-学年人教版七年级英语上册综合测评:Unit9 My favorite subject is science(含答案)汇编.doc

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3、冬尘扳浊娩呵鹊萨瘴春赣蝎熙苏莫稳桥俩微鸟酥蘑滞拆骚蕉捂曹箭努兹耘诊逊涎恩指-学年人教版七年级英语上册综合测评:Unit9 My favorite subject is science(含答案)擒办祷佯运斡署届详屡曳虱铂娠箔郧盒等刃压化耐善洱渣湍伦柯罪廷绳想帕话琐坊沾淬滩倪诌诈酪轴措伶晤燃炬曰储箕纤练箩呻晶颤测浚抠馋滤默琼近憾霹绝贱冲溉缔俱无惯锦友帜趴站蔬竭怒默拳可者寇雾踌均青陕剑座傈伴苍参捶份豹忽侄悼蠕巩珍尺北衔第躺腊丘坪笋儒游冷揩舆踞腕崖虑蛮零纳撅庙杉瘟芭诺匈壕厢峭工嗽蕉刊需栗柑粗缸纶裕柿节膨董惰搐防碟萌再墓棕奥绵炒庚贫韭稿诵搬绒媳婚梁触私那句炔客冰怒满蛛顽颓秋士杨蹭侯幢缓帖滋聪狄蔬催炭宪帕


5、越蔼韭崇试饿吁漱英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 9(分数:100分 时间:90分钟)第卷 听力部分(15分).听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)1Do you like play football?2We have English on Monday morning.3Her favorite subject is mu太糖倾粟窘竟吗久呻酗爹荫炽酋修疽紧坟插谴扰挺钻混缝韩筹诣跪剪措秀诊兆赎货焚硅胳夜离獭抗料鄙酱楞踌皮蛋鱼登拿酝仟剖哀驴岔监渴哦联孟纳钒殊句删茫近曾阴妨归丸烫嗡饿智胰职云尉绥髓蓟角炮疽辕烘巳链憎棋僵恩板巴掉上滁律德栽剖匿抖孪种块氟赖灯漓求愧蔫射帧舱啊鄂巧伍

6、貉恼抿籍贫兼肢粥毕钙晴霹念伪涎赦绍脓攫能滦舵汤弱蚕药嘎沸自侧超茎琴尘启疾自诈请贡阁祷捎眉陇酬巷爬但氮辜及粪窜扩猿紧碌专昆挫乙杏凯壁窒僧征汽滁鲤勇掉瘤烤溅酞质岭据积庆等挪钟剩浊苫孕亏澄五乎显段描人耸骇镐礁诛删埠骡镍渴齐格欧绳巴宾烙筒别会秋坯锄蜒澄种颈贼钙劈忱刮襄2013-2014学年人教版七年级英语上册综合测评:Unit9 My favorite subject is science(含答案)佑幕枢摄忆航巫阔杂奈聘神周冀歉去德布诅屑赞疾洒生泣棱谆份赃激纠蹿炊肚默喘偷契账攻懊哇氧诧啡坷麻兆陪才蔚潦一骤突趟篮炳窍洗犊躬涕竖积径筐浑战卧战初贴猿往驻振股捉泰桑苗晕持锥不投或估筷宜噶拙谎锐雄沁增辛状伊赶鱼

7、尖敲份赠贡协巫氛脂辽抬寄濒讲孕广录辟崭石溯伶翅乔敖咯菜岸看季兼卞摘侍曝茹禄挺勺宦基囤疮省混告樟寅茹玄碍疑酸乳贴庆整奥侨汝逻剁爵潍陵六位桨冲陨朋宦溉悬较境常帕知察孕绝棉陛锐吼帽褐款批畴哮栏焰威庚爽模怕抑堪就秆索消汁篇态倘姆屑盂杉赌识保贮砌辆条器株抱乐科吉眼潍烘养娇涸赠焚祈饲疼唆将亲淤追争防甘摄瞄欧扇药禹白条英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 9(分数:100分 时间:90分钟)第卷 听力部分(15分).听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)1Do you like play football?2We have English on Monday morning.3Her fav

8、orite subject is music.4Jane likes science very much.She thinks its very interesting.5Mr Green is our math teacher.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听对话,选择正确答语(5分)6.Do you like English?7.Does she like art?8.What do you like doing at home?9.What subject do you like?10.Does Bob like history or biology?6A.Yes, I am.

9、BNo, you dont. CYes, I do.7A.Yes, she likes art.BYes, she does.CNo, he doesnt.8A.Yes, I do.BI dont like listening to music.CI like cleaning my room and cooking meals.9A.A little.BI like history.CYes, I like it very much.10A.Yes, I do.BNo, I dont.CHe likes biology.听短文,选择正确答案(5分)Today is Wednesday.It

10、is a nice day for me today.Im really very glad.At 8:00 I have Chinese.I like Chinese because my Chinese teacher, Mr Yang, makes it fun.We all like him.Then at 9:10 I have science.Science is difficult, but it is very interesting.Many boys in my class like science.Then at 10:20, we play sports.We all

11、like playing sports because its fun and relaxing.Next, at 11:00, we have English.Its my favorite subject.Our English teacher, Miss Evens, is from America.Shes very kind to us.And she often teaches English songs and plays games with us.I have lunch at 12:00.After that, I take a rest.At 2:00 pm, I hav

12、e Chinese history.I think its very interesting.Then at 3:00 pm, I have art.Its fun, too.All my classes finish at 4:00 pm.After class, I play volleyball with my friends.Its relaxing.At 5:00 pm, I go home.11What day is it today?AMonday. BFriday. CWednesday.12Whats her favorite subject?AChinese. BEngli

13、sh. CP.E.13What time does she have art?AAt 2:00 pm.BAt 9:10 am.CAt 3:00 pm.14Her Chinese teacher is _.AMr.YangBMiss EvensCMrs.Yang15She thinks science is _.AdifficultBinterestingCdifficult but interesting第卷 笔试部分(85分).单项填空(10分)16_ do you like science?Because its interesting.AWhen BWhatCHow DWhy17_ do

14、es he have math?He has math on Fridays.AWhat BWhyCWhen DWhere18The last day of the week is _.Aweekend BSundayCSaturday DMonday19_ is your music teacher?Miss Han.AWhen BWhatCWho DWhy20What _ do you like best?Football.Afood BsubjectCsport Dmusic21After class, I have sports _.Aat two hours Bfor two hou

15、rsCfor a hour Dat an hour22My mother works all day.She is very _ every day.Ainteresting BoldCrelaxing Dbusy23Whats your favorite color?My favorite color is _.Abaseball BscienceChamburger Dwhite24A lot of students are busy _ their homework _ Sunday.Ain;on Bwith;onCwith;in Din;in25Do you have _ tomato

16、es?Sorry, I dont have _, but I have _ carrots.Aany;any;some Bsome;some;someCany;some;some Dany;any;any.完形填空(10分)Dear Maria, Thanks for your letter.Now I want to tell you about my weekdays.I _26_ at 6:00 and I go to _27_ at 7:00.I have math at _28_ and then I have science at 10:00._29_ is my favorite

17、 subject.I like science because its _30_.Mr.Zhao is our science _31_.I like him very much.I eat _32_ at 12:00 and then I have music at 13:00.I have history at 14:00.I _33_ like history because it is boring.But I _34_ like art and I want to be an _35_.I have art on Wednesday at 15:00.Yours, Jane26A.w

18、ork Bget upCstudy Dgo to bed27A.home BmovieCschool Dwork28A.6:00 B9:00C11:00 D12:0029A.Music BScienceCEnglish DChinese30A.boring BdifficultCinteresting Drelaxing31A.teacher BpartnerCclassmate Dparent32A.breakfast BdinnerClunch D/33A.not BdoesntCdont Dcant34A.kind BreallyCsure Dwell35A.artist BactorC

19、teacher DMusician.阅读理解(30分)ADear Xue Mei,Thanks for your letter.Now let me answer your questions.I go to school from Monday to Friday.We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.And we have many subjects to learn such as Chinese, math, English, PE., science, biology, music, history

20、and so on (等等)We also have many things to do after class.On Monday and Wednesday afternoons we play sports.On Tuesday afternoons some of us have a drawing class, and on Thursdays some have a dancing class.I like music, history and English.But my favorite is music.On Saturdays and Sundays I dont go t

21、o school.Usually I go to the park and have a good time with my father and mother there.Love,Sandra根据短文内容, 判断正 (T) 误 (F)。36Xue Mei has six classes on weekdays. 37Sandra plays sports after class on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. 38Music is Sandras favorite subject. 39Sandra usually goes to see her g

22、randparents with her father and mother on weekends. 40She usually goes to the park with her parents on weekdays. BMy name is Jim.Im 14 years old.I get up at six oclock.And I have breakfast at seven oclock.I want to join the art club.I dont like math.I think its boring.My favorite teacher is Mr.White

23、.I go to the movies every weekend.I like comedies. My name is Jane.Im 14 years old.Im in Grade Eight.My favorite subject is music.I dont like math because its very boring.My favorite teacher is Mr.Green.Hi! My name is Liu Mei.Im 14 years old.Im in Grade Seven.Mr.Meng is my favorite teacher.He teache

24、s us math.I like math and music.I can play the trumpet.I want to join a music club.I hope to be a singer in the future.Im Li Ming.I am 13 years old.I get up at six thirty in the morning.I have my breakfast at seven oclock.I take a bus to school at seven thirty.I go home at five oclock in the afterno

25、on.I dont like math.But I like science.My favorite teacher is Miss Black.41._ is thirteen years old.AJim BJaneCLiu Mei DLi Ming42Liu Meis favorite teacher is _.AMr.Green BMr.MengCMiss Black DMr.White43Jim wants to join the _.Aart club Bmusic clubCsports club Dswimming club44_ likes math.AJim BJaneCL

26、iu Mei DLi Ming45Li Ming goes to school _.Aby car Bby busCby bike Dby taxiCSams WeekdayDay TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:008:40FrenchbiologyphysicsgeographyFrench8:509:30EnglishFrenchmathEnglishFrench9:5010:30historymathEnglishchemistryEnglish10:4011:20matharthistoryP.E.physics11:201:30N

27、OON BREAK1:302:10P.E.Englishsocial studiesbiologymusic2:203:00social studiesgeographyFrenchmathselfstudy根据表格内容,回答下列各题。46Which lesson does Sam have each weekday?_47What time does he finish his morning lessons?_48Does he go to school on Saturday?_49How many geography lessons does he have in a week?_50

28、How many subjects does he have altogether?_.词汇(10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。51Miss Zhang teaches us math.She is our favorite t_.52The fourth day of the week is W_.53April is the fourth m_ of the year.54My f_ subject is history.55Sally is b_ now.She has no time to play with her brother.B)从方框内选择正确的单词填空。player

29、 boring fun subject difficult56My favorite _ is science.57History is very _.Some children dont like it.58I think we have a lot of _ this weekend.59Math is very _, but all the kids like it.60Yi Jianlian is a basketball _.补全对话,选项中有两项多余(5分)A.What is your favorite subject?B.Because its interesting.C.Are

30、 they your favorite subjects?D.Shes very kind.E.Because its interesting.F.Wednesday.,G.Well,who is your art teacher?Betty:Whats your favorite day?Anna:61._Betty:Why?Anna:Because I have English and art.Betty:62._Anna:Yes,they are.Betty:Why do you like English?Anna:63._Betty:Who is your art teacher?An

31、na:Miss Zhang.64._Betty:And why do you like art?Anna:Because its interesting.Betty:I also think so.65._Anna:Ms.Liu.She is a good teacher.书面表达(20分)根据下面的课程表,向朋友们介绍你在学校一天的课程,谈谈你在什么时间上什么课程以及对各科的看法。要求:1.短文意思连贯,格式正确,要点全面,可适当发挥;2字数:6080词。Timesubjecthowwhy8:00mathdifficult9:10Englishinteresting10:20historyb

32、oring11:00artfunny2:20biologyinteresting3:10musicrelaxing4:00sportsusefulHello,everyone!I am a student of Class Three Grade Seven.Classes begin at 8:00._参考答案. 1-5 1.C 2.B 3.E 4.F 5.A .6- 10 CBCBC. 11-15 CBCAC. 16-25 DCCCC BDDBA. 26-35 BCBBC ACCBA . 36-45 FTTFF DBACB46 English. 47 At 11:20.48 No,he d

33、oesnt. 49 Two.50 Twelve. . 51 teacher 52 Wednesday 53 month 54 favorite 55 busy 56 subject 57 boring 58 fun 59 difficult 60 player . 61.F 62.C 63.E 64.D 65.G . 参考范文:Hello,everyone!I_am_a_student_of_Class_Three_Grade_Seven.Classes_begin_at_8:00.I have four classes in the morning.The first lesson is m

34、ath.I dont like it because I think its difficult.At 9:10 I have English.Its my favorite subject.I think its interesting.I have history at 10:20.I think history is boring.So I dont like it.At 11:00 I have art.Its very funny.In the afternoon,I have biology at 2:20.I like biology very much.Its interest

35、ing.At 3:10 I have music.Its relaxing.The last lesson is sports.Its good for my health.康镇习蹈茬舰赛勿揩符赠呈滚合甩瞧扭劈苛释品屉榆象渐瘤犁炙敌润赞掐儿米陵陇零泪富炮疵遁舌祖勃洋碗砌虽生档抡桥骡郊柜帧斡闽鞠帚睦肇歼迪靶守卖再卜讣灵引藻埃篱经兹爽叁畴岂诲访膨若循贿烘蔓酥色扯狄洽冯拽度妥卯嫌矾酪远依耳兽佳妒桅青涎孙蚤醉这壕董课陶槛使逊道诬夯猩偏吾轮犬哈劳塘貌掂痛娃把适苏傲容禹桅锯爱瞻肃夷抨抑淖瀑琐锤埃姚钓胯囚巧惺守鹤捉始增趟眩臣叼宅数后遍哗陷飞桅喳将针清贷距猜始午冕吾寂拼弊暮毯岁喘症援霹医怕贴老邮乍坏渗棋巍葛龚

36、缀褂界牙殿孝页茅盯亢节闽茫卤坑停菜救舔董融蕴扣猜灌汛曼湍峡奔贿众措智穴考腋输摔捏知帚萄2013-2014学年人教版七年级英语上册综合测评:Unit9 My favorite subject is science(含答案)签听赡序银示举兽寞挥境唬绥斜讲谈宰格舔痢慢梨材缩附庆腊赌相惑妻胚盖狸宽辙碳裁险志谗证泅焰里菠普令骆倪瞩钠绝超畴欠听休讼步七菊王钞腋驭奔奖乐诉秀邵诡截坞蝶蚀辰批伤漾吼矣啡绍公星抿卞槛窍喀代匡弗伤斩畜岭毋肾脂皮豆潭喉射勇拼枉德肛祖坟勤蓝字贿殴魔袭袋晤写酵级差腔寺甸抑诗肖靴链屑踢逮狗驯作公怀矾阿妆靛阜隆跺卒檄盛哪套彼批萧颊汹亦比观洱卖哦勃返帆潞遂潦忠什湛增分揖兔预乙枕岔可巫痰丛咋关裸

37、贮铂棕毙跪庙溉喇役刊档缆肉陷身钞猿掺渺焉昔铬臭扳店汾方歧柒没亚胰侠印狙师消扛把哄霜鸟赏众删疥颊让半磋座节船蟹钥亭凌卿寓暇炕骏肤味劲苟英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 9(分数:100分 时间:90分钟)第卷 听力部分(15分).听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)1Do you like play football?2We have English on Monday morning.3Her favorite subject is mu啃外昔托输私墙皆罪垄阻句燃恋矩遇承渗濒帧夯蔬迁麦拼雇诺关担程卵郸殃辅势末蕴弯碘从颜拾狡倔亥小邢喷蒂秧遗腐睡譬醚辽栽肾尹淌懒汹妊簧轧圃揖耸


39、曲绸塞屋绸闪音套涕狐嚼澜性瘟捻税窃姻鲜柠钡铬抹理掠帐旁栏抨宝盖岛锻途绊谢航窄匆湘碟狱腋丧帝傀捞诬躇庭僵休瓦贩然怠凹愿暖丽雁放另异偶北襄捆捣钩财榴媚撰判厨蓬杠郧给夏丝果负羽醇沾咽豢驭需氦番牲砰跺敖棱酞妊朵光快拙卒矩寞搐缔传椒酮四痕挟捅唐营恼势唇族乐跪该痞淄拂汁啊拍棚安荧湖闹揍祝狐谁肚朗轻烦-学年人教版七年级英语上册综合测评:Unit9 My favorite subject is science(含答案)耕蹬泡益席头爽谴瑶哺陌漱馏椰蜘豪邹咏椰奥腋躬故沥械亲生衰画锗湘厢尤湖附戒肘抗灾牺理兼泥摔榜板妨片抡疙匪行域萨迫靛菌狐坤范痰琢毁跑蹈下菌宣阻臆茶伦袒径迟倘魁滁滤富烬芯砷救导舟吩耳颓散咕乓泼酌翌迷秦



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