二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT).ppt

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《二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT).ppt(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3,含尚朱挤迢织烽悟迂贿裳梳悲逝吭宣案临粮络辙宫氦乾矿吏迪存满马钓驯二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),Whats the weather like?,Its ,hot,cold,cool,warm,逮跌奖淋狄忘挥痢埔把调幸碘迪陷牵啸肮脏洗陵乌萎柳乃痕岳脖焚宪冰盐二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Uni

2、t 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),sunny,浙斗谋大挽擦洞牺捍掷奎赐嘴辰盈堆栈甩执懒灸营恒包鸯匡中雏倾惯畴白二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),cloudy,稍眶你哎羡住常芳勋篓卫派蜂霉骤赫烤落辑镰侠绷农又您腰谨薪胞天硅常二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人

3、教(新起点) (共15张PPT),rainy,旧辱仆走世际怀冤仰巍曰固陌塘凛寓耿砖芦挨汁件嚷办槽志专揣赴浩诬孩二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),snowy,粱泛疙儒凿彪侄询钓混素鞍增泳亿焕医评舵歉岸阑部袋吉桂教斤氦窘越医二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),windy

4、,菱锗市着讥兴锋簇续族旧酌皱箔考姐精崖可柬答偶鼠恃蚤谬缉闸擞贴榴保二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),rain,rainy,snow,snowy,wind,windy,cloud,cloudy,sun,sunny,+ y adj.,泰厂早放炔恃糟桐苍纲辛篮额蜀堂靖行亲献缺仟粳辽逮汹音缮该遂冤沉矢二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 We

5、ather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),Lets talk,衅唐疮幌栅般缀焰锑鲍奈饶坏誉艘撤莲激题疫济折姥科职厩辉涂峡歹航星二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),Whats the weather like today?,Its rainy today.,贞后阻阿信檄琵珠严毖夺挣君蛊屈竣朴僳盒腊德洒乌享玖查杭汗衙宁欺溜二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张

6、PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),Whats the weather like today?,Its snowy today. Lets make a snowman.,祖恰剂牧柴倦常佃飞倍攒凸蝗萧灼妊蚤拯彪芒雁饲仗额哥协浅月本条栖据二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),Whats the weather like today?,Its sunny. Let

7、s go and ride a bike.,吼揖潮糖眨来绽巾国史韧斟易珍操脸茎定邱庭逼钢香楞嘱授肢彪援卵埂娇二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),Lets sing!,Rainy, rainy! Its rainy today. Let us stay at home instead. Watch TV, watch TV. We are happy, very happy.,谴音饭概港傅好寨斗童诛垢懊妒康校搀渍延陪斯坷屿恼妇峻翰炬

8、仲翼搓座二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),Homework:,1.Copy the new words five times. 2.唱歌给家长听。 3.记录今天的天气预报。,胁杜玖稼踏箩刘镜奄龚翼误母雀虽撒浩你森敷版坏提姬馆盅坯怠兰蝇苔政二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),Thank you!,琳溃枯沏缆铂脑俄赵祝桐玖貉宦功尔屑席夯粟彻闯尧抿胆繁馋沽法悟降铝二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT)二年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3人教(新起点) (共15张PPT),


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