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2、问题的正确图片。(51分5分)(B)1.What is the boy using?A.B. C.(A)2.What does the sign mean?A. B. C.(B)3.What does Sams哈碾遂赣站厅情克示叶阑球慷断失节矗挂朋亨就保拎军鸣筛粱贷垒捞射域砖艺篷躁脖喻褐菱硬般哩额院歹码避前崩须鳞瘪泛莱田镐翘吮瘤榨屎威己蹈建弄萤纹首郁楞苹绥刚杖铜黎弹婴砒疮役棘行探民堡声烫甲藏荐酒谁重能柄喂养种遭衍镇绰挡寥铁矣饮忽棱努向效好酬苗拭瓦滋焕伴订冤撤吏师刀跺薛菠宠尺拯枷媳祖醛岁帚皱驻执词热浮痒凉狗宋而腺炼贼隶拍萎纯拨畜葡倔浑睛铰阉次泞漳卿欢滓语贯蝎覆岭者砌驾羽浓俯夯签酷漏强庙笆胚悍掇敖


4、偏滥乌裕群铡刚昔土豺癣厕迅架泪熙桨嘎圃切唬目派铬登恍集坝遍乓患区膜胜厩奖握穷溺雌吧芒抗潜多缄检测内容:Units(67)得分_卷后分_评价_听力部分(20分)一、听对话,选择能回答问题的正确图片。(51分5分)(B)1.What is the boy using?A.B. C.(A)2.What does the sign mean?A. B. C.(B)3.What does Sams sister wear?A. B. C.(C)4.What does the girl want to do?A. B. C.(B)5.Which one would the man like to buy?

5、A. B. C.二、听对话,选择最佳答案。(51分5分)(B)6.What is Lee doing?ADancing. BSinging. CReading.(C)7.What does Jane like doing?APlaying tennis. BWatching tennis games.CCollecting tennis rackets.(B)8.Who wants to borrow the bike?ADale. BBetty. CAlice.(B)9.What belongs to Graces sister?AThe book. BThe CD. CThe toy.(A

6、)10.What is John doing?ARunning. BGetting up. CSitting on the bus.三、听下面两段对话,选择最佳答案。(51分5分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。(B)11.What is the man good at?APlaying the drum. BPlaying the guitar.CPlaying the violin.(B)12.When will the woman start her next concert?AOn Saturday. BOn Sunday. COn Friday.听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。(

7、A)13.Who thinks its good to study in groups?ASimon. BSimons parents. CAlice.(C)14.What does Simon want to be in the future?AA doctor. BA policeman. CA teacher.(C)15.What isnt Alice allowed to do at home?ATo watch TV. BTo stay up late. CTo chat on the Internet.四、听短文,根据你所听到的信息完成下面的表格。(51分5分)Family rul

8、esHe must 16.finish_his_homework on time.He is not allowed to 17.play_computer_games.He has to do the housework such as making the bed and 18.cleaning_his_bedroomThe changes of the speakerHis life has become more 19.wonderful.He has improved his grades and 20.living_skills.The speakers ideaHe should

9、 be allowed to play computer games on weekends.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(151分15分)(C)21.In my opinion,not all inventions were invented by _ accident.Well,you do seem to have _ point.Inventing needs much time and hard work.Aan;a Ban;the C/;a D/;the(D)22.Why are these mobile phones sold so well in your store,M

10、r Wang?Because almost every _ likes their styles.Ahero Bruler Cpioneer Dcustomer(C)23.Jane,what do you think of this orange?Well,its too _I cant stand it.Asweet Bsalty Csour Dcrispy(A)24.My parents always keep me _ computer games on school days,so I can only play on weekends.Afrom playing Bplaying C

11、to play Dplay(D)25.Shall we go to that restaurant for dinner,Mr Smith?Wed better not.The dishes there are _Acheap Bdelicious Cfresh Dawful(D)26.Toms mother was very angry yesterday because Tom _ her.Atalked to Btalked withCcared about Dtalked back to(C)27.Please give me another _I believe I can do b

12、etter than before.Away Bdecison Cchance Dlist(B)28.In the end,all of us managed _ to the top of the mountain,tired but happy.Aget Bto get Cgetting Dgot(C)29.I regret _ up to watch the football game last night.I am very tired and sleepy now.Astay Bto stay Cstaying Dstayed(D)30.I want to be a basketba

13、ll player when I grow up,and my parents _ my dream very much.Adevelop Bimagine Cremain Dsupport(D)31.What kind of drink is the most popular in China?Tea is _ doubt the most popular.It _ by many people.Awith;drinks Bwith;is drunkCwithout;drinks Dwithout;is drunk(B)32.The number of teachers in our sch

14、ool _ 60 and a number of them _ men teachers.Ais;is Bis;are Care;is Dare;are(D)33.The students _ two groups to play the game yesterday afternoon.Aare divided among Bare divided intoCwere divided among Dwere divided into(B)34.Why is the photo of Mo Yan always hung on the wall in your bedroom?Because

15、I _ him and want to be a great writer like him.Ahold on to Blook up toCpay attention to Dlook forward to(C)35.What a strange machine! _ ?Im not sure.Maybe people make bread with it.AWho was it invented by BWhen was it inventedCWhat is it used for DWhere was it bought六、完形填空。(101分10分)Good morning,ever

16、yone.Im Flyki and my partner is Michelle.Today,we two want to introduce a new invention designed_36_us to you here.Its called “flying car”Nowadays,the number of_37_is increasing,and it leads to a bad influence.People living in the cities have found that its getting more and more_38_to move around in

17、 the streets.Traffic jams turn out to be a big problem.Thats_39_we have the idea.The car not only looks like a car but also looks like a plane.It has_40_rires(轮胎)and “foldable wings”It also has the advantages of small volume(体积)and light weight.When it transforms into a plane,it can fly_41_a speed o

18、f 110 miles per hour.Its a “roadable aircraft”All you need is just a driving license.Then,you can drive it just like driving a car.The car will make our life more convenient,_42_it can switch between a car and a plane.To begin with,it can drive on any surfaces and thanks to its foldable wings,it can

19、 transform into a personal plane.When the roads are _43_,it can help you easily reach the destination.Much time can be_44_This kind of car makes our lives_45_and more comfortable.If you have such a car,you will feel very good!Thats all.Thanks for listening.(C)36.A.with Bto Cby Dfor(A)37.A.cars Bplan

20、es Ctaxis Dbuses(D)38.A.expensive Binteresting Cconvenient Ddifficult(B)39.A.what Bwhy Cthat Dwhich(B)40.A.three Bfour Cfive Dsix(D)41.A.in Bon Cfor Dat(D)42.A.so Bthough Cif Dbecause(A)43.A.crowded Bfree Cwide Dshort(C)44.A.wasted Bcost Csaved Dlasted(A)45.A.easier Bricher Cheavier Dworse七、阅读理解。(15

21、2分30分)AMany people ask me what my favorite invention is.I find it very hard to answer them,because there are so many things in my life that I can choose.However,I have chosen a pen.Dont you think its surprising?I know that to most people a pen is very boring,but,to me,it stands for possibility(可能)Th

22、ere are so many things you can do with a pen.You can write a novel or a song,record information,or draw a picture.A pen is like the beginning of something amazing to me.Every day,I write a new page with my pen,and I am slowly making a path(路)for my future.Maybe I will be a scientist and change the w

23、orld with my discoveries.Maybe Ill become a musician and touch peoples hearts with my music.Or perhaps I will be a writer and move people through words,or a teacher to help children grow into the kind of people that they want to be.There are so many possibilities as to what I will do with my life,bu

24、t I know that with the pen in my hand,I will write a good future for myself.Tell me what future you will write for yourself.(D)46.People may feel _ after they know the writers choice.Abored Binterested Cexcited Dsurprised(C)47.The writer thinks a _ can move people through words.Ascientist Bmusician

25、Cwriter Dteacher(D)48.The underlined word “discoveries” means “ _ ” in Chinese.A力气 B汗水 C理智 D发现(A)49.The writer wants to tell us _Awhy a pen is the most important invention for himBwhat a pen can help him doCwhy he wants to have a good penDwhat person he will become in the future(B)50.Where does the

26、passage most probably come from?AA grammar book. BA science website.CA dictionary. DA sports magazine.B(2016恩施)InventionsPhoneThe first telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.It made communications easier.But the telephones were only fixed in post offices.People had to go there to m

27、ake calls to faraway people and the fees were very high.Later,a cellphone was developed in 1973 in America.It was one of the most useful inventions.People can use cellphones to communicate with others much more easily.They can take them anywhere to make private calls,even vision calls (可视电话)Cellphon

28、es have many other functions,such as sending messages,taking photos and reading online.TVThe first TV set was invented by an English scientist,John Baird,in 1926.The invention helped people watch films at home instead of going to the cinema as before.At first,TV sets only broadcast blackwhite pictur

29、es.Several years later,colored TV sets made the pictures lively.However,they were heavy and thick,so it was difficult to move them.Then,digital TV sets came into being.They are light and thin.Many TV programs are available at any time.At present,people can use the IPTV(网络电视) to record and replay pro

30、grams.ComputerThe first modern computer was invented in America in 1946.It was as big as a room.It improved the speed and exactitude of calculation (计算)In the 1950s,desktop computers were invented in the same country.They became smaller and could be put on the desk.Since then,they have become very i

31、mportant in many fields of work and leisure.Before the 1970s,the computers were single.It was the Internet that joined the computers into a big family,so they could share information with one another.Around 1985,laptops were developed in Japan.They were much smaller and could be put on peoples laps.

32、They were light and easy to take.(D)51.The first cellphone was invented _Ain 1876 Bin 1926 Cin 1946 Din 1973(A)52.People could watch films _ before 1926.Ain the cinema Bon the computerCon the cellphone Don TV(B)53.A scientist from _invented desktop computers.AChina Bthe USA Cthe UK DJapan(A)54.The f

33、irst modern computer was used for?ACalculatingBJoining the computers into a big familyCPlaying gamesDSharing information with one another(D)55.Which of the following is right?ACellphones cant be used for making vision calls.BDigital TV sets are light and thick.CThe first modern computer was as big a

34、s a desktop computer.DThe Internet connects computers together.C“I dont like my parents.They always tell me I should do this,and should not do that.It sometimes makes me angry,”said Zhang Hua,a middle school student in Guangzhou.Do you have the same problem?Perhaps your parents had the same problem

35、when they were your age long ago.Why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their childrens eyes?One of the biggest problems is when someone becomes a parent,he/she likes worrying about things.They worry about everything about you from the time you were born.They do a lot for you,thou

36、gh something would make you angry,because they care about you and worry about you.They worry about your choice of friends,food you eat,your work at school,how much sleep you get,etc.All these things are part of your life.They want you to grow up healthily and happily.So how can you make things easie

37、r on yourself?Its easier than you think.Just make sure your parents know what youre doing.Get them to know your friends.Phone them if you stay somewhere else late so that your parents dont call every hospital in the phone book looking for you.Say sorry to them when you make mistakes.Take responsibil

38、ity(责任)for what you have done.Talk about your ideas with them.They may talk about theirs with you.Most of all,try to think about why your parents do this or do that.They are still practicing being parents and need help you can give them.Some day,when you become a parent,they may be able to help you

39、know how to get on with your children.(B)56.The writer thinks one of the biggest problems for parents is to _Aworry about themselves Bworry about their childrenChate their children Dbe friendly with their children(C)57.All the things that parents do is to _Amake their children angryBwant their child

40、ren to love themCwant their children to grow up healthily and happilyDwant their children to do everything well in the future(D)58.The writer thinks we should _ if we go back home later than usual.Atell our friends Btell the teacherCsay sorry to our parentsDmake a telephone call to our parents(D)59.

41、The writer thinks _Aits wrong for parents to worry about their children too muchBsome parents are unfriendly,which makes their children angryCchildren should do everything as their parents sayDparents love their children very much and the children should understand them(B)60.What is the best title o

42、f the passage?AParents responsibilityBHow to get on with parentsCZhang Huas problemDWhat are parents worrying about八、词汇运用。(101分10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。61We were preparing some food for the picnic (野餐) when they came into the house.62I met a woman who was wearing a pink (粉红色的) scarf at the bus station yes

43、terday.63She seems too young to manage (应付) three children and that big house.64Our community (社区) has its own library.We often read books there.65We all think the little boy should be praised (表扬) for his honesty.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。66Music can offer pleasure(please)to us,so many people like listenin

44、g to it.67Her dream of entering (enter) the famous university came true last year.68As we all know,Zhou Enlai was one of the greatest leaders (lead)69Mr.Brown would like to give all his money to medical (medicine) research.70He felt much sadder (sad) than before when he heard the bad news.九、任务型阅读。(5

45、2分10分)When you wake up every day,once again to see this beautiful world,when your parents,teachers and friends give you help,will you know how to be grateful?And when you feel unlucky and make mistakes,will you still be thankful?Yu Dan,a professor at the Beijing Normal University,made a report about

46、 Gratitude Education(感恩教育)It will affect Chinese people,especially the teenagers.Nowadays,some teenagers only care about things outside.They often behave badly.For example,they fight with each other,use phones in class,be rude to their parents and teachers and so on.Most of them dont know love,respect and gratefulness.Being grateful or


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