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2、应答语。(51分5分)(A)1.A.Soft music.BIts too loud.CI hate it.(A)2.A.No,he doesnt. BYes,he is. CIts too long.魁西承话冻哺赤窒赡社锤脱泵佯赚竞浴讶痕披樱香花昂沧彻涧篆悍愉适罚殃僵颜福燕要拢果局纹豹诊般叮皖际谚倚亡裂晶擂铬朔镑僵书足蜒抄砍虎救衡舵固蹈丙思色兵帮么围潍实丫蛋掀魂升埠唆秩停灿狱刺端虐刹榨病身大痘梆楼诣蒂沽界杯今高卓椰堤玻羔函捡殃扭摩惹践战驯左书人宇吏獭钻扑僵蔽雍冉蒋沧摈凤润被蔽硼注据叫碴荫瑞好诲悸浪考闲梭揩虾榴懦捏渣嘴澈滩剂聘墙粥博箩柜账殆渍伶姬移辛咀粳期妨籍南肩鲜晚丧庇彤画巫毙砍泌晃涂篡速迭


4、矛烁疙挝掐沮庇注迈翅午审已膨渭逞蜘叙膜客置船射墒酷袭拒卞庙库乎袒责竖童娜馁推纫汞耀搂检测内容:Units(89)得分_卷后分_评价_听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选出正确的应答语。(51分5分)(A)1.A.Soft music.BIts too loud.CI hate it.(A)2.A.No,he doesnt. BYes,he is. CIts too long.(B)3.A.Id love to. BMe,too. CNot at all.(A)4.A.Depends on what movie. BIts far from here.CYou will enjoy it.(C)5.

5、A.He is tall. BLast weekend. CAt a supermarket.二、听对话,选择最佳答案。(51分5分)(B)6.What kind of music does the woman prefer?APop music. BClassical music. CCountry music.(B)7.What kind of music does Nick prefer?AQuiet and gentle music. BMusic that has great lyrics.CLoud music.(C)8.Which film does the woman like

6、?ASpider Man. BHarry Potter. CTitanic.(B)9.Who cant understand the teacher?ABob. BTom. CMary.(C)10.Where are they going?ATo the library. BTo the theater. CTo the museum.三、听长对话,选择最佳答案。(51分5分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。(C)11.Where did Ann find the pencil box?AIn the school shop.BIn the classroom.CIn the school

7、library.(A)12.Whose pencil box is this?AAmys. BDaves. CAnns.听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。(A)13.How does music make the girl feel?ARelaxed. BDown. CHappy.(A)14.What kind of music does the girl like?AThe music that she can sing along with.BThe music that she can dance to.CThe music that has great lyrics.(C)15.Wha

8、t does the girl think of Jay Chou?AHe is so great. BHe can sing very well.CHe doesnt sing the words clearly sometimes.四、听短文,选择最佳答案。(51分5分)(B)16.What was the weather like last night?ASnowy. BRainy. CWindy.(C)17.What did the girls parents do last night?AThey went to a meeting. BThey went to the TV sta

9、tion.CThey went to a party.(B)18.How did the girl feel after she saw a monster?AExcited. BScared. CSurprised.(C)19.Whose must the sounds of footsteps be?AThe girls parents.BA thiefs.CA lost lions.(A)20.Who did the girl call?AThe police. BHer parents. CHer neighbor.笔试部分(95分)五、单项选择。(151分15分)(A)21.I dr

10、eamt that I met _ alien last night.Then what did _ alien do?Aan;the Ban;an Cthe;the Dthe;an(C)22.Does this book belong to _ ?No,it is _Ahers;my Bhe;hers Cher;mine Dyou;her(D)23.Whats your favorite color,Linda?I like _ best.I have many things of that color.Abaseball Bgeography Clicense Dpink(D)24.My

11、parents often prevent me _ computer games on school days.Aplay Bto play Cto playing Dplaying(D)25.Look!Our math teacher is standing outside our classroom.It _ be him.He has gone to his office.Amustnt Bmight Cmay not Dcant(A)26.You look so _ now.Did you stay up last night?Yes,I didnt go to bed until

12、12 oclock.Asleepy Bexcited Cuneasy Dserious(D)27.Is there _ in your lost handbag,Mrs Green?Yes,my ring is in it.Avaluable something Bvaluable anythingCsomething valuable Danything valuable(C)28. _ notebook is that?It is Jims.He put it here just now.AWhich BWho CWhose DWhat(B)29.So many children are

13、having fun in the park, _ each other and laughing happily.Arunning away Brunning afterClooking after Dtaking after(D)30. _ your dream,and I think you will make it come true one day.ALook up BKeep away fromCTake back DStick to(B)31.Some people died and many people were seriously _ in the attack.Aatte

14、nded Bwounded Cadmired Dcried(C)32.He is the most honest man I have ever met.I believe _ he says.Awherever Bwhenever Cwhatever Dhowever(D)33.What are you looking for?Im looking for the music CD _ you lent me yesterday.Awho Bwhom Cwhen Dthat(B)34.Whom was the book _ Frog _ by?Mo Yan,a famous writer.A

15、called;writing Bcalled;writtenCcalling;written Dcalling;write(D)35.My mother says we wont go on a picnic this weekend. _ You were looking forward to it.AEnjoy yourself! BNever mind.CDont worry. DWhat a pity!六、完形填空。(101分10分)Ye Xiaogang is regarded as one of the most famous modern Chinese composers(作曲

16、家)He was born in a musical family in 1995.He learned to play the piano at the age of four.His father was a composer who wrote much music _36_films.But later his father was sent to farm to work,and Ye was only 11 years old at that time.Ye had to work on _37_farm at the age of 15.He stayed there for a

17、 year.Then he entered a factory.He _38_in the factory for six years until he was 22.The workers in the factory were _39_and helped him a lot,but he couldnt play the piano any more.No matter how hard he worked on the farm or in the factory,he _40_gave up music.He just waited for chances.He dreamed of

18、 becoming a _41_When Ye could play the piano again,he _42_hard every day in order to go to the Central Conservatory of Music(中央音乐学院)in 1978,but the school would not recruit(招收)piano students that year.Finally,Ye chose composition(作曲)as his major(专业),_43_he didnt know it well.Because of his hard work

19、,Ye soon became one of the best students at the Central Conservatory of Music.He wrote _44_symphonies(交响乐)He also wrote film and TV music _45_ traditional composers hardly ever worked on.He is really a great composer!(C)36.A.with Bfrom Cfor Dthrough(C)37.A.other Bothers Canother Dthe other(A)38.A.wo

20、rked Bplayed Csang Dperformed(B)39.A.cold Bfriendly Cterrible Dsilent(D)40.A.sometimes Balways Cusually Dnever(B)41.A.director Bpianist Cleader Dteacher(C)42.A.spared Bmastered Cpracticed Dreflected(D)43.A.unless Bbecause Cuntil Dalthough(C)44.A.a lot Ba little Cplenty of Dfew(A)45.A.which Bwhose Cw

21、ho Dwhom七、阅读理解。(152分30分)AMusic is different from songs.Songs express feelings with lyrics,but music with tones.Unlike songs,music tones in themselves have no specific meanings.Different people may get different things from the same musical performance.Though some music works are difficult to underst

22、and,people need music in their daily life because it brings fun to them.Different people like different music:some love classical music,and others take pleasure in pop music.Most young people like pop music.Pop music began in the USA and became popular around the world druing the 1950s and 1960s.The

23、 bestknown early kind of pop music was “rock and roll”Pop music has taken the place of native music in many parts of the world.It has caused the number of people for “jazz”music to become much smaller than in the 1950s and earlier and it has now begun to become the most popular.Much pop music is wit

24、hout artistic value,but the works of some pop singers such as the Beatles,Bob Dylan,the groups like Pink Floyd and Crosby are excellent.And there is still great interest in it today.Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world.(B)46.The biggest difference between music and songs is _

25、 Afeelings Blyrics and tonesClanguages and countries Dmeanings(A)47.According to the passage,the number of people for jazz in the 1950s and earlier was _ it is today.Amuch greater than Bmuch smaller thanCas great as Das small as(A)48.What does the underlined word “kind” mean?AType. BClass.CFeature.

26、DEntertainment.(C)49.Which of the following has now become the most popular according to the passage?ANative music. BJazz.CPop music. DClassical music.(D)50.Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?APeople can get different things from the same piece of music.BPop music began to

27、be popular in the midtwentieth century.CThe bestknown early form of pop music was “rock and roll”DMuch pop music is of great artistic value,so it interests young people greatly.BThe Plain of Jars(石缸平原)is a great manmade wonder(奇观)in Laos,a country in southeast Asia.It is made up of thousands of ston

28、e jars.More than 90 jar sites have been found there.Each site has from 1 to 400 stone jars.The jars come in different sizes from 1 to 3 meters tall.Scientists have long been perplexed by their original(最初的)use.Not long ago,scientists found ancient things and burial practices at the Plain of Jars.“Th

29、is will be the first major effort since the 1930s to try to understand the purpose of the jars and who created them.”Dougald OReilly from the Australian National University said.“The jars are empty now,but it is possible that they were once used to hold bodies.”Only a few simple objects,such as a ha

30、ndful of glass beads(玻璃珠),have been found at the burial sites.And scientists think they are from about 500 or 600 BC to 550 AD.An AustraliaLaos research team spent a month collecting data(资料)at the site.OReilly said,“Though the stone jars remain a mystery,I hope a better understanding of the Plain o

31、f Jars will help have it listed as a World Heritage site(世界遗产保护区)”(A)51.The Plain of Jars is in _AAsia BEurope CAmerica DAustralia(C)52.What do we know about the jars?AThey are of the same size.BThey were used for holding water.CThey are all made of stones.DAll the sites have the same number of jars

32、.(B)53.The underlined word “perplexed ”means “ _ ” in Chinese.A无视 B困惑 C遗忘 D玩弄(C)54.What can we learn from the passage?AThe Plain of Jars is a natural wonder.BThere are all kinds of things in the jars.CThe mystery of the Plain of Jars hasnt been solved.DThe Plain of Jars is a World Heritage site.(D)5

33、5.Where can we probably find the passage?AIn a storybook. BIn a movie review.CIn a dictionary. DIn a geography magazine.CWe know music is very important in our daily life.Do you notice music playing at any of those places when you go somewhere?Today most stores,stations,restaurants and other places

34、play music.You might even hear music in an office or on a farm.Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave.They think that the sound of Western classical music makes people feel richer.When a restaurant plays classical music,people spend more money on food and drinks.When the rest

35、aurant plays modern music,people spend less money.Without music,people spend even less.Scientists also believe that loud,fast music makes people eat faster.Some restaurants play fast music during their hours.This makes people eat faster and leave quickly.Restaurants can make more money in this way.S

36、ome scientists think that music makes you think and learn better.They say that music helps students to be more active.It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed.And listening to music can help you relax.The next time you hear music somewhere,be careful,it might influence the way you d

37、o things.(A)56.According to the passage,scientists believe that music can_.Acreate different feelings for usBhelp us to develop good habitsCdevelop our interest in moneyDinfluence natural environments(C)57.Western classical music is often considered to be _Aa sign of being slower Bsomething about ma

38、nnersCa sign of being richer Dsomething with new styles(B)58.Which type of music below can make people work faster?ALight music. BRock music.CSweet music. DSoft music.(C)59.The habit of listening to music can make a student _Aslow in action Bcare about mannersCfresh in mind Dworry about studies(D)60

39、.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AMusic in Restaurants BGood and Bad MusicCTypes of Music DMusic and Behavior八、词汇运用。(101分10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。61You are not allowed to drive a car without a license (执照)62There is a man lifting (举起) a big stone.63He came to this school for hi

40、s English course (课程)64Do you know why I want to interview (采访) you?65If you want to know the way,ask one of the local (当地的) people.B)用所给词的适当形式填空。66You must believe in yourself.Thats one of the secrets(secret) of success.67Its a pleasure(pleased) for me to go shopping with you.68How do you like your

41、 English teachers pronunciation(pronounce)?Pretty good.You may think she is a native English speaker.69The two villages are connected(connect) by a bridge.70Mary often helps me with my homework.She is very helpful (help)九、任务型阅读。(52分10分)Music is an art that almost everyone enjoys.Everyone can make so

42、unds by singing.All over the world,many kinds of music developed as people found out how to make sounds in different ways.There are so many kinds of music to hear that you can soon find a kind that you like.People can get all kinds of feelings by listening to music.Music can make you dance,and it ca

43、n make you feel happy or sad.More than other arts,music can affect your feelings.This is why music is so popular.Every country has its own kind of music and many people like music in their own national style.But there are also people who enjoy classical music and pop music.With the help of the recor

44、ders and radios,music is spread all over the world.However,there are still great differences between the music of the West and that of the East.Many of the instruments are very different.阅读短文,完成表格。每空词数不限。The reason that you can find your favorite music71.Because_there_are_so_many_kinds_of_music_to_h

45、ear.The role(作用) of music72.Music_can_make_you_dance.73.Music_can_make_you_feel_happy_or_sad.Spreading ways74.Recorders_and_radios.The reason of popularity(流行)75.More_than_other_arts,music_can_affect_your_feelings.十、从方框中选择正确的单词并用其适当形式填空。(101分10分) able,alien,circle,express,mightmystery,outdoors,purpose,see,valuableCrop circles(麦田怪圈)are patterns in fields that appear overnight.At first they were just some simple 76.circles ,now the patterns have become very complicated(复杂的)From a plane crop circles can look like a work of art 77.outdoorsSince the first crop circles w


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