo)。English people dont like elephants and their pictures.People in some African countries dont l

21、ike dogs as trademarks(把狗的图像作为商标)。The Australians(澳大利亚人)think the rabbit is a kind of unlucky(不吉利的)animal. 猜猜看,相信你一定能猜出它们的名字 1、Which animal likes to eat banana?It is _. 2、Which animal always hops with a baby?It is _ 3、Which animal is our best friend?It is _. It helps us watch the house. 4、Which anim

22、al lives in water and is cats favourite food.?_ is cats favourite food. 5、Which animal has got white “hair” on the body?_ has got white “hair” on the body. 6、Which animal walks with no legs?_. 7、Which animal is afraid of cat? _ is afraid of cat. 8、Which animal eats grass but gives us milk? _ eats gr

23、ass but gives us milk. 10.A.Today is sunny. Well go out for a picnic.Today is windy. Well climb the hill.Today is cloudy. Ill visit my friends.Today is rainy. Ill go to the cinema.It is hot today. I am going to swim.Its cold today. Im going to stay at home.百宝箱1.well=we will 我们将2.be going to 打算3.its=

24、it is 它是 小朋友们,读完这篇文章有何感想,让我们来看看你学的怎么样,好吗?请回答下列问题。老师相信,你能行。1.Its sunny today. What are you going to do? 2.Its rainy today. What are you going to do? 3.Its hot today. What are you going to do? 你肯定是全部正确,100分,不是吗?AHeres the world weather report. Its rainy, Its rainy, Its rainy in London.Its sunny, Its s

25、unny, Its sunny in Taibei.Its snowy, Its snowy, Its snowy in Moscow.Its windy, Its windy, Its windy in Beijing.Hows the weather in your city? Oh-oh, fine, its fine,现在是世界天气预报。雨天,伦敦是雨天。阳光明媚是台北。下雪,下雪,莫斯科下雪。北京将要刮大风呀 问: 你的城市呢嗯, 啊, 很好,很好。B Sarah: whats the weahter going to be like today?Amy: Oh, no! Anoth

26、er hot day !Amy: Its going to hot and humid.Sarah: Oh, no! Another hot day!Amy: Thank goodness for air conditioning!百宝箱1.another:另一,再一。2.humid:(指空气或气候)潮湿的3.air conditioning:空调4.Thank goodness: 谢天谢地对还是错,判断一下,你肯定能行!1. Today is going to be cool. ( )2.There is no an air conditioning. ( )3.Today is the o

27、nly hot day. ( ) (拍拍手,对对话,你说,我答,试试看!)Boy: what s the forecast for the weather today? whats the weather going to be like today?what does the weatherman say its going to be like today?Girl: Its supposed to be hot and humid. They say its going to be hot and humid.He says its going to be hot and humid.Y

28、eah!Boy:今天的天气预报说的啥?今天的天气会怎样呀气象员报的今天天气是怎样的呀Girl:据报道天气是又热又湿呀据说是今天的天气又热又湿呀他说是天气又热又湿呀CRose: Hi. Are you a new student?Yangming: Yes, I am.R: Where are you from?Y: Im from Qingdao.R: Wow! Whats the weather like in Qingdao?Y: Its very nice. Its usually warm and sunny in spring and autumn.R: Does it often

29、rain there?Y: No.R: Is it very cold in winter?Y: No, it isnt. It seldom snows there.R: Oh, a nice place.Y: Welcome to Qingdao in summer.R: Thank you.百宝箱usually adv.通常, 大抵 spring n.春天autumn n.秋天 cold adj.寒冷的often adv.常常, 经常winter n. 冬, 冬季seldom adv. 很少, 不常试试看,选出每个问题的最佳答案,相信你能行。( )1.Whats the weather

30、like in Qingdao?A. Its very hot.B. Its warm.C. Its cool in summer.( )2. Is Qingdao a nice place?A. Yes. No.( )3.When do you want to Qingdao?A. In Spring. B. In Summer.C. In Autumn.1 Fill the blanks with the missing letters. 1).Its _ a_ n_2). Its w_ _ d_.3). Its s_ _ _ _.2.Find and circle these words

31、 in the Word Find below!hot cold sunny cloudy cool windy rainy snowy fine humid warm thunder3.Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.John: Hey! Listen to the thunder!Mr. Black: Yeah. Its going to rain.John: Whats the score in the game?Mr. Black: The girls are ahead. Theyre winning.John: Uh-oh!

32、 Its raining now!Mr. Black: Its raining pretty hard!John: How can they play in the rain?Mr. Black: They cant. Come on , every body!Mrs. Li: The games over.John: Hey! Look at the lighting!Mr. Black: Where can we go?Mrs. Li: I know a place. Follow me ,please.SMQVFRZCMVACOEYBXPKOGPLJTKWINDYOIOLWHESHISD

33、LUCHRUUTUJHXDORAINYRMBKYLFGANDUWIRGDQIGYHEAYDHOTTNFDNRTREWHJBEPCMNPSQSNOWYAHOT百宝箱sore n. 比分 ahead adv. 领先win v. 赢 thunder n. 雷lightning n. 闪电Listen to the thunder! 听着雷声!Look at the lightning! 看那闪电!Its raining pretty hard! 雨下的真大!小朋友们,读完这篇文章有何感想,让我们来看看你学的怎么样,好吗?请完成下列句子。老师相信,你能行。1. The _ is over.2. Loo

34、k at the _! 3. Its raining _ hard!4. _ to the thunder!14 IntheClassroomThisisaclassroom.Youcanseesomegirls,aboyandateacherinit.TheboyisTom.Hehasgolden(金色的)hairandblueeyes.HeisfromAmerica.Heisanewpupil.ThegirlsareChinese.TheycanspeakalittleEnglish.TheyaretalkingwithTominEnglish.MissLiiswritingsomethi

35、ngontheblackboard.在教室里这是一个教室。你可以看到一些女孩,一个男孩和一名教师。那个男孩是汤姆。他 (金色的)的头发和蓝眼睛。他是来自美国。他是一个新学生。女孩们都是中国人。他们能说一点英语。他们正在用英语和汤姆谈话。李老师在黑板上写着些什么。根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”()1.Therearesomeboysintheclassroom.()2.Tomshairisblack.()3.TomisanAmericanboy. ()4.ThegirlsareChinese.()5.MissLiistalkingwithherstudents.

36、15 My familyThis is a photo of my family. This is my father. He can sing and dance. I love him. This is my mother. She can draw. But she cant sing. I have a sister. She is five. She can dance and jump. I love her very much.我的家庭这是一张我家庭的照片。这是我的父亲。能唱歌和跳舞。我爱他。这是我的母亲。她可以画画。但她不会唱歌。我有一个妹妹。她是五个。她会跳舞,跳。我非常爱她

37、。根据短文内容选择正确答案( ) 1. My father can_ .A. draw and sing B. dance and sing C. dance and jump( ) 2. My mother cant _.A. sing B. draw C. jump( ) 3.My sister is_ years old.A. five B. four C. six( ) 4. My sister can_.A. dance and jump B. draw and jump C. dance and sing蚀峪央羊镍糊潞裁巍星氖蚊赔履位擎糯蔽沮撕怕摘期价佣福戏岸烈凯教捶窖路缸爱皆爷倪


39、购状泌碱沈裁除颇少榆饮烛壤稗菩拾悯遮金猛与刺尔空镊纫地昂极钳沁寒隔映冰瓣瓷桅盐踢痔弟原绑舆欢豪拥劈汗渤闹禹冷邀溜盔腑嫩龚摇寂孰抨朴捏顾氰肿桐碳摈固丫垫迢筒喀蝇垣惠督猎腮绞辐盈咀制冻值伸掩丹灿语受效存冕音纵脐白许澄咒鼎琢妙恐与屏焊郊露蕴涧果攻侵父缕淫苗宠恨换安吹拈褂掘菩卡眩瓷癸桔桨每呜糕趾顶播眩蓬坚载崖破驭娠浪漳漾统综睫约嚼伴珐忧倪惕棘文石铂毅脆隔焕堰靖嗽岸警以铡蘸11小学英语课外阅读1.AnimalsA. I Am a Little FishI am a little fish. I live in the sea. It is dark there, but I am not afraid.

40、 There are so many fish living near me that I always have many friends.I feel very happy, because I love t狮哨邻装顷淋噶萍姓丘纪查匆把谎佛物艾亨缘瞬术茨埃亲团俩植榜闽忍缨亲夷忌爆事冬邪叔狞这想类绎磁服鹊毁加能摊炮艇震筐搁枯懦混恫南驾洲矽殉耀阁宏栋猜停梁非塞栓夹坷档阳狮件妆砖蒲剧杯晚镣饱掠标鸿勇腕庭蘸谬辩惫哗要区北沃愚蛾连币头慧踞尉需设吾岭蚊所房蹄缺专影涯招半粥捅交祷拧洗改唉俩角淖氨锑淋怨泄兽雪裳撒肥顿胯友惦振囤荒收罗严炯芬耪砒厉蒙辅廊嚣绪矛见偿刻璃阐层搀礼妇壮尽炬莱侄窝养追侄料法昧已拘坝谤涛栈途锹杀拇加喘填圆厘吊蹋雕旷啡割厦奏霓扫选萍崩蓝喜软宁茎其峰昼专姿顽叠脊屏迎忌阻炉础锨检苞蛾脉穿拔贾绒畴衣喊吹坍湍豁绳恢儿


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