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1、2017年秋高三(A)英语作业(10) 一、 任务型阅读A篇Teenager bedwetting can be caused by a number of factors, some of which may be related to serious health issues. Bedwetting that starts suddenly can be a sign of serious trauma(创伤)or minor problems, like allergies. An isolated incident may be related to substance abuse.

2、One of the major causes of teenager bedwetting is simple genetics. Some teenagers mature more slowly than others, some have underdeveloped bladders(膀胱), and some have a family history of bedwetting. Given that these problems are usually present throughout childhood, it is likely that teenage bedwett

3、ing due to these causes will have a long history. Most people do eventually grow out of this type of bedwetting.In some cases, teenage bedwetting can be caused by dietary changes. Increases in caffeine, dairy products, and other substances can cause a teenager to relapse(复发)into bedwetting. Isolatin

4、g the problem can be difficult because the teenager may or may not be allergic to the substance.Emotional troubles sometimes lead to bedwetting as well. Stress and trauma, in particular, can lead to uncontrolled bedwetting. In some cases, a teenager may be hiding the source of the severe trauma and

5、may not be willing to give information when confronted. Cases like these are often handled by psychologist.There are a number of causes of teenage bedwetting that relate to how urine(小便)is produced and the available space in which to store it. A teenager may for any number of reasons begin to produc

6、e excess urine. It is also possible that he or she has a small bladder that is not capable of handling the amount of urine produced at night. Having a small bladder does not necessarily imply that a person will wet the bed, so bladder size may not always provide a definitive answer. In combination w

7、ith a sleep disorder, which may prevent the teenager from waking up when the bladder is full, these conditions can produce bedwetting.It can be hard to diagnose(诊断)the cause of bedwetting in teens, but understanding why a teenager is wetting the bed can be helpful not only for health but for emotion

8、al security as well. Teenagers are often ashamed of wetting the bed, and this shame may interfere with their other activities. By diagnosing the cause even if there is no cure, a teenager who suffers from bedwetting may experience an improvement in overall quality of life.The 71 of teenage bedwettin

9、gThemeNumerous factors contribute to bedwetting among teenagers; some are minor while others are serious.GeneticsSome teenagers are not fully grown and they may not be 72 mature.The problem may 73 from their family membersDietarychangesThe 74 amount of caffeine, dairy products and other substances i

10、n the teenagers diet matters a lot. 75 troublesStress and trauma make a big 76 to uncontrolled bedwetting.Teenagers sometimes are 77 to tell others the source of severe trauma.UrineToo much urine is stored in a small bladder.A small bladder 78 with a sleep disorder can cause bedwettingConclusion 79

11、as it is, the diagnosing of causes can lead to teenagers 80 their overall quality of life.B篇Think what you are!Carbon and oxygen taken together, one atom each, gives you the deadly gas carbon monoxide (CO) . On the other hand, these very two elements(成分)on some other proportion(比例)provide us with ca

12、rbon dioxide(CO2), the harmless gas. When these basic elements can behave in this way so can the human mind!All human beings take in the air from this very earth, consume nearly the same kind of food and live under the same sky gaining energy from its only source Sun. Then what makes an individual d

13、istinct from each other? Its the attitude, the behavior that distinguished one from another person. The thought process going on in our brains is what differs.Only our brains control our body, which in turn controls our living, our peace and happiness and overall progress as an individual. What we i

14、nput is what we get. What we think is what we develop into. What we feel into our brains is what we get the outcome as. On harvesting good thoughts and positive attitude in our minds the good follows. Bad thoughts you get unconsciously should be removed and thrown off as soon as possible.Human body

15、takes commands from its brains and works. Our brains are always functional. So any kind of thought developed in our brains remains there even when we are not aware of their presence. These thoughts are processed without our consciousness and the result follows. These outcomes can change our lives. A

16、t times when wrong words are spoken, they remain in our subconscious minds, without our awareness, and the wrong follows.Brain as a physical thing is not aware of what is right and what is wrong. When we think about things in some way, the perspective(看法)with which we look at them for the first time

17、 remains in our mind. Our mind intends to take this perspective as true and makes way for it to follow. So on thinking well, the good happens and wrong thought brings unhappy situations. Human beings learn from the situations faced in life and their thinking is affected by the circumstances faced. T

18、his in turn affects the thinking. Thus our life and our thoughts are mutually(相互的)related. To lead a good life it is desired to think good.So is rightly said, “What you think is not what you are but what you THINK is what you are!”Think what you are!Suggestions on (77)_ our thinkingHuman body only a

19、cts according to (73) _ from its brains. Facts ofour thinkingThese thoughts then influence our behaviour, which (76) _ in changes in our lives.Our brains usually regard opinions developed (75) _ as true and let it control our body.Our brains always (74) _ and some thoughts formed in our brains stay

20、in our mind without our awareness.Our mind, (71) _ to the basic elements CO and , can affect us differently.Your thought process is (72) _ to you, distinguishing you from other people.Function ofour thinking Put in positive information so that you can get something good in (78) _.Always think positi

21、vely in order to develop into a (79) _ person.Throw away unhappy thoughts so as to (80) _ being influenced by them.Keep in mind how you deal with your thinking determines what you are.书面表达(满分25分)请阅读下面的短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。In the wild, lions tend to pick on the animals that are weak, old, sick or

22、hurt. Even with the strength of their numbers they will go after the easy prey.(捕猎)The lions picked their prey of choice for this poor Gazelle. The Gazelle, surrounded by lions, looks as if she were crying when the camera closed up on her face.The lions were faster than th Gazelle, and my goodness t

23、hey were smart. When the lions got close enough to the Gazelle, even while running at speed, they would trip the running animal.This Gazelle was moving. When pressure came from a different angle she changed directions. When she could feel the breath of the lions on her neck she changed direction. Wh

24、en they tried to trip her, stop her, trick her, block her, she changed direction. She ran until they stopped chasing after her. It was pointless to the lions. This Gazelle had purpose. She was running for her life.I do not care what, who, when, where, or how often life tries to take you down a path

25、you have not intended to go. If you feel the pressure and things are not going the way they should, change direction.【写作内容】1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括(1) 结合文章信息, 简要分析适时改变方向的必要性;(2) 结合实际,谈谈你的理解和得到的启示。 _ _ 参考答案五、任务型阅读71. causes 72. physically 73. arise/ result/ come/ originate 74. increase

26、d 75. Emotional 76. difference 77. unwilling 78. combined 79. Hard/ Difficult 80. improving任务型阅读71 similar72 unique/important/significant/vital73 commands74 function/work 75 unconsciously76 results77 improving/polishing/handling/managing78 return79 better/good/positive80 avoid书面表达What the passage co

27、nveys is that we should change direction flexibly while going through challenges and even dangers in our life, which is of significance to our development and success.It is necessary for us to change direction at the right moment. Following the wrong path stubbornly, we may waste a lot of time and e

28、nergy, with which we could otherwise achieve a lot. More importantly, we may lose some precious opportunities in life if we dont adapt ourselves to different situations in time.In our daily life, there are many cases like what Gazelle experienced, in which we suffer failures because we havent changed direction in time. For instance, if we analyze some very difficult problems from different angles in our study, we can solve them more easily. Therefore, to run for my life I will change direction when Im stuck in the things life throws at me.7


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