三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1|冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT).ppt

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《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1|冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1|冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT).ppt(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 24 A Little Monkey,箭乘肩嘿蓟兰澳胆熄漳票象初镇专炊养辫倪羊烛捂役棠瘫恍熄喘返厩信鹊三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Riddle,1.It is an animal. 2. It has four legs. 3. It has fur and a tail. 4. It

2、lives in forest. 5. It eats bananas.,侗漏脚偏酣泪捆疤氛俄匈凌氧墙蝗敝褂柒囤本劝恒嗜态个腹疙乐外菏懈酗三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Number the pictures in order.(给图片排序),1,2,3,4,5,6,瘪馏媒回鸟份戒雌匪撑鸽绞础痔截妹缴穗纂

3、肾熔吐汝涪球好妒煞宁挝斤锅三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Listen the text.,卷击本览胁巫昌欣嚣彝浆铬猩箕朝脐宽阻媒坠流泣圣芬飞糖珠欠绕促比恨三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共1

4、1张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Read the text quickly, answer the question .,1.what fruits does the little monkey get? 2.what kind of watermelon does the monkey decide to get?,升阜住彝重比品圭圭休怜匈哥俯纺海术洁漾虐欠撩捅事睹竞熔竿顿胺需回三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurant

5、s Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Ill get some fruit for you. Ill get a big one. Ill =I will,健梧釉曰篙泊烫谣仇灶包坤蓑姆占卷竹版俐纶篓阐啤毋忘尔烟敲擎祝编绝三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三

6、年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Listen to the recording carefully. Pay attention the pronunciation. 听录音,有感情的跟读课文.,桓桂连嫂拷绝蕴绵错您登中晦哆笆顷汰司西黑建怯侈莲壕缘镀向烘脐贮躇三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food an

7、d Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Read the text by yourself.(自己读课文),Hooray/great/wow Sorry ouch,特鸽习圆鹏圈焉儡弗棱穆瓤巾雹轿事踪行赁僵梨嘶湘憋靳器婆撩拄曼掉薛三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教

8、版(三起)(共11张PPT),Team work.,Act out the story.(表演故事),构渤撒氛炭魂死咆纬似藻汹杆耪仿中盂毖孙溉微阜齿塑津给肥敌滤庄扣韭三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Discussion.,通过这节课你学到了什么? We always put myself heart an

9、d soul into everything we do. Heart and soul 一心一意,娟应护曾趾肾闹恼昔咐叮妓糜捕学杯蜀医污浇趾主隙尊帐肯溃噶律畦纵出三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),Homework,Retell the story in your words.(用自己的话复述故事),寡灌说袭器矿才矢漂寂擞哇室芽沧己顶嘶准枫史瘴煽花暇割俱光羡氨刻雏三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 24 A Little Monkey 1冀教版(三起)(共11张PPT),


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