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1、7A牛津英语unit2每课时教案及课时练习清华大学英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day第一课时 comic strip and welcome to the unit学习目标:1 词汇 单词表p22-232 学会谈论日常安排和活动3 学会合理安排时间,做事有条理,时间观念强学法指导:研读课本,合作讨论,课堂展示,订正学案,课后反思自主合作导学走进课本一 背诵默写本节课的词汇(翻译词组) Wake up _ wake sb up _Its time for sth /doing sth _Want t

2、o do sth _ go to sleep _Have lunch _ have fun _Get up _ eat breakfast _Go to school _ do morning exercises_Have lessons _ go home _Do after-school activities _a m _ p m _ 二 课前完成p23 的表格,对子组就my day的时间表准备好问答对话a三 阅读p22的对话,回答问题 1 Does Eddie get up early?_ 2 what do you think of Eddie,a hard-working(勤奋的)

3、dog or a lazy (懒惰的)dog ?_ 知识超市(认真阅读,查找资料后完成) 1 Is it time for breakfast ? 是吃早餐的时间了吗?陈述句为;_句型it is time for 还可以用 It is time to do sth 是上学校的时间了 Its time for _ Its time to _ _ _2 some dogs just dont know how to have fun 是疑问词与动词不定式连用的一种用法。我不知道该干什么。I dont know what_ _.我不知道该去哪里。I dont know where_ _.Fun 是不

4、可数名词,它的形容词是_,意思是 有趣的,令人愉快的3 eat breakfast/lunch/supper. 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 ,eat 也可以说成have合作探究 一 你问我答(我们先来看一下Millie 是如何安排一天的生活的,是不是比Eddie 有意义多了?)例如A when does Millie do at 6;30 in the morning ?B She gets up at 6;30 in the morning A When does Millie go to school?B she _ 各小组的对子组进行问答竞赛,看哪一组说的既正确又流畅二 活动 Pair work

5、 小组展示预习二的内容三 综合能力大比拼(课前充分准备)这是锻炼胆量和口头表达能力的大好机会哦,有能力的同学不要放过! 1 各组派一名代表上台向全班报告自己的一天的安排 2 有能力的同学谈谈组员的日程安排,注意人称和数的变化小组合作总结(这节课我们学会了什么)当堂训练(另附)巩固延伸必做题:翻译练习 1 该吃午饭了 its time to _ _ 2 我不喜欢上课,我喜欢开展课外活动 Idont like _ _,I like _ _ 3 米莉七点钟吃晚饭,然后做作业 Millie _ _ at 7 p m ,and then she _ her _选作题 :导学评价第一课时练习课后反思:牛津

6、初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day第一课时当堂训练一 汉译英 1 醒来 _ 2 做早操 _ 3 做课外活动 _ 4 上课_ 5 想要做某事 _ 6 写作业 _7入睡 _ 8看报纸 _二 根据句意,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He often _(go)to school at 7:00 and _(have)lunch at school.2. Do you want _(play)basketball after school?3. - _ Lily _(watch)TV every evening? - No, she _. (not)4. Tom doesnt know

7、 how _(look)after his dog.5. Is it time _ (have)lessons, boys?三、句型转换 根据括号中要求,变化下列句子。1. Is it time for breakfast ? (改为同义句) Is it time _ _ _ ?2. They often have fun at the birthday party. (改为同义句) They often _ _ _ _ at the birthday party.3. Kate usually does after- school activities at 4:30 p.m (对划线部分提

8、问) _ _ Kate usually _ after-school activities?4. He takes a bus to work every day.(改为同义句) He _ _ work _ _ every day.四、完成句子 根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。1. 我不知道如何用英语说东西。I dont know _ _ _ something _ _?2. 现在是下午五点, 该到我们回家的时候了。It is 5:00 p.m . Its time _ _ _ _ home.3. -你们每天做早操吗? - 不。 - _ you _ _ _ every day?- No,

9、_ _.4 你们每天都做家庭作业吗?_ you _ _ _ every day? 牛津初中英语AUnit 2 My Day第二课时Reading I教学目标1熟记单词表because 到 week 2理解课文大意并能进行综合性的回答。 自主合作导学走进课本一背诵默写教学目标的单词二阅读课文P24 ,把自己不懂的地方用红笔标示出来三 课前完成书中P25 -26 B C D的练习 将课文按段落分成四部分,分段阅读课文并回答一节:1.Whats the name of the new school?_2.Does Millie love her new school? _3.Why does Mil

10、lie love her classroom? _二节:4.Who is Millies best friend? _-5. Where do Millie and Amy have lunch?_6 Are people in her class nice ? _三节:7when does school day begin at ?_8 when do their lessons begin.?_9 What lessons are Millies favourie lessons?10 how long does she spend doing her homework?_四节:11.Wh

11、ere does Millie go after school every Tuesday and Friday? _12 .Who is a very good swimmer, Millie or Amy? _13 ow often does Millie go to the Reading Club? _四 核对预习二的部分答案合作探究一、根据句子意思和中文提示写出单词。1. She is very _(忙碌) every day .2. Yao Ming is a basketball _(运动员).3. I want to have a good _(睡觉).4. I often_(

12、吃) dinner at school.5. Millie likes _(聊天) with her friends.6. She is good at _(游泳).7. I think it is a _(难)question.8. Does Tim often_(写) letters or e-mails?9. The shop is _(关) at this time of day.二 完成句子1 我们星期一早上六点钟做早操。We _ _ _at _ _on Monday.2 你经常看电视吗?不,我喜欢看书。_ you often _ _ ? No, I like _ books.3 我

13、最好的朋友埃米总是和我一起在树下交谈或者做游戏。My _ _ Amy always _ or _ _ with me under the tree.4.我每天花大约一个小时做作业。I _ about an hour _my homework every day.5.我和我的同学们在一起总是很开心。 I always _ _ with my classmates.小组合作总结巩固拓展延伸、必做题1 _are good people, so Ilove _( they)2 I Spend two hours _( do )my homework选做题 导学评价第二课时练习课后反思:牛津初中英语 7

14、A Unit 2 My Day第二课时Reading I当堂训练一 词组翻译。1.在午饭期间 _ 2.去读书俱乐部 _3.彼此交谈 _ 4. 一员 _5.给我发电子邮件 _ 6. 坐在树下 _二 单项选择 从下列各题A、B、C、D选项中选出一最佳答案。( )1. The school day _ at seven every morning. A. begins B. is beginning C. begin D. is begins( )2. I spend about half an hour _ with my friends every day. A. to chat B. chat

15、 C. chatting D. chating( )3. Its time _ supper.A. to B. for C. of D. in( )4. Do you often practise _ English in the morning?A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. speaks( )5. Does she spend twenty yuan _ her pencil case every term?A. in B. for C. on D. at( )6. My mother often _ early in the morning.A.

16、wakes up me B. wakes me up C. wake up me D. wake me up( )7. - Its time to go to bed. - _.A. Good morning B. Good night C. Good evening D. Good afternoon( )8. My brother enjoys _.A. play football B. play the football C. playing football D. plays football牛津初中英语 7A Unit 2 My Day第三课时 Reading 教学目标1掌握本课时的

17、语言点。2 根据提纲学会复述课文内容3 会综合运用本课时所学内容,描述自己或他人的学校生活自主合作导学走进课本一 朗读课本并翻译文章大意,划出课文中的短语二 复述课文(从校园和教室,朋友和同班同学,课程和作业,课外活动四个方面)知识超市1have a good time “玩得很高兴,过得开心。”还可以说 have fun.We always have fun at weekends.(同义句) We always _ _ _ at weekends 2 twice adv.两次。一次 once;两次 twice;三次及以上用times如:three times, four times.1).

18、Millie goes to the Reading Club _.米莉一周两次去读书俱乐部。2.)I read the English text_ every morning我每天早晨读三遍英语课文。3 spend doing sth “花(时间或钱)做某事”Spend do sth “花(时间或钱)在方面I spend about two hours a day _( do ) my homeworkI spend about half an hour _EnglishA on B in C with D for 4 a member of 意思是:_Amy is in the Swimm

19、ing Club (同义句)Amy is _ _ _ the Swimming Club合作探究一、改写句子。1. Miss Green is twenty-five years old. (划线提问)_ _ is Miss Green ?2. Kitty does her homework very carefully.(改为否定句) Kitty _ _her homework very carefully 3. His father works in a factory.(改为一般疑问句)_ his father_ in a factory ?4. I want to go shoppin

20、g on Sunday.(同义句)I _ _to go shopping on Sunday.5. Its time for lunch now. (同义句) Its time_ _ lunch now二、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Mike, my best friend, _ (write) to me every month.2. Tommy sometimes _ (spend) fifteen minutes _ (walk) to school.3. This basket of apples _ (look) delicious.4. He has no time _ (ta

21、lk) to you now.5. Would you like _ (give) me some pocket money, Mum?6. Every student should _ (study) hard at school.7. He is good at _ (swim); he is a good _ (swim).8. My mothers hobby is _ (cook) meals.9. How many _ (library) are there in your city?10. He practices _ (draw) every day, 小组合作总结巩固拓展延伸

22、必做题:_ does he go to fly kites? _ a month. A. How long, One time B. How soon, Once C. How often, Once time D. How often, Once 选做题:导学评价第三课时练习牛津初中英语 7A Unit 2 My Day第三课时 Reading 当堂训练一、 根据句意,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1.There _(be)some water in the bottle.2.Tom also likes _ (eat)breakfast at school.3.Sometimes he

23、_(fly)kites with me in spring.4.Are you good at _ (run)?5.One of my friends wants _(leave)here.6.Listen ! Some children _ (sing)in the next room.7.My mother _ (wash)clothes for us every morning.8.Would you like _(drink)a cup of tea?二 根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。1. 我弟弟每天放学后花半个小时看电视。My brother spends _ _ _ _ _

24、after school every day.2. 他是游泳俱乐部的一名成员。He is _ _ _ the _ _.3. 在生日聚会我们玩得十分开心。We _ _ _ _ at the birthday party.4. 在学校,老师们对我非常好。My teachers _ _ _ me at school.5. 我和我的朋友们总是在网上互相聊天。My friends and I always _ _ _ _ on the Internet .6. 公园里有许多孩子。There _ _ _ _ in the park.7. 他们在八点钟开始上课。They _ _ _ _ at 8:00.8.

25、 他经常在河里游泳,他擅长游泳,他是一个出色的游泳者。He often _ in the river. Hes _ _ _ and he is a good _9 李华为学校足球队效力。Li Hua _ _the schoo football team.10 我不知道如何使用电脑。I dont know how _ _ a computer.牛津初中英语7A Unit2 My Day第四课时 Grammar教学目标:1 认知人称代词的主格和宾格2 用正确的人称代词替换名词自主合作导学走进课本在上语法课前提前预习词汇,因本模块内容为语法,因此词汇的呈现不作为教学重点一 词组翻译1 遇见,偶遇_

26、2 一直_3 在星期一_ 4 舞蹈课 _5 和某人谈话 _ 6 谈论 _7向某人问好_ 8 知道很多电脑的知识_二 预习课本P 28-30,做好习题 Singular单数 Plural复数Subject form主格 IyouhesheitweyoutheyObject form宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem根据上面的表格并填空1 I am a teacher. -My students like_.2 You are my students. -I teach _English.3 This is a girl. - We call _Millie.4 This boy i

27、s Daniel. -All the teachers like_5 Our school is big and nice.-We like_ very much.知识超市使用人称代词的条件人称代词是用来代替所谈论的人和物,并且用人称代词的时候必须是大家都知道代词所代替的名词是什么,不然就会造成误解如果人称代词代替的名词在句中是作主语成分的,那么就要用人称代词的主格形式如果人称代词代替动词或者介词的宾语,那么就要人称代词的宾格形式合作探究一用人称代词的主格或宾格填空。1.This is my son. I like _ very much.2.Amy and Millie often go t

28、o school together. _ study in the same school.3.I am your English teacher. Please listen to _ carefully.4.Is Lily at home? I want to say hello to(问好)_5.Peter is in the swimming team. _ is really good at swimming.6.This is my pen. Please give _ to _.7.- Are they your friends? - Yes, do you know _?8.-

29、 Who teaches you English ? - Mr Zhang teaches _.二 根据汉语意思完成下列各句,横线处词数不限。1我妈妈每天早晨都带狗到公园散步。My mother _ in the park every morning.2放学后我们都在大树下谈论足球。We all _ football _.3教师节,我要向我的老师们问好。I want _ my teachers on Teachers Day.4我不能很好地听见你们。I cant _.5莉莉每个星期天下午都会遇见凯特。Lily _ Kate on Saturday afternoon.6他对电脑方面知识了解的很

30、多。I _ computers.7我们一下午都在玩电脑游戏。We _ in the afternoon.8我很忙。我没有许多时间做家庭作业。 I am busy. I dont have_.小组合作总结巩固拓展延伸必做题:( )7. Kate is good at running. Would you like to go with _?A. her B. she C. him D. he( )8. You like English very much. What about _?A. his B. he C. her D. she选做题:导学评价语法练习教学反思:牛津初中英语(7A) Uni

31、t 2 My Day第五课时 Grammar当堂训练一 用人称代词的主格或宾格填空。1)I have a friend Simon._likes playing basketball.2)Tom and Jim are classmates._are good friends.3)“Thank_very much.”Amy ofren says.4)My name is Susam._come from Cananda.5)Sandy watches the football match on TV. _is very exeiting.6)Look at Beckham!Is _ a mem

32、ber of the football team?Yes, _ is. _ is a superstar. _ plays football very well.And many girls like _ very much7)My job is a teacher._ work in Shuren Middle School.8).My home is in Shan Xi Road._live near my school.9).Sandy, _should listen to me carefully.10)Millie loves reading._is a member of the

33、 Reading Club.11)Simon loves playing football. _often plays football after school.12)The cat is very lovely. _is climbing up the tree.13) “Simon and Millie,_work together.” says Miss Wang.14)Daniel and Kitty go to school together. _live near each other.15).The children are playing basketball on the

34、playground._are very happy.二 单项选择 从下列各题中A、B、C、D选项中选出一最佳答案。( )1. - He is good at English .- Who teaches _ English ?A. he B. his C. him D. hes( )2. - Kate, is this _ book?- No. _ book is old.A. you, It B. your, My C. your, Its D. your, Its( )3. Here are my friends and I . _ are in Yangzhou.A. You B. We C. They D.I( )4. This is Mrs Wu. _ is our Chinese teacher.A.He B. It C. She D. she( )5. - Are these your books? - Yes, please give _ to _.A. it, them B. we , she C. them, us D. you, he( )6. All my classmates are really friendly. I like _ very much.A. they B. them


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