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1、牛津上海版8A U3死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 本单元重点单词梳理观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角


3、”这个词。雨后,我又带幼儿观察晴朗的天空,朗诵自编的一首儿歌:“蓝天高,白云飘,鸟儿飞,树儿摇,太阳公公咪咪笑。”这样抓住特征见景生情,幼儿不仅印象深刻,对雷雨前后气象变化的词语学得快,记得牢,而且会应用。我还在观察的基础上,引导幼儿联想,让他们与以往学的词语、生活经验联系起来,在发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。 1. trouble n“教书先生”恐怕是市井百姓最为熟悉的一种称呼,从最初的门馆、私塾到晚清的学堂,“教书先生”那一行当怎么说也算是让国人景仰甚或敬畏的一种社会职业。只是更早的

4、“先生”概念并非源于教书,最初出现的“先生”一词也并非有传授知识那般的含义。孟子中的“先生何为出此言也?”;论语中的“有酒食,先生馔”;国策中的“先生坐,何至于此?”等等,均指“先生”为父兄或有学问、有德行的长辈。其实国策中本身就有“先生长者,有德之称”的说法。可见“先生”之原意非真正的“教师”之意,倒是与当今“先生”的称呼更接近。看来,“先生”之本源含义在于礼貌和尊称,并非具学问者的专称。称“老师”为“先生”的记载,首见于礼记?曲礼,有“从于先生,不越礼而与人言”,其中之“先生”意为“年长、资深之传授知识者”,与教师、老师之意基本一致。(l) 麻烦e.g. Tom never makes a

5、ny trouble at school. 汤姆在学校从不惹麻烦。(2)困难;困境e.g. We got in trouble when the car broke down in a storm.车子在暴风雨中坏了,我们陷入了困境。【知识拓展】 trouble v(l)麻烦:烦扰;请求。e.g. Could I trouble you for the time? (=What time is it?) 打扰了,请问现在几点了?(2)使烦恼,使苦恼。e.g. Whats troubling you? 你因何事而烦恼?【例题】 Dont bring Mr Wang_. He is too tir

6、ed.A. too much trouble B. so many troublesC. much too trouble D. so more troubles【答案】 A2. happen v.出现,发生 egWhat happened next, Jim? 后来怎么啦,吉姆?【常用搭配】(1) happen to sbsth成为某人(事)的体验或命运;降临到某人(事)的头上e.g. Whats happened to my feet? They hurt badly!我的脚怎么了?很疼呀!(2) happen to be/do恰巧,碰巧 e.g. Mary happened to be

7、there when I went into the kitchen. =It happened that Mary was there when l went into the kitchen. 当我进厨房的时候,恰巧玛莉在那。【指点迷津:happen, take place】 happen和take place都表示“发生”,二者都不能用于被动语态,happen强调偶然性,而take place则强调必然性或计划性。e.g. The traffic accident happened on a foggy afternoon,这起交通事故发生在一个多雾的下午。 Great changes

8、have taken place in my hometown我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。【例题】 用适当的词或词组填空When will the wedding_?【答案】 take place3crowd n. 人群e.g. There is a large crowd at the football match足球赛场有一大群人。【常用搭配】 a big crowd of people一大群人【知识扩展】 crowded adj. 拥挤的4 stare v. 凝视,注视,盯【常用搭配】 stare at盯着,盯住e.g. He stared at the word trying to re

9、member what it meant. 他盯着这个单词,努力想记起它的意思。5 through prep. (l)穿过,通过e.g. They drove through the tunnel. 他们开车穿过了隧道。(2)从开始到结束,自始至终 e.g. They travelled through the night. 他们走了一整夜。(3)因为 e.g. She got the job through her father,她是通过她父亲而得到这份工作的。(4)接通电话 e.g. Can you put me through to Jill Knight,please? 劳驾,请吉尔奈

10、特接电话。【指点迷津:across, through, over, by】acrossthroughoverby从一边到另一边一边进入,一边穿出从一边到另一边,须跨越从边上经过 e.g. The duck swam across the river. 鸭子游到了河对岸。A bird flew into the room through the window. 一只小鸟穿过了窗户飞进了屋子。I jumped over the wall into the garden. 我翻墙进入花园。She didnt notice me when she passed by. 她经过我身边的时候没注意到我。【

11、例题】The young men walked_ the forest and came to a big river at last.A . on B. over C. through D. across【答案】 C6. steal v. 偷,窃取e.g. A thief stole my mobile phone this February. 今年2月,我的手机被小偷给偷了。【指点迷津:rob, steal】rob一般有暴力抢夺的含义,而steal却是偷偷摸摸盗取的意思。它们的搭配分别为steal sth. from sb和rob sb. of sth. 7. suddenly adv.

12、突然地e.g. Suddenly, it began to rain. 突然之间天就下雨了。【知识拓展】 sudden adj. 突然的,意外的 n. 突然,突然的事e.g. Your marriage was very sudden. Have you thought things over properly? 你结婚太突然了,都考虑好了吗?8. notice v. 注意到 n. 警告,通知 e.g. Do you notice what he is wearing? 你注意到他穿什么了吗? The notice on the door said that the library was c

13、losed。门上的通知说图书馆关门了。【常用搭配】 notice sb. do sth 注意某人干好某事notice sb. doing sth注意某人正在干某事e.g. I noticed him walk into the room我注意到他进了房间。 =I noticed that he came into the room, I noticed him eating impolitely. 我注意到他正不礼貌地吃着。 =I noticed that he was eating impolitely.9. follow (1) v. 跟随e.g. Follow me and Ill sh

14、ow you the way. 跟着我,我给你指路。 You go first and Ill follow (you)later.您先请,我跟着您!(2) v. 领会;理解e.g. Im afraid I dont follow you对不起你讲的我没听懂。 The maths problem was a little difficult to follow这道数学题有点难懂。【知识拓展】 (1) follower n. 迫随者;崇拜者e.g. St. Peter was one of Christs first followers圣彼得是基督最早的门徒之一。(2) following ad

15、j. next随后的e.g. My friend Will called me the following day我的朋友威尔第二天给我打了电话。【例题】 选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。Im sorry I cant follow you.A. take B.understand C.teach D.catch【解析】 因为follow在此句意思为“理解;领会”,所以正确答案为B。【答案】 B10. hurry v. move or do sth. quickly急忙地(做),匆忙地(做);make sb. do sth. more quickly偿促 e.g. She hurried

16、across the rails in front of a train,她匆匆地赶在一列火车前面穿过了铁轨。 Hurry him, or hell be late催他一下,不然他要迟到了。【知识拓展】 hurry n. 匆忙 in a hurry/hurriedly匆忙地 e.g. You always seem to be in a hurry,你似乎总是很匆忙。 hurried adj. 匆忙的 hurriedly adv匆忙地11. aboard adv. 在(船、火车、公共汽车或飞机)上,上(船、车、飞机) e.g. Are all the passengers aboard? 所有

17、的乘客都上船了吗?【常用搭配】 on board到船上,在船上e.g. All the passengers have gone on board already. 所有的旅客已经上船(上飞机)了。12. afraid adj. 害怕,担心I am afraid you are wrong about that这事儿我想恐怕是你错了。 At the news the old lady was so afraid that her face was drained of blood.老太太一听到这消息就吓得脸上失去了血色。【友情提示】 afraid只能用来作表语(即放在系动词之后),不能作定语。

18、如果表示“一个担惊受怕的人”,应用a frightened person,不能用an afraid person。13. theft n. 偷,盗窃罪e.g. What time did the theft take place? 这起偷窃案发生在什么时候?【知识拓展】 rob vt. “抢劫,盗窃”, rob sb. of sth. 抢某人某物。 e.g. He robbed me of my watch. 他抢走了我的手表。 robber. n. 抢劫者 e.g. He was a robber two years ago. 两年前他是一个抢劫犯。【例题】Look!There are so

19、me_ (rob) in the jewelry store.【解析】因为some修饰名词复数,rob为动词,故用rob的名词的复数形式,所以正确答案填robbers。II本单元重点词组deal with 解决,处理,应付happen to 遭到,遇到stare at 盯着看be going on /be happening 发生go aboard 上船(飞机等)go after 追赶某人;跟在某人后面be afraid of 害怕,畏惧putdown 放下get off 下车,下船in detail 详细地be worried about 担心,担忧wait for 等待,等候shout a

20、t 冲嚷嚷,冲喊叫shout back at 冲回嚷hold out 递出东西,伸出手(或胳膊)move through 在中穿梭go on 发生catch ones notice 引起某人的注意take notice of 注意,留心run away 逃跑,逃离【小试牛刀】I.Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.1.The earthquake in Yushu came sothat people didnt know what to do. (sudden)2.Many _ came to Shanghai fo

21、r the World Expo 2019. (tour)3.We are very_ about the people in the earthquake-hit areas. (worry)4.The stories in this book sound. (fun)5.The road iswith buses and cars because of the traffic accident now. (crowd)3. More and more people will flow into South Africa for the World Cup in the _ month. (

22、follow)4. Ten minutes ago, two menreported a traffic accident on the highspeed road. (report) 8.James reported ato the police last week, and the policemen caught the_ yesterday. (rob)【keys】1. suddenly 2. tourists 3. worried 4. funny 5. crowded 6. following 7. reporters 8. robbers / robber . Key phra

23、ses and sentences.1. Paul is writing about an unusual thing that happened to him one day.write about 写关于happen to sth “遭到,遇到” 强调某人发生某情况, 尤指不幸的事。What will happen to her now?她现在会发生什么事呢?happen to do sth “恰好,碰巧, 偶然做某事”I just happen to feel that. 我碰巧那样觉得。one day “(将来/过去的)一天”,通常用于一般过去时或一般将来时。I am sure he

24、will succeed one day another.He dreamed of becoming a famous scientist one day.2. Two women tourists and a young man were shouting at each other.women tourists 是woman tourist 的复数形式。我们可以用man或woman 修饰另一个名词来表明名词的性别,此时若要变为复数形式, 须将man 或woman与被修饰的名词一同变为复数形式。如:a man driver 一个男司机 two men drivers 两个男司机但是girl

25、和boy 这两个词虽然也是表示性别的,但是在修饰名词时,一律用它们的单数形式。如: a girl student 一个女学生 two girl students 两个女学生each other “彼此,互相”在英语中被称为“相互代词”a. each other 指两者之间, one another指三者或三者以上之间My parents respect each other.The sea, the land and the sky seem to melt into one another in this picture. 这幅图画上的大海、陆地和蓝天似乎融为了一体。b. 两者均有所有格Th

26、ey know each others/one anothers weak points.他们都彼此了解对方的弱点。c. 汉语“互相”是副词,但是英语中的each other和one another都为相互代词。因此及物动词之后可接它们用作宾语,如help each other。 而在不及物动词之后则要借助介词,如talk to each other, learn from one another等。3. we heard a big argument, 我们听见了一场大争论。 hear sbdoing sth听到某人正在干某事 hear是感官动词,其后常跟不带to的动词不定式或现在分词作宾语

27、补足语,即hear sb. do sth,或hear sb. doing sth. hear sb. do sth意为“听到某人做了某事”,表示经常做某事或表示某个动作的全过程。e.g. I often hear her sing in the next room我经常听到她在隔壁的房间里唱歌。 I heard him come into the classroom,我听到他进了教室。 hear sb. doing sth意为“听到某人正在做某事”,表示一个动作正在进行。e.g. I hear someone reading in the classroom我听到有人正在教室里读书。【例题】-

28、Where is Mrs Wilson?-I saw her in the library_. Im not sure if she is still there.A. right now B.just now C. at once D. so far 【答案】 B4No one knew what was happening没人知道发生了什么。宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。宾语从句的构成方式:由that引导(that可以省略),从属连词that本身没有意义。e.g. He knows shell be back in a week他知道她一个星期之后将回来。由连接代词或连接副词引导。连接代

29、词:what,whose,which,who连接副词:when,where,why,howe.g. He asked who could answer the question他问谁能回答这个问题。was/were doing sth. 过去正在做某事e.g. I was doing my homework this time yesterday.我昨天这个时候正在做作业。【例题】 一Would you please tell me_? 一Of course. About twenty minutes walk. A. how far is it from the hotel B. how f

30、ar it is from the hotel C. how long you have been in the hotel D. how long have you been in the hotel【答案】 B【技能提高练】I. Read and choose the best answer.( ) 1. There are morein my school than in yours.A.woman teachers B. women teachersC.women teacher D.woman teacher( ) 2. Did you_that Mr. Benet was driv

31、ing a new car?A. look B. see C. watch D. notice( )3. Mary really didnt know how to_ the trouble by herself.A. do withB. dealt with C. deal with D. did with( )4. While Miss Black was walking along the street, she happened_ one of her old friends.A. met B. meets C. to meet D. meeting( )5. The two poli

32、cemen went_the thief when he was trying to escape.A. off B. with C. after D. on( )6. Wesome postcards for our friends last week.A. to buy B. buy C. buying D. bought( )7. The mana purse from the woman yesterday.A. steals B. stole C. robs D. robbed( )8. The crowd stared at the three people, and_ knew

33、what was happening.A. nobody of B. none C. no one D. neither( )9. shall we deal with this problem?A. How B. What C. Who D. How much( )10. The thief ranfrom the department store at once.A. away B. to C. of D. on【keys】1-5 BDCCC 6-10 DBCAA. Rewrite the sentences as required.1. My mother stared at me an

34、grily. (改为一般疑问句)your motherat you angrily? 2. I heard Jenny singing in the room at this time yesterday.(改为否定句)I_ _ Jenny singing in the room at this time yesterday.3. My friend noticed that her purse was gone.(对划线部分提问)_ _ your friend notice?4. Steve stole some new stamps from his deskmate. (改为一般疑问句)

35、_ Steve_ _ new stamps from his deskmate?5.What was going on? (保持原句意思不变)What_ _ ?6.It was a very exciting week. (改为感叹句)_ _ exciting week it was!【keys】1. Did; stare 2. didnt hear 3. What did 4. Did; steal any 5. was up/ happening 6. What an 【综合运用练】I. Read the passage and tell the following statements

36、are true (T) or false (F).Thomas Edison made more than 1, 000 inventions in his life. Many of his inventions have changed the world. His firstinvention was a vote recorder in 1869. This machine allowed people to vote by pressing a button instead of saying yes or no. However, American government did

37、not like Edisons invention because they preferred to call out their votes. Edison learned a lesson: he told himself never again to invent anything people did not want.With some of this money Edison started his own company. He next invented a stock ticker. This was a machine that recorded the price o

38、f stocks in New York. Western Union paid Edison US $ 40, 000 for his invention.Edison used this money to open a shop in Newark in the state of New Jersey. There he met a young woman, Mary Stilwell. Edison and Mary married on Christmas Day in 1871. They had three children. In 1875, with his wife and

39、young family, Edison moved to Menlo Park in the same state. There he built his own lab. In the lab were tables, science books, instruments and bottles of chemicals.His first success at Menlo Park was an improvement on the telephone that had just been invented by Alexander Graham Bell.( )1. Edisons f

40、irst invention was a great success. ( )2. Edison met Mary Stilwell, who later became his wife, at Menlo Park. ( )3. Edison had a lab of his own in New Jersey. ( )4. Edison opened a shop in Newark in the state of New Jersey. ( )5. In 1876, Edison with his wife moved to Menlo Park in the same state.【k

41、eys】1-5 FFTTFII . Answer the questions. Space lab: Chinas next big step into spaceAfter a successful spacewalk, China is already planning its next big step into space exploration (探索) :a space lab. Recently, a leader of Chinas space program says that China will launch (发射) another three spacecrafts

42、in the following years. The three spacecrafts will be named Shenzhou , Shenzhou and Shenzhou . And the plan is to join two of the spacecrafts together and build a small space laboratory. Shenzhou and Shenzhou will be unmanned (无人驾驶的) , the leader said, but they will have some laboratory equipments o

43、n board. The equipment will be tested. Thus we can decide whether the space environment is suitable for a longterm stay and work. According to the man, if everything is successful, Shenzhou X will launch carrying taikonauts (特指“中国航天员”) when they work in it. But if theres no one in it, it will move i

44、n an orbit (轨道) like a satellite (卫星). This plan will help to realize Chinas ambition of building a space station by 2020. It will also make China one of the leaders in space technology (技术) in the world.1. Has Chinas first spacewalk been successful?2. Whats Chinas next big step into space exploration?3. What will Shenzhou and Shenzhou have on board?4. If theres n


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