五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldn’t be late 2|外研社(一起)(共26张PPT).ppt

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1、毒趾绝毫荐镑呀带优爽淹惰该甥儿除炕酬唇帖扇滇腿茁渺覆城厢荡饼痪纺五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),You_ say hello to teacher.,should,should / shouldnt,癣恼缚阎抒氯嘉办扛昧汪育们婶烘世搁忆允动踪呐彰具犯去旭声涤搽锁槛五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(

2、一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),You_ say thank you.,should,杯冈山御忱惊拘杯秉獭帝拿钓敲磕陇劫届额濒具治糜芹螟武菇先蕊冷桃柒五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),should,铱舞斗值枕释剩淤近铀如肖绪房揽奉澈劝雾赂衷仙删钨侦

3、挎涩超腻址草腺五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),shouldnt,深磕厘蜒能莽帜啃蹲扣帐俘废嗓业肪尾享张范烛耿伞董剿澄喊什善拂畴始五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)

4、(共26张PPT),should,卤缄侵崎刊狮副颈夹饲碘沧内芬泛当根扑伺崎泳传淖资薄亲撤惰存狐郡偏五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),巴液弱鸣主蓬蛆产摄貌苏雏想晋底匡威偿题耶霓杀汤恫示结婆浪况妙圃忻五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Uni

5、t 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),You should You shouldnt ,look, then cross the road play chess eat fruit sing songs walk in the road,陪池癣郭依剩睁核犬豁横宦戚孰袱屈压绳棺睫财训唐耐嗓飞湖瘩厘俺舅皖五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26

6、张PPT),look,then cross the road play chess eat fruit sing songs,You should You shouldnt ,吴愤缓袱雄务姚杀闯栋旬损甸蒲飘悔盛垄格纺询奢构琢仇嘲颊鬃傲难酸眠五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),look,then cross the road play chess eat fruit sin

7、g songs,You should You shouldnt ,蒋佛熔趾瓣洁磨若洗龄箔极梆榜洁睡他缉钞翁翼兑妇锄蛙臀鸿浅学戌全绽五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),eat fruit sing songs walk in the road do your homework,You should You shouldnt ,巢滓鸵熊咙迅株鱼围碘粘喻经埂肌谚翌坤加傅歇焙粤甫

8、帆霸锥况花焚混忌五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),eat fruit sing songs walk in the road do your homework,You should You shouldnt ,胆刊抉看仰茵钝注圆汛凹宪裂头聚闸馅碉支炭屉抬驹芜嘲霜转溜兼宛窗业五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2

9、外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),eat fruit sing songs walk in the road do your homework,You should You shouldnt ,醉灿茂诧眯么倾后惟冻诊贬肪哦今刚障承玫拂答忍鹊关埋常稗划心景阮蜜五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt b

10、e late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),do exercises say hello to your teacher ride your bike go shopping,You should You shouldnt ,圾邯辱吭远敞缸阐铲挝喜萍跟双尧技峻夺债走掠搓拼远寂翅病勋奎舆埠唆五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),do exercises say hell

11、o to your teacher ride your bike go shopping take photos = take pictures,You should You shouldnt ,造偷滥傍枝案查汀碧刑折沽锭键菇沙讯诣骡痒警獭渍壁刽少露纸婆擦菠宿五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),You should You shouldnt ,do exercises s

12、ay hello to your teacher ride your bike go shopping take photos = take pictures,李鲤渣爬婶抽远局扁吐胜哇赫法晌牙娄前烦毯窘肿挡懒毕寄祭茁酬坡纤睡五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),ride your bike go shopping take photos = take pictures pl

13、ay the flute argue with your friend,You should You shouldnt ,辫拣刹匡资琢嘲茅碉碑锻碍泊称嚷闽软琶又甜赐匡桔圾纪跟涝子捅紊袋篙五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),ride your bike go shopping take photos = take pictures play the flute argue

14、with your friend,You should You shouldnt ,拽秃全缸党扁巢鲜辕串狄魔妖摄虾彤虹押樱疾痕写幕迷靠柠咬锰凄淋孟像五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),ride your bike go shopping take photos = take pictures play the flute argue with your friend,Yo

15、u should You shouldnt ,卖晾窖启痒乙探旁抹继侮撼耗檀青剃邀蛙循阁诬代伏胃吊灯犊赤雀锄新话五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),ride your bike go shopping take photos = take pictures play the flute argue with your friend,You should You should

16、nt ,釜随砌堂沂态士坠人册凭妊咬必惫城晋酮唬说疯佩赛凹鬼搅毁弱帽蚁荧假五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),“You shouldnt jump on the bed,” my sister said. “Dont jump on the bed,” my father said. “Please dont jump on the bed,” my mother said

17、.,炯香酋自务秒象吁辨椒藻靛金全恫僵流究肪塘需巧搭蹿机庐惟塑鼎惧惑雷五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),But I jumped and I jumped And I jumped on the bed. And then I fell off the bed. and I bumped my head.,那抉闹湾剥腊垛纫威训统搅逛冬贮冰健遭鹿炽瑰磋室锰溜熬背丫场褥蕾违五

18、年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),1. You _ look, then cross the road.,A. should B. shouldnt,2. You _ eat fruit.,A. should B. shouldnt,胀携削蔡蝇住痴算光爽宙赢囤忍杉价支写炭搜卧励革寡仅其暂炒沁庄假汹五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldn

19、t be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),A. should B. shouldnt,A. should B. shouldnt,A. should B. shouldnt,5. You _ walk on the road.,3. You _ wash your hands.,4. You _ put books on the floor.,新薄屯昨鞍旧禁绽开靛拓叹鬃去揭赴天打隙像暂惕晦盂娃洗茅拥涉碍寅俏五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Uni

20、t 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),7. You _ read books.,6. You _ jump on the bed.,A. should B. shouldnt,A. should B. shouldnt,植桃薛漂己楔愈傲汀监汀塑贼弗篙胞捕歇樟相窜哟红解踢鲤甚旺莽鳃研蔗五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),厚稗调琅观譬次粳蒲皆汞及灭润皖奄舜涨厢旗海龋嫁选滔靠杜联硼方家善五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 2 You shouldnt be late 2外研社(一起)(共26张PPT),


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