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3、是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。 所给单词适当形式填空(上海牛津版本上册)家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 1.The children are meeting parents at the school gate.(they)家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩

4、子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 2.The from Thailand will visit our city next week.(family)3.Emma is the child of her family.(three)4.Lets go with mum this afternoon.(shop) 5.My uncle took a lot of when he travelled on Hai Nan Island.

5、(photo)6.Our teacher is always to the students.(friend)7.Is Danny to his classmates?(kindness)8.The air is getting worse and worse.(pollute)9.Some of the are from Japan.(visit)10.You can use computer to do your project.Its very .(use)11.Mr Baker is a person who easily gets .(angrily)12.All of my fri

6、ends are never for school.(later)13.Danny usually toy cars as a hobby.(collection)14.The meeting room is on the floor of that building.(nine)15.Let tell you something about my holiday.(I)16.Drawing is one of his favorite .(activity)17.His brother goes once a week in the park.(cycle)18. ,we all got t

7、o the airport on time at last.(lucky)19.His grandfather never gets easily.(angry)20.Ken is my fathers brother. on is my cousin.(he)21.We both would like to be in the office.(secretary)22.Little Mary eats too much friend food so she looks than before.(fat)23.Our got a lot of flowers on Teachers Day.(

8、teach)24.Your flat is smaller than .(me)25.On the Open Day,our school held many .(activity)26.Ben and Ken can see a lot of people on way to school.(they)27. ,Jill arrived at the cinema on time.(final)28.Penny is writing some to his friends to his birthday party.(invite)29.All of the parents at No.1

9、Middle School at four yesterday.(arrival)30.Could you please wait for me at the of the library?(enter)31.Dont make rubbish,or the environment will be much dirtier.(much)32.The flat near the road is very (noise)33.Most of the students go to school on every day.(feet)34.March,1st is her mothers birthd

10、ay.(forty)35. to Peoples Square takes me much time every day.(travel)36.A lot of stores are built in our city.(depart)37.We should walk the road carefully.(cross)38.No in the cinema!(smoke)39.Dont shout or sing at night.(loud)40.I dont understand the of these words.(mean)41.All of us must keep in th

11、e library.(quiet)42.No the shopping center now.(entrance)43.let make his bed himslef.(he)44.What about prawns with garlic.(barbecue)45. (tomato)are cheaper than meat in the market.46.Too much food is not good for your heath.(freeze)47.Try to (tasty)these French fries,they are delicious.48.The stall

12、on the left is my brothers.(three)49.Ice-cream is a kind of food.(freeze)50.Dr Ken is giving some on good eating habits.(suggest)51.Does Miss Yang come to Thailand for the time?(one)52.Helen is very fat because she always eat food.(health)53.Do you like food such as chicken wings?(fry)54. eggs are g

13、ood for your health.(boil)55.Students are going to do a quiz about habits.(eat)56.Both of her cousins want to be .(bake)57.Dont eat too much food.Its bad for your body.(health)58.Could you give me two of paper?(piece)59.The chocolates are too ,we dont like them.(sweets)60.Frank gave Iren two of barr

14、ies.(box)61.The my Mum cooks is delicious.(dish)62.The programme about cooking is (interest)63.The sausages are too .I dont like them.(spice)64.They bought a packet of from the market.(chilli)65.Lets go to the (freeze)food section.66. (strawberry)are her favorite fruit.67.Tony likes telling stories

15、to his classmates.(fun)68.If you want to make furit salad, go and buy some fruit.(final)69.Jack,could you give me two of paper?(piece)70.I dont like this book.Its not (interest)71.Eating too much fast food is (health).72.Its to have a picnic in uatumn.(fun)73.Excuse me,where can I get some meat?(fre

16、eze)74.Dont eat too many cakes.They are too .(sweets)75.A:Do you like the soup? B:Yes,its .(taste)76.Frank gave Iren two of chocolates.(box)77.Liz bought some in the fruit section.(pear)78.Kitty some photos for the English Club on the Open Day.(take)79. ,let me say”many thanks”to you again.(final)80

17、.Kitty gave her parents an to their Open Day. (invite)81.Last Sunday,my father and I Shanghai Museum.(visit)82.Can you show me the to the park?(enter)83.My schoolbag is than yours.(big)84.Your flat is smaller than .(me)85.There are many on the table.(dish)86.My brother is only three.(young)87.This i

18、s Kittys father and this is mother.(she)88.Look!There are many in the garden.(puppy)89.Your book is than his.(thin)90.Do you live in the same estate?(house)91. bicycles are different.(they)92.The dog is brown and name is Sam.(it)93.Is there a pool in our school?(swim)94.They walk to the classroom .(

19、quiet)95.The fish is swimming in the lake.(slow)96.The underground train can go .(quick)97.Today is her fathers birthday.(forty)98.How many have you got?(relative)99.His aunt is 30 years old.But she still lives with .(they)100.Her puppy looks nicer than .(I)101.He always a puzzle with me.(do)102.The

20、re is a swimming pool in our school.Lets together.(swimming)103.Whats the weather going to be like tomorrow?Its going to be .(cloud)104.My parents at No.1Middle School at four yesterday.(arrival)105.Please wait for me at the of the cinema.(enter)106.I arrived an from my friend,Allan.Hes going to hav

21、e a birthday party.(invite)107.There are a lot of malls in the big city.(shop)108.Help to the food,my dear friends.(yourself)109.Do you like this park?Shall we take a photo here?(beauty)110.I enjoy on the beach if it is a sunny day.(lie)111.We should make rubbish to make the environment cleaner.(lit

22、tle)112.The old lady is walking slowly the road.(cross)113.It took half an hour to finish the work.(they)114.No here!(smoke)115.Its too in the classroom.(noise)116.We must not sing at night.(loud)117.Kitty a bag of rice and some milk in the supermarket yesterday.(buy)118.Boys and girls,enjoy to some

23、 fish!(you)119.I like to eat very much.(chick)120.She likes to go with his friehds.(shop)121.We can get many presents on Day.(child)122.Mr Johnson has three ,one daughter and two sons.(child)123.A:Which floor do you live on? B:I live on the floor.(nine)124.I like the green dress because its even mor

24、e .(beautiful)125.Sue goes to school on every day.(feet)126.I like to eat rich dumplings with meat.(salt)127.I think your diet is than mine.(healthy)128.Steamed fish and vegetables are good for us.(boil)129.Do you think eating KFC is a bad habit?(eat)130.My brother is four years older than me.(old)1

25、31.Many children like summer and autumn.But I like spring .(well)132.Every evening there is a programme called Everday Kitchen on Channel Young.(cook)133.Kitty and Eddie live on the floor.Theyre next-door neighbour.(thirty)134.Matches can start a big fire.Its very .(danger)135.Our English teacher is

26、 always to us.We all like her very much.(friend)136.People lived in caves of years ago.(million)137.Summer is the season of a year.(two)138.The monster story made us .(frighten)139.Nanjing Road and Huaihai Road are very busy and .(noise)140.On days,people usually ride their bicycles slowly.(rain)141

27、.The film is so that people shouldnt let children see it.(frighten)142.Its the day of October.Kitty is going to give a birthday party.(five)143.Xian will be than Guilin in winter.(cold)144.-Whats your ?(high) -Im 150 centimeters tall.145.We saw beautiful trees and flowers on way to school.(we)146.To

28、m and Jack can run and jump.They are .(health)147.We should always be to other people.(friend)148.After Jill work at five oclock in the evening.he goes back home.(finish)149.The parents at the Rose Garden School at nine a.m.on the Open Day.(arrive)150.I want to be a because I can cook food for peopl

29、e.(cook)151.We promise to keep our environment .(clean)152.Its my time to visit Garden City.(one)153.Ive got an from Alice.(invite)154.There is a lot of in the world.(pollute)155.Kitty is always to others.(friend)156. ,she won the third prize.(final)157.His son wants to be a .(wait)158.A doctor make

30、s sick people .(good)159.We must stop our school.(pollute)160.My classmates are always to me.(friend)161.Ruby is visiting Shanghai for the time.(one)162.Jims father English in a middle school.(teach)163.Some put out the fire in Green Market.(fireman)164.Doctors job is to make sick people .(well)165.

31、My grandmother is 72 years old.She cant read .(she)166.Kitty lives on the floor.(nine)167.I write an to my parents.(invite)168.She wants to children English or Chinese .(teacher)169.Jessica is a kind and girl.We all like her.(friend)170. ,he failed in the mid-term exam.(lucky)171.Mr Green likes Jenn

32、y very much.He says she is one of the best (secretary)hes ever met.172.Skating is an interesting .I enjoy it very much.(act)173.Frank is my fathers brother. son is my cousin.(he)174.Sam never gets easily.(anger)175.Kitty is visiting Shanghai for the time.(one)176.Lets go together.(swim)177.What do y

33、ou do at weekends?(usually)178.The little girl can dance very .(good)179.My cousin works as a in an office.(secret)180.Kittys fifteenth birthday is coming.Now she is busy writing some .(invite)181.Our teachers are very to us,so we like them very much.(friend)182.Dont run the road.Its dangerous!(cros

34、s)183.Ill meet you at the of the cinema.(enter)184.You cant see many stars on a night.(rain)185.The sausages are too .I dont like them.(spice)186.He went into the reading room .(quiet)187.It took about two hours to get there by bus.(they)188.It is his time to visit the Bund in Shanghai.(two)189.She

35、eats too much fried food so she looks than before.(fat)190.How many students enjoy in your class?(cycle)191.Both of her cousin want to be .(bake)192.Look!The old man is walking the street slowly.(cross)193.Its not polite to talk in public places.(loud)194.It is my time to go to America for a visit.(

36、three)195.My parents always take when we are in the park.(photo)196.Its raining heavily.Id you call a taxi home now.(suggestion)197.There are a lot of after school at Rose Garden School.(activity)198.Please knock at the door before you the room.(entrance)199.Mr Wang is a doctor.His job is to make si

37、ck people .(good)200.Our class teacher got an to Simons birthday party.(invite)201.I dont like fried eggs.I like eggs.(steam)202.We cant have too much food.Its bad for us.(healthy)203.Last summer holiday,I went to New York for the time.(one)204.Both Jane and Cathy want to be .(secretary)205.People c

38、ant have outdoor activities because of the serious air these days.(pollute)206.This book is very for you to learn Japanese.(use)207.Your diet is as as mine,thats why we are both so fat.(health)208. ,Lucy broke her leg when she rode her bicycle to school.(lucky)209.The music room is on the floor in t

39、he school building.(two)210.We cant talk in the public places.(loud)211.The girl is introducing cousin to the classmates.(she)212.Miss Wang has showed us a lot of for good eating habits.(suggest)213.Id like to be a teacher because I want to children.(teacher)214.Joe eats fried food every meal.His di

40、et is .(healthy)答案their making to go teeth thinnest fly their families third shopping photos friendly kind pollution visitors useful angry latecollects ninth me activities cycling Luckilyangry his secretaries fatter teacher/teachers mineactivities their Finally invitations arrived entracemore noisy

41、foot fortieth Traveling departmentacross smoking loudly meaning quietly enteringhim barbecued Tomatoes freezing taste thildfreezing suggestions first unhealthy fried Boiledeating bakers unhealthy pieces sweet boxes dishes interesting spicy chillies frozen Strawberriesfunny finally pieces interesting

42、 unhealthy fun frozen sweet tasty boxes pears took Finally invitation visited entrace bigger mine dishes younger her puppies thinner housing Their its swimming quietly slowly quickily fortieth relatives them mine does swim cloudy arrived entrace invitation shopping yourselves beautiful lying less ac

43、ross them smoking noisy loudly bought yourselves chicken shopping Childrens children ninth beautiful foot salty healthier boiled eating elder best cooking thirtieth dangerous friendly millions second frightened noisy rainy frightening fifth colder height our healthy friendly finishes arrived cook cl

44、ean frist invitation pollution friendly Finally waiter better polluting friendly first teaches firemen better herself ninthinvitation teach friendly Unluckily secretariesactivity His angry first swimmingusually well secretary invitations friendlyacross entrace rainy spicy quietlythem second fatter cycing bakersacross loudly third photos suggest activities enter invitation steamed unhealthyfirst secretaries pollution useful unhealthy Unluckilysecond loudly


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