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1、(精品)九年级英语第六单元重点词汇短语清华大学英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果Unit 6 1伴随音乐歌唱 sing with the music 2 随音乐起舞 dance to the music 3轻柔的歌曲 gentle music 4 比更喜欢 prefer to5不同种类的音乐different kinds of music 6 原创音乐 write ones own musi 7有很棒的歌词 have great lyric 8 提醒/使记起某人某事 remind sb of sth 9巴西舞蹈brazilian dance

2、music 10 清晰 的唱出歌词 sing the words clearly 11听名叫心弦的碟子 hear a CD called/ named Heart Strings 12 你认为他任何? What do you think of him 13对我很重要 be important to me 14 把它带到晚会去 take it to the party 15 .他的最近/新电影 his latest movie16 . 这些年来 over the years(常用现在完成时) 17寻找娱乐 look for entertainment4.有些好的特点 have a few/ so

3、me good features 5. 一定去看这个展览 be sure to see this exhibition6. 在那个美术馆里 /展览馆里 at/in the gallery / exhibition7. 最出名的摄影家之一 one of the best known/famous photographers8.展览/陈列 on display /on show 9 某事使某人感兴趣 (They dont interest me) sth interests sb=sb is interested in sth10.世界级的- a world-class player 11无论你做

4、什么whatever you do12有-的音乐组合 musical group with 13正如名字所示as the name suggests14 有大量能量have lots of energy/ be very energetic15 使我们开心 make us happy 16.在星期一的早上 on a Monday morning 17寻找一个安静的地方度假look for a quiet place to go on vacation/for holiday18爱吃冰其凌 love/like eating ice cream 19使某人感到恶心 make sb feel sic

5、k/ill20玩得开心 have a great/ good /time=enjoy oneself21必须诚实 must /have to be honest 22很幸运做某事 be lucky to do sth23我六个月的英语课程 my six-month English course24想/愿意学 would like/ want to learn 25 去听音乐会 go to a concert26很适合我 suit me just fine26 我不知道预料到什么 I dont know what to expect27 my host family我的房东 28 some- o

6、thers 一些-另一些(不确定)29 some- the others(确定) 30 one -the other 一个-另一个31. on a hot day 在热天 32 all kinds of 各种各样的 35 keep/stay healthy =keep in good health 36 get together to do sth 聚在一起做某事 37 eat food that taste good 吃尝起来好的食物 38 prefer not to eat too much宁愿不吃太多39 take care of =look after=care for 关心 40 s

7、tay away from 远离41 be in agreement=agree 意见一致 42 cook in oil 用油煮43 cause cancer 引起癌症 44 increase the risk of cancer增加癌症的风险45 eat a banced diet 吃平衡饮食 46 be shocked by 被-震惊清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果初三英语模拟试题卷 第一卷 选择题 共55分一、单项填空,在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共15分,每小题1分)( )1. -W

8、hich is city ,Sydney or Tokyo? - Tokyo ,I think ,its city in Japan.A. larger, largest B. a large , a largestC. the larger, the largest D. larger ,the largest( )2. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A. that B. how C. what D. if( )3. Id like to k

9、now . A. when will he give back the tapeB. whether has he received higher education.C. that he has been busy.D. whether she will join in our English Evening.( )4. She asked me where during my stay in New York ?A. I had gone B. had I stayed C. I had been D. did I live( )5. When again? When , Ill let

10、you know. A. will he come ,he will comeB. does he come, he comes C. will he come , he comesD. does he come ,he will come( )6. How long did she reading the novel? A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take( )7. All the students were pleased to find the exam for they found the answers A. easy ,easy B. easily ,ea

11、silyC. easy, easily D. easily, easy( )8. -She looks very happy. She _ have passed the exam. - I guess so. Its not difficult at all.A. should B. could C. must D. might( )9.I have two good friends and we nurses.A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are( )10. Could you tell me how long the shop ?A.

12、 had opened B. has been open C. has opened D. had been open ( )11. - do you like the picture on the wall? -The colour.A. How of B. How C. What , about D. what( )12. It was such an interesting book that he had read it for two hours he realized it.A. while B. until C. before D. after( )13. Though Li M

13、ing was weak in English, everyone passed the exam him.A. but B. except C. including D. besides( )14. The hotel is crowded with people. Lets go and see what .A. is happened B. was happeningC. is going on D. is the trouble( )15. A: May I use your bike ,Jack? A: .Its broken.A. Yes ,please B. Im afraid

14、not.C. Sure. D. No, thanks.二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分) “Wanted :Violin. Cant pay much. Call” That advertisement(广告)made me remember my childhood. I, too, had wanted a 1 but we were not rich enough. Even though times were hard. I couldnt wait any longer to ask, “Daddy ,may I have a violin of my own?” Daddys

15、face looked 2 . But a few weeks later, Daddy went home with a 3 , saying, “Dear ,I found this second-hand violin for eight dollars.” When I carried my violin to 4 for my first lesson, no one could know the happy feeling in my heart. Several weeks seemed to run more quickly then and I found 5 in the

16、first violin chair. More years passed. My violin was always with me, and I 6 put it away. Now here Im reading the newspaper advertisement. I found the case(手提箱) deep in my cupboard. I put it out on the table .Then I picked up the 7 ,and walked to call according to the number. Later, a man in his thi

17、rties knocked at my door. “ Ive been expecting someone would 8 my advertisement. My daughter wants a violin so much,” he said , “How 9 are you asking?” Any music shop, I knew, would offer me higher pay .But now I heard my voice answer. “Eight dollars.” “Are you sure?” he asked ,causing me to think s

18、o much of Daddy , “Eight dollars,” I repeated and then said, “I hope your little girl will enjoy it 10 I did at her age.” I smiled, but I found my tears rolling down.( )1. A. bag B. violin C. book D. piano( )2. A. sad B. friendly C. windy D. excited( )3. A. box B. bag C. case D. wallet( )4. A. lab B

19、. cinema C. school D. park( )5. A. me B. him C. myself D. himself( )6. A. carelessly B. carefully C. slowly D. quickly( )7 A. Advertisement B. case C. newspaper D. money( )6. A. buy B. ring C. write D. answer( )9. A. much B. many C. long D. often( )10. A. what B. when C. as D. like三、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)

20、(A) An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money left. Only a very costly operation could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money.When she heard her daddy said to her tearful mother, “Only a

21、miracle(奇迹) can save him now”, the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her piggy bank from its hiding place. She poured all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Holding her piggy bank ,she ran to the nearby medicine shop. She placed her coins on the glass counter.What do you

22、want? asked the pharmacist.(a person who sells medicine). Its for my little brother, the girl answered back. Hes really, really sick and I want to buy a miracle. I beg your pardon? said the pharmacist. His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a mirac

23、le can save him. So how much does a miracle cost? We dont sell miracles here, child. Im sorry, the pharmacist said. Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it isnt enough, I can try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs. In the shop was a well-dressed customer(a person who buys things

24、 in a shop). His name was Carlton Armstrong. He asked the little girl, What kind of a miracle does you brother need? I dont know, she replied . Hes really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my daddy cant pay for it. How much do you have? asked the man. One dollar and eleven cents.” she a

25、nswered .Well, smiled the man. A dollar and eleven cents that is the price of a miracle for little brothers. I have the kind of miracle you need. He took her money in one hand and held her hand with the other. He said, Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Carl

26、ton Armstrong saved Andrews life by giving him a successful operation.That operation, her mother said in a low voice, was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost. The little girl smiled .She knew how much the miracle cost-one dollar and eleven cents.( )1. Which of the following is Not t

27、rue about Carlton Armstrong? A. He was a rich person. B. He was a doctor. C. He worked in the medicine shop. D. He saved the boys life.( )2. The girl thought “miracle” was . A. a kind of disease B. a kind of medicine C. a doctor D. a pharmacist( )3. The underlined sentence “I wonder how much it woul

28、d have cost.” means . A. I want to know whether I should pay the doctor for the operation B. I dont know the operation needs a lot of money C. I think the operation must be very expensive D. I think he operation must have cost one dollar and eleven cents(B) F is a new company that lets shoppers orde

29、r lunch and dinner from their computers. About 12,000 restaurants in the United States have agreed to be part of the service. The company has put restaurants menus online. Now, people with Internet can place an order for takeout or delivery(送餐服务). People are spending more money on takeout and delive

30、ry from restaurants than ever before. F hopes to make people believe that ordering from their computers is quick and convenient (方便).They think it is a better way to order food than their usual way of using the telephone. Shoppers go to F on their computers, and then type in their street address and

31、 phone number. The computer shows them which restaurants have takeout and delivery service near their home. It also shows them the menus ,so they can decide what they want to eat.Next, a shopper e-mails an order to the F. The companys computers change the email message into a telephone message. Then

32、 they send the order by telephone to the restaurant. A restaurant worker confirms that they received it .They give back a message that says how long itll take to send the food. Restaurants just need a telephone. F also sends an e-mail message to the shopper. It tells them when the food will arrive.

33、The whole ordering process takes about seven minutes. Finally, the restaurant or a delivery service brings the food. Some people say its not easier than using the phone, while some people like the new way, John Price said, “I can look at the menu and choose what I want ,and send it in just two minut

34、es. To order by phone, sometimes ,I dont have their menu ,so they have to read it to me ,It takes a long time.”( )4. From the passage we can see that people usually order takeout or delivery by . A. telephone B. e-mail C. Internet D. letter( )5. What does F show to their shoppers? A. The addresses o

35、f the restaurants. B. The telephones and the restaurants. C. Companies and restaurants. D. The names and the menus of the restaurants.( )6.F helps shoppers to make an order by . A. calling the restaurants. B. sending an e-mail to the restaurants. C. posting a message to the restaurants. D. sending t

36、he food to shoppers. (C)Dear Xiaogang, Perhaps your problem comes from shyness. You might be afraid of meeting new people, because you feel you are too serious. You must push your shy side away and show your classmates how interesting you can be. It is OK to do this slowly. It takes time to get to k

37、now a person and it takes time to find someone with whom you really get on.The first thing you must do is smile at your classmate. One smile speaks louder about your wish to make friends than any words. Do this as often as you can, until your classmates become used to (适应)your smiles and smile in re

38、turn. The next thing to do is try to talk to your classmates. The best time to do this is between classes or during your lunch time .Make sure that they are not busy. You may find it easier to start by talking to people when they are alone ,instead of in a group.There must be someone else in your cl

39、ass who is also quiet .It might be easier to try and talk to someone who is as shy as you. Your problem is mainly about confidence. Smile first, talk next and slowly you will make friends. Once you have more confidence, you can make as many friends as you want. Uncle Jeff( )7. Whats Xiaogangs proble

40、m according to (根据)Uncle Jeffs letter?A. He is poor in his studies. B. He doesnt know how to help his classmates. C. He hasnt got any good friends D. His teachers dont like him.( )8.It is the best time to talk to a classmate when he is . A. listening to the teacher B. having a rest C. doing his home

41、work D. making a call ( )9.What does the underlined(划线的)sentence mean? A. The louder you speak ,the more youll get. B. Your smile is better than your words to show your friendliness(友好) C. The more people you talk to , the more friends youll make. D. When you speak out your wishes with a smile , you

42、r classmates can always help you.( )10.From the text know . A. we can know a person very quickly. B. we should learn to build up our confidence. C. its easier to talk to people in a group than when they are alone. D. a quiet person is not a good one for us to talk with. (D)Everyone would like to be

43、remembered. A few people even try to do something that no one else in history has ever tried to do. These people sometimes have their names recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Often it takes a group of people to do something unusual. One such team paddled(用浆划)a bathtub(浴缸)145 kilometers for 24

44、 hours. This group had 13 members. They paddled their bathtub on a river near Ashford, Great Britain on May 28 and 29, 1983 .A month later, a racing team of hospital bed pushers in Avon ,Great Britain, pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes! However, the distance record for hospital bed pushing is still held by the men of Bruntsfield Bedding Center. This team from Edinburgh pushed a hospital bed 5, 203 kilometers in 1979 .It took the team 35 days to cover the distance.


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