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1、Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1When the bad news came, an atmosphere of sadness filled the room.2Now that youve finished the work, you ought to have a good rest.3What is known to us is that the West Lake is very beautiful.4There are five tim

2、es as many students as we expected.5Should another world war break out,_what would become of human beings?6I dont know whether you like eating fish or not, so I phone you ahead of time.7The employees are trying to get the hang of the new technique to increase production.8Cheer up!You know failure is

3、 the mother of success.After all, this is our first attempt.9Obviously mad, the poor woman laughed and cried by turns.10He was prevented from driving for 3 months for careless driving.选词填空cool down, now that, depend on, break out, block out, in time, watch out for, get the hang of1The war broke_out

4、between the two countries.2Watch_out_for wild animals when you go up the hills.3You ought to write now_that you know the address.4After several years of practice, I think I will finally get_the_hang_of spoken English.5We put a curtain across the window to block_out the sunlight.6It took Charles a lo

5、ng time to cool_down after the heated argument.7You must bear in mind that your parents hope to depend_on you to become a good doctor.8Do you think well be in_time to catch the train to go to Paris?.完形填空Jim was mending his motorcycle in his yard, and his wife was cooking in the kitchen.Suddenly the

6、motorcycle ran _1_ the glass door while Jim was still riding on it.So he was _2_ to the floor inside the house.His wife, hearing the _3_, ran out and found Jim badly _4_ lying on the floor, the motorcycle lying next to him and the glass door _5_.The wife called an ambulance (救护车) quickly.After the a

7、mbulance arrived and took Jim to the _6_, the wife pushed the motorcycle outside.Seeing the _7_ on the floor, the wife got some paper towels to clean it, and threw the towels in the _8_.After Jims wound was _9_, he left the hospital.After arriving home, he_10_ at the broken door and the damage done

8、to his motorcycle and felt very _11_.So he went into the bathroom, sat on the toilet and _12_ a cigarette.After finishing the cigarette, he threw it into the toilet bowl.The _13_ in the kitchen heard a loud explosion (爆炸声)She ran into the bathroom and found Jim lying on the floor again and his cloth

9、es _14_ away.The fire was caused by the towels covered with gas in the toilet bowl.The wife had to call an ambulance again.The _15_ ambulance crew (工作人员) came again.They were _16_ to see Jim was seriously hurt again.When they carried Jim to the ambulance, one of them _17_ the wife how Jim had burned

10、 himself.So she told them what _18_ to Jim after he was taken to the hospital last time.One of them couldnt help laughing so _19_ that Jim fell to the ground.Then Jim got a(n) _20_ arm.1A.aroundBthroughCbehind Doutside解析:选B根据下文的“he was _2_ to the floor inside the house”及下文的“the broken door”可知,摩托车突然穿

11、过了玻璃门。2A.moved BinvitedChit Dthrown解析:选D根据上文的“while Jim was still riding on it”可知,吉姆坐在摩托车上被带进屋内并摔到地上。3A.sound BstoryCnews Dword解析:选A吉姆的妻子听到声响,跑出来看到吉姆躺在地上。4A.affected BhurtCbeaten Dstuck解析:选B根据下文的“The wife called an ambulance quickly”可知吉姆受伤严重。5A.painted BclosedCrepaired Ddamaged解析:选D根据下文的“the broken

12、door”可知门被破坏了。6A.company BhospitalCyard Dschool解析:选B救护车把吉姆送到医院。7A.gas BwaterCpaper Dglass解析:选A8A.street BkitchenCtoilet Dbedroom解析:选C根据下文的“The fire was caused by the towels covered with gas in the toilet bowl.”可知,看到地板上的汽油,吉姆的妻子用纸巾擦拭后把纸巾扔到了马桶内。9A.dressed BreceivedCchanged Ddiscovered解析:选A吉姆的伤口被包扎后,他离开

13、了医院。10A.laughed BshoutedCknocked Dlooked解析:选D11A.sad BexcitedCinterested Dsafe解析:选A到家后看到被破坏的门和摩托车,吉姆感到伤心。12A.bought BlitCdropped Dexpected解析:选B根据“After finishing the cigarette”可知,吉姆点了一根烟。13A.doctor BwifeCnurse Dhusband解析:选B由下文的she及the wife可知是吉姆的妻子听到巨大的爆炸声。14A.washed BputCburned Dtaken解析:选C根据下文的the f

14、ire及“how Jim had burned himself”可知,吉姆的衣服被烧掉了。15A.honest BdifferentCsame Dcareless解析:选C根据下文的again可知,相同的医护人员又来了。16A.surprised BunwillingCready Dsure解析:选A医护人员看到吉姆再次受伤,感到很奇怪。17A.showed BaskedCtaught Dadvised解析:选B根据“.how Jim had burned himself.So she told them .”可知,救护人员问吉姆的妻子事故是如何发生的。18A.happened Bbelong

15、edCdevoted Dturned解析:选A吉姆的妻子告诉医护人员吉姆所发生的事情。19A.politely BeasilyCfreely Dhard解析:选D20A.broken BopenCstrong Dlong解析:选A根据下文的“Jim fell to the ground”可知,一名医护人员笑得太猛以至于吉姆从担架上掉落,弄折了胳膊。.阅读七选五The person behind you constantly kicks the back of your seat.Your talkative seatmate doesnt understand your need for sl

16、eep.And the aircrafts bathroom is a total mess.These situations can make even a short flight unbearable.Hopefully you dont cause these unpleasant experiences for others._1_Always recline (向后倾斜) your seat slowly.Theres nothing worse than suddenly being hit in the knees by the seat in front of you.In

17、addition, dont keep your seat reclined for the entire flight.Always keep it upright during mealtimes.And remember to put it in the upright position before going to the restroom (or anytime you leave your seat)_2_ Wait until the meal is done and all the food trays (盘子)have been collected.Its hard for

18、 passengers to stand up to let you pass when they still have their food trays.And when using the bathroom, always clean up after yourself the next user will be grateful! Keep your body and your possessions to yourself as much as possible so as not to crowd your inflight seatmate(s)Share the armrest,

19、 especially on a long flight.Also, be careful not to kick or push on the seat in front of you.While some people enjoy chatting with other passengers during a flight, not everyone does.Some people may want to nap, read or work._3_If you are traveling with someone and want to chat, keep your voices lo

20、w._4_ People can still hear through your headphones if the volume is too high.When exiting the plane, if others are having trouble with their carryon luggage, help them if you can. If you cant help, wait patiently, and dont push past people to get off the airplane.On your flight, remember the golden

21、 rule: _5_ADont leave your carryon in the aircraft.BIf the conversation seems onesided, you should notice it.C.Treat others the way you want to be treated!D.Avoid going to the bathroom during mealtimes.E.Instead, you can set an example by following these common airplane courtesies (礼貌)F.It is not po

22、lite to talk loudly in the aircraft.G.If using electronic gadgets (小装置), keep the volume down.答案:15 EDBGC.短文改错A terrible storm took place in a summer night.The wind was so strong that many trees brought down.It was already eleven oclock.Li Ming, who had been to night school, was still not back and h

23、er parents were very anxious.Half an hour late the wind stopped, and it was still raining.Li Mings parents were about to looking for him when he returned.Li Ming explained the storm has pushed over many big trees as well telephone lines, blocking the roads and that the bridge had been washed away by the floods.So they had been to find another way back.答案:第一句:inon第二句:trees后加were第四句:beengone; herhis第五句:latelater; andbut第六句:lookinglook第七句:hashad; well后加as 第八句:去掉been6


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