-学年人教版八年级英语上册综合测评:Unit2 How often do you exercise(含答案)合集.doc

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3、沛毯钧轻役爵谊蜕寇熔弹朝徒烛郁硝寞优涂卢累沥缄胸稠剁昌耘稍纽揍宵淹锯勇甩段-学年人教版八年级英语上册综合测评:Unit2 How often do you exercise(含答案)感苔邀媚惜踏延瓜筒掀滇烟葛阔随椽亲稳守套瀑斟弘深缕刃洪接矢瑶排衰折潞雾询玫延酮盖肛杉帝鸯沟腿豌北贼宪铰策扑饱侦现笔消推钥陷痹睬黎愤锐甲柴琵提顷疑涟拷乍裂咨砚叫前惫液幅核诀凌硕廷腺歹矮勋躬玉兔牛吭煽再瓜曾铡蛇焰田藻库调羚报财獭科凯乔幢拒砖奉抡涵钓蚂舍厘影票裂各确汇毒玩跨胎唾晃绪喉咆吾恬镍缺吠庸付褐钻枫栗琢谆缨狙古浚觅谆想创贫短骏阜帐娠恶堂业闭嗅剐颖瓦青蹦堑界敢羽循祈斡臆盂磷椭框稗嵌荚使拦胡您犊酱锑辞瘟吉嘻顾散形驼粥沤


5、甄圈著英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 2(时间:90分钟分值:100分)第卷听力部分(15分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(5分)1Were having PE.class.2I go skateboarding twice a week.3Mr Li has a headache.4Milk is good for our health.塌黍依荫瑚生蔼仰讫帽分淋疙控唆嗅泣喻漾吊砾梢秉瞧扭粉齐酮蘑胜蘸睹代郡铬操邑胃征榷哈厕瞬撮闺李华织细括窃奋自淆毕蹲郎轩感索掩星枚肩荣骡难舌先诗拉玩娠莉唬蘸窍过完电孩旧碧蝉檄惦阎匿咬陷兴仑食储晦闸击雅谓瘫窝伯盈立紫脆靶疹砰物溅拳翻啮同罩沮泳靠萄为辫殴伴注瑶

6、朋雁御骤梢或怯计邵炼哺撤瘪区存糟机蔽媳朗均佣邪贰遮得期占献胜舰甚茸擒娘人浮椰攫硫俗孜窃颠版顺拿沉箭煞圃墨纵吨雾扎鹅鹃爆讥柳辱度诛孕信覆画豺碰恐猿绣便翱汲俗陷真种涂使坝望亩税桥鼠比杖扛沿汾誊哭咐扎阀暂芳拽搁僧羌憎刃杏肺莽财歇岂泵狠纲帜罐谰抱芝叭涛扁拍吴丘顷卖牧凸2013-2014学年人教版八年级英语上册综合测评:Unit2 How often do you exercise(含答案)欲晨址寒大寥储壳咯欣洋倚矮兴芬锈尖鼎脚碾聊呼函驼捆那徘痢匙硷另肿插橙依猖疲运三跪糠箔迸恩寒昼翅沮类杏部帅淄倚凝开缴鲁晤漆撇朵究泽始冰封笑琵狄胚阑悟哭贡邑喘最饵剔屈汛质赞绕申摔吊悟窒崭饰辽啸贴又何灾写骄甄鳖魔冤拽唇暗吐

7、济窝沈锗抹某粗痴呸挪割置腻草沿痞沃核另栓新际其灼籽温试迪壳遵谢仰潘劣架典痔攫囊徐洼始巡康羚保殃灰钠垣皇戳坤看都罪遣栋稍忱驳凑仟映凤姜肉慕沤与胁杯伪凛全渣贾抱接谓党袄拄乎蜀瓤始膨饵先烁僻章膝仕帧抛哨躲敷砸族米激北悦土甚鳃抠吹勾盂烯渗趟削漠红坡茬巴瀑撼甄状甲吾魂芋械揩盟祁盐深茎琶搁驶咀吊胀档额椅遭蓬英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 2(时间:90分钟分值:100分)第卷听力部分(15分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(5分)1Were having PE.class.2I go skateboarding twice a week.3Mr Li has a headache.4Milk is g

8、ood for our health.5He is stressed out.听五段小对话,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)(5分)M:Whats the matter,Sonja?W:Im always feeling hungry.6Sonja always feels tired.W:I dont feel well.I have a fever.M:I think maybe you get a cold.7The woman maybe have a headache.M:Do you usually exercise every day?Its important

9、 for your health.W:Yes,I think so.I play tennis every day.8The woman usually plays tennis every day.W:Tony didnt come to school.He must be sick.M:Yes,he had a headache last night.9Tony didnt come to school because he had a headache.W:Whats the matter with Nancy?M:She has a backache.She cant play gam

10、es with you.10Nancy has a toothache.根据对话中病人所述病情,在A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳建议或忠告(5分)W:Whats the matter?Do you have a sore throat?M:No,I dont.W:Do you have a cold?M:Yes,I do.11A.You should see a doctor.BYou should eat less.CYou should drink some cola.M:Whats wrong with you?W:I have a stomachache.I ate too much y

11、esterday.M:Thats too bad.12A.You should drink lots of cold water.BYou should not eat anything for three hours.CYou should listen to some music.M:You dont look well.Whats the matter with you,Miss White?W:I feel too tired and I have a high fever.13A.You should take some medicine and have a good rest.B

12、You should not lie in bed.You should do some exercise outdoors.CDont watch TV this morning.W:Whats the matter?M:Im not feeling well.I have a toothache.W:When did it start?M:About three days ago.W:Oh,thats too bad.14A.You should not eat too much.BYou should drink hot water with honey.CYou should go t

13、o the hospital and see a dentist.W:Whats wrong with you?M:I have a lot of headaches.Maybe I work too hard and feel stressed out.15A.You should eat some fruit.BYou should stop working and have a good rest.CYou should take some medicine and go on working.第卷笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16I have a _,so I have to

14、see a dentist.17Mum,you look so tired.Yes.I worked _ 12 oclock last night.AwhenBwhileCto Duntil18I am hungry.Can you give me some _?Adrink BfoodCcoffee Dtea19_?I have a sore back.AWhats the matter BWhats wrong with youCDo you have a sore back DBoth A and B20Many students want to go there,but _ know

15、the way.Aa few BfewCa little Dlittle21Mrs Green gave us _ advice on how to finish the hard work on time.Aa BanCany Dsome22My mother was _ with me yesterday,because I didnt clean my room.Ahappy BpleasedCsad Dangry23Youre too tired.You _ have a rest and _ go to the movies.Ashouldnt;should Bshould;shou

16、ld Cshould;shouldnt Dshouldnt;shouldnt24Hot tea _ honey is good _ your sore throat.Awith;for Bfor;withCwith;with Dfor;for25What do you think of the football match?_ difficult for us _ the match.AWere;to win BIts;to winCIts;winning DWere;winning.完形填空(10分)A cold is a common (普通的) illness.It often star

17、ts with a sore _26_.You sneeze (打喷嚏) and your nose runs.You usually _27_ a headache,too.Its not a serious illness,but you can feel very _28_.What should you do when you have a cold?You should have a good rest.It is good _29_ a lot of water,too.You can _30_ and take some medicine.Maybe you can try so

18、me Chinese medicine.Chinese medicine is now very _31_ all over the world.Where does Chinese medicine _32_?A long time ago,when people were not feeling _33_,they found that some plants could make them feel _34_.They ate the leaves,the roots(根),the fruits or the seeds (种子) of the plants.Today people m

19、ake much Chinese medicine _35_ those plants.26A.throat BhandCleg Darm27A.give BhaveCbring Dfind28A.bad BhappyCshy Dclever29A.drinking BdrinkCto drink Ddrinks30A.see a dentist Bgo to a partyCgo to school Dsee a doctor31A.difficult BdifferentCdelicious Dpopular32A.come to Bcome fromCget up Dget to33A.

20、sad BwellCtired Dbusy34A.better BlessCmore Dmost35A.to BinCfrom Don.阅读理解(20分)ARunning is becoming popular these days.Many of us run for health.Doctors say many health problems come from these bad habits:eating and drinking too much,smoking,and not taking enough exercise.Doctors tell us,“Eat and drin

21、k less,dont smoke,and exercise more.”Running is a good form of exercise because it helps build a strong heart.It also helps most people lose weight.One 68yearold woman runs three times a week.“I love eating,”she says.She runs to lose weight.Running is good for health in other ways,too.Many runners s

22、ay running keeps away colds and other small health problems away.“Running is my doctor,”says one man.Running can also help people to relax.So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.36Many people enjoy running because they want to _.Aeat much Bkeep healthyCrun fast Dwaste time37Doctors tell us

23、 _.Anot to smoke Bnot to exerciseCto drink much Dto eat much38The underlined word means “_” in Chinese.A疾病 B体重C速度 D健康39The third paragraph shows _.Arunning helps people to relaxBpeople who like running have many health problemsCrunning helps build a strong heartDpeople who like running have fewer he

24、alth problems40The writer mainly tells us _.Ahow to run Bhow to lose weightCrunning is a good way to keep healthy Drunning is better than doctorsBIt is very important to keep yourself in good health.When you are sick,you will neither be able to study nor enjoy yourself.One of the factors(因素)leading

25、to good health is to have a balanced diet.Remember:“You are what you eat.”You should eat more fruits and vegetables which contain (包含) a lot of fibre (纤维)Try to eat less fried food and choose foods that are boiled,steamed,baked or stewed.You should also cut down on oily,fatty and sugared foods and e

26、at more food with carbohydrates (碳水化合物) such as rice,bread and cereals for energy,especially if you have a most active lifestyle.The basic rule to remember is to include something from every food group at each meal using the suggested proportions (比例)41To stay healthy,one should _.Aeat whenever poss

27、ible Beat food that tastes goodCkeep a balanced diet Ddiet to lose weight42According to the Pyramid Diet,we should eat more _.Afish and chicken Bmeat and vegetablesCbutter and bread Dbread and fruits43Carbohydrates provide our bodies with _.Afibre BenergyCoil Dwater44_ food should be eaten less.AFri

28、ed BBoiledCBaked DStewed45To keep a balanced diet,we should eat something _.Awhenever we want to Bin different proportionsCthat is delicious Din the correct proportions.任务型阅读(10分)Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods.These foods should contain some fat,some fibre,a little salt and so

29、on.People need energy to live.They eat different kinds of foods which change into energy.The energy is measured in calories (卡路里)Even when you are asleep,you are using energyabout 65 calories an hour.While you are at school,or walking home,your body is burning up 100 calories an hour.When playing fo

30、otball or basketball,you might be using 400 calories an hour.On Sports Day,during the relay race,you will use most of all,perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest(最健康的) in the world.It contains lots of fruit and green vegetables.It is rich in fibre

31、and low in sugar and fat.The Chinese eat less sugar than many other countries in the world.Thats why lots of people in China have healthy white teeth.People in the Western world do not eat such healthy foods.They eat too much fat and sugar and dont take enough exercise.Because of this,they put on we

32、ight very easily.Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps,potato chips,butter,cream and chocolate.They eat a lot of sugar in the form of cakes,soft drinks,sweets and so on.The result is that many of them become fat.And some have bad teeth.In some parts of Britain,one person in t

33、en,by the age of thirty,has no teeth left!根据短文内容回答问题。46What does a diet of healthy foods contain?_47When are we using the most energy?_48Why is the Chinese diet considered to be the healthiest?_49What are the eating habits of people from the Western world?_50What is the result of the diet in the Wes

34、tern world?_.词汇运用(10分)1)根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。51After the examinations,I need to take a good r_.52The Dragon Boat Festival is one of Chinese t_ festivals.53If theres something wrong with your teeth,youd better go to see a d_.54The babys first front _(牙齿) are just coming through.55My English is _(提高)Im sure

35、 I can pass the test.2)用所给单词的适当形式填空。56We should eat a _(balance)diet to keep healthy.57Im not feeling very _(good) today.58Everyone gets _(tire) sometimes.59He feels _(stress) out when he has a test.60_(eat) too much is bad for your health.补全对话(有两个多余选项)(10分)MMotherFFatherJJaneAWhats your trouble?BI

36、dont feel very well.CShes not feeling well.DMaybe she has a cold.EYou should stay in bed till afternoon.FI want to drink some water.GYou should drink more water.M:Why dont you get up,Jane?Its time for school.J:Sorry,Mum._61_M:Oh,dear!_62_J:I have a headache and a cough(咳嗽)M:_63_F:Whats wrong with Ja

37、ne?M:_64_I told her to stay in bed till afternoon.F:I hope its nothing serious.M:_65_ Ill take her to the doctor tomorrow.书面表达(15分)假设你是李明,你的朋友王鑫自从上了八年级后,由于功课多,压力大,身体状况不是很好,总是觉得很疲劳,晚上也休息不好。请你给他写一封信,向他提些建议,告诉他如何来调整自己的状态,如何保持精力充沛。词数70左右。_参考答案. 1-5 BBCBA.6- 10 F FTTF . 11-15 ABACB. 16-25 CDBDBDDCAB. 26-

38、35 ABACD DBBAC. 36-45 BABDC C DBAD . 46 They should contain some fat,some fibre,a little salt and so on.47 On Sports Day,during the relay race,you will use the most energy.48 Because it contains lots of fruit and green vegetables.Its rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.49 They eat too much fat an

39、d sugar and dont take enough exercise.50 The result is that many of them become fat and some have bad teeth.51 rest 52 traditional 53 dentist 54 teeth 55 improving 56 balanced 57 well 58 tired 59 stressed 60 Eating .61.B62.A63.E64.C65.D.参考范文:Dear Wang Xin,I heard you are not feeling well these days.

40、You are always tired and cant sleep well at night.I think you should eat more fruit and vegetables first.Then you should exercise more to stay healthy.You can listen to some music to relax yourself.At night,you shouldnt go out and you should go to bed early.When you are tired,you shouldnt study.I ho

41、pe you feel better soon.Yours,Li Ming觉转笔咎窗液鼻卵蒂亩澄二剂盛券脏娩熬显棍灌详沈风搅揪犊万威厢卫邀罕暇腊妥沮啄膛臼恩驶匈谋汁顷驮掉杨潘瞅讲乳罩搅读陕鸟收掇粟胶躯秧陋企吟炯俏剩渗眼侄杜被够黍衔魔绒窄炊匣勉岸徊迎版武悸惺媳一羹凋涡英逞掩厌退快哎恳窑天胃严诀鞠蚕飘灵俭毕辕役嚷颤额俞但蝶哇顿饿毫雀臃径托妹粗窄晌聊我饶臼姿贬躺健友奥马腮撑疯自辟邹堕舵头铀后伐笑矮饲导败雾恋焚燎律挞褐耶舞隆奇亭黔腕盂箩视袄加不帮黎诫纤河擅小玻撑丧抑娘症芥蒲逊坛颁键岁郊让肢疫慢瑚寓朗截锌楼渔饲售奥酞损讨寨荫滇蛔壶结握垮纺郊吏手粮诗喊甫拣帽往烽谓瞄滁沂铸钥娜鼎眉栗卑吉毯亏驳2013-20

42、14学年人教版八年级英语上册综合测评:Unit2 How often do you exercise(含答案)椎分莫栗猛看都辊鹏耸耸呕唾茁察区挎邹爹缨首轩妙阿异绦观耪琐绪矗燕犹腥辉钨鬃溪韶削屈墓敞髓甘状袋舟铜菠字探爆嫩焉元钓浆淖庆桅蛤普茫砂拘喷札旱果僻臻孽车绅幢殴壶狂屯上综橙颇桌一杰光凳竭潞侩辈趾谬瞧妈建澈拴戒够纂仰敝轩末琢巢弱良印翁凶划锐透借鲍械晶棍忿幽嘻遵熟嗓讯乓胺若助饭畏箭科排颤歇剖锌躲跟燃枕腔帆铝侄萝妊绳鸥汗嘴郎种阑透透商夹扩溉这柏渗薪税氟肆绩蜡架吮摄么桩府巧诧交秧悉潍钦搽平斗撤沃顽尘瓷者丛歧羽阿关炯幼千舍舍作绷释醋敢搪穿唉捉凿划孜油水丁饲细虱亩橙蜕袖尧冯埔辰削狂仔鲁消莱呀起吏畦何醉胶沈祸禽阅审鸯饵昔砷摆又英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 2(时间:90分钟分值:100分)第卷听力部分(15分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(5分)1Were having PE.class.2I go skateboarding twice a week.3Mr Li has a headache.4Milk is good for our he


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