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1、STUDY ON THE IMPORTANCE OF NEGOTIATION IN THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE 国际贸易谈判的重要性探究Major: International Trade专业: 国际贸易学(国际商务英语)Author: Zhang Yongmei作者: 张惠美Supervisor: Chen Xiaodong指导教师: 陈晓东College: Hohhot Vocational CollegeTime: June, 2007完成时间: 2007年6月63呼和浩特职业学院HOHHOT VOCATIONAL COLLEGEABSTRACTWith the ra

2、pid growth of the Chinese economy, especially after entering the WTO, many of China import and export international business companies face more and more business negotiations. During a negotiation , both sides hope to obtain the maximum benefit, with minimum conflict of interest. The article believ

3、es: firstly, establish a correct concept of Negotiation and International Trade Negotiation. The author thinks that we must have an awareness of two mistaken assumptions about doing business in the international arena. Many economic commentators assume that international business deals will happen n

4、aturally if only the correct governmental policies and structures are in place. Corporate leaders assume that they can simply extend their successful domestic strategies to the international setting. Both of these assumptions are mistaken. Policies alone do not create business deals; companies do. B

5、usiness executives will need to be much better informed about international negotiation in order to make successful deals. International business negotiations are fundamentally different from domestic negotiations, and require a different set of skills and knowledge. Just as an expert -Salacuse expl

6、ains that domestic business dealings probably have about the same relationship to international business as domestic politics do to international diplomacy. Secondly, know how to make a negotiation, even an international negotiation. When we do international business, we cant help asking the questio

7、n: How can we survive in this global playing field, and what can we do to run our businesses more effectively? Nowadays, businesses of all sizes search for suppliers and customers on a global level. International competition, foreign clients and suppliers may become a danger, but they may also creat

8、e huge opportunities to develop our business. The increasingly global business environment requires managers to approach the negotiation process from the global business persons perspective. This approach includes aspects which are usually considered unimportant in domestic negotiations. Some of the

9、 components of a cross-cultural negotiation process are more complex and difficult, but will increase our success in avoiding barriers and failures in the international business arena. So, we should be familiar with the Negotiating traits of businessmen from different countries and prepare thoroughl

10、y for the negotiation, which can avoid the trade conflict at a certain level. Skillfully applying the negotiating techniques to practices can not only avoid collisions in business but also increase the chances of success. When facing it, distinguish the difference between the personality characteris

11、tics and the root cause of problems, create the win-win situations and solve problems according to an impersonality standard. Lastly, mastering the process and the procedures of a negotiation and using the art of negotiating can help all kinds of companies in China to gain predominance in the battle

12、 of international trade. Thus this article has the essential and valuable function to guide trade negotiation practices nowadays.Key Words: analysis and research, the importance, negotiation in the international trade呼和浩特职业学院HOHHOT VOCATIONAL COLLEGE内 容 摘 要国际商务谈判是国际商务活动的重要组成部分,在国际商务活动中占据相当大的比重。 根据有关

13、研究表明,在国际商务活动过程中, 销售人员、企业在各个地区的管理人员、律师以及工程技术人员等50的工作时间用于各种各样的商务谈判之中,其中多数是与来自不同文化背景或不同国家的对手之间的谈判。我们在国内开展商务谈判,许多谈判技巧和策略都是基于我们自己的文化和地域,是我们耳濡目染的非常习惯的文化、语言和相似的逻辑判断。今天,我们面临的世界和现实的工作不可能把我们仅仅局限在国门之内开展商务活动。为了国家和民族的发展,我们必须融入到世界经济中去。要在世界经济发展过程中发挥力量,贡献中华民族的才智,很显然,参与国际商务活动,开展国际商务谈判就成为必然之选。国际商务谈判是商务谈判的重要组成部分,是国内商务


15、造双赢的解决方案,借助客观标准解决谈判利益冲突。最后熟悉国际商务谈判的程序和全过程,掌握部分谈判艺术也会帮助我国外贸企业在国际商战中取得一定程度的优势。国际商务谈判不仅是跨国的谈判,而且是跨文化的谈判。不同国家的谈判代表有着不同的社会、文化、经济、政治背景,谈判各方的价值观、思维方式、行为方式、交往模式、语言以及风俗习惯等各不相同。从事国际商务谈判的人将花费更多的时间与精力来适应环境及其多变性。在国际商务谈判中,要运用技巧,尽量扩大总体利益,使双方都多受益;善于营造公开、公平和公正的竞争局面,一定要明确谈判目标,学会妥协,争取实质利益。 同时谈判者要具备良好的外语技能 。语言是交流磋商必不可少

16、的工具。良好的外语技能有利于双方的交流效率,避免沟通过程中的障碍和误解。许多国家的人都认为,对方懂得自己的语言是对自己民族的尊重。总而言之,随着我国政治、 经济、 社会等不同领域的飞速发展,国际性的谈判在我们生活、工作中越来越普遍了。当今时代需要我们每一个谈判者站在全球的角度思考问题,具备以积极的、建设性的方法影响我们周围的世界。因此,本文的研究内容有很强的现实意义。关键词:国际商务谈判,重要性,分析与研究呼和浩特职业学院HOHHOT VOCATIONAL COLLEGECONTENTSI Introduction11.1 The Broad Sense Definition of Negot

17、iation11.2 Definition of Negotiation21.3 The Characteristics of the International Business Negotiation51.4 The Case Study8II Some Basic Theories and Knowledge on Negotiation132.1 Three Levels of Negotiation152.2 The Application Varieties of Negotiation162.3 The Main Idea of THE NEED THEORY of Negoti

18、ation172.4 Applying to THE NEED THEORY in All Kinds of the Negotiation19III Ways to Make the Win-Win Results in International Negotiation243.1 Establish Correct Concept on International Negotiation243.1.1 Not a Game, Nor a War243.1.2 Cooperative Egotism.253.1.3 Reaching a Life Balance303.1.4 Meeting

19、 The Uncontrollable and Unexpected Situation313.2 Carrying Out the Necessary Theories and Information in The International Business Negotiation343.2.1 Factors Influencing cross-cultural Negotiations343.2.2 The Excellent Negotiators383.2.3 The Basic Knowledge on International Cultural Information393.

20、2.4 Using Different Strategies in Different Negotiations42IV Skills and Strategies in The International Negotiation504.1 Successful Negotiation Skills504.1.1 More Listening, Less Speaking504.1.2 Asking Questions skillfully514.1.3 Using Conditional Questions514.1.4 Avoiding the Interpretations from t

21、he International Culture Communion524.1.5 The Case-study524.2 Some Strategies of Negotiation534.2.1 Learn the other sides culture534.2.2 Dont Stereotype544.2.3 Find ways to bridge the culture gap544.2.4 The case study54V The Procedures and the Details in The Negotiating Process585.1 The Procedures o

22、f the International Trade Negotiation585.2 Pay Attention to the Business Etiquettes in the Cross-culture Negotiations59VI Conclusion61REFERENCES62ACKNOWLEDGEMENT64呼和浩特职业学院HOHHOT VOCATIONAL COLLEGEStudy on The Importance of Negotiation in The International TradeI IntroductionLET US BEGIN ANEW-REMEMBE


24、e, each insisting that he should have the larger slice. Neither would agree to an even split. So l suggested that one boy cut the pie any way he liked, and the other boy could choose the piece he wanted. This sounded fair to both of them, and they accepted it. Each felt that he had gotten a square d

25、eal. This was an example of “perfect” negotiation. A salesman is trying to close a large sale. Basically his proposal is acceptable to the prospective customerbut there are still a number of questions to be answered. How much discount can he give? Who will have to warehouse the bulk? of the orderbuy

26、er or seller? Can delivery be sped up? Will the seller agree to give the buyer price protection on re-orders for two years? Buyer and seller negotiate the sale. In a time when the computer has made many jobs obsolete, the role of negotiator growing in importance, and we are all negotiators.1.2 Defin

27、ition of Negotiation Nothing could be simpler in definition or broader in scope than negotiation. Every desire that demands satisfactionand every need to be metis at least potentially an occasion for people to initiate the negotiating process. Whenever people exchange ideas with the intention of cha

28、nging relationships, whenever they confer for agreement, they are negotiating.Negotiation depends on communication. It occurs between individuals acting either for themselves or as representatives of organized groups. Therefore negotiation can be considered an element of human behavior. Aspects of i

29、t have been dealt with by both the traditional and the new behavioral sciences, from history, jurisprudence, economics, sociology, and psychology to cybernetics, general semantics, game and decision-making theory, and general systems. Yet the full scope of negotiation is too broad to be confined to

30、one or even a group of the existing behavioral sciences.Every day, the New York Times reports hundreds of negotiations. At the United Nations and in capitals around the world attempts are made to settle the “small” wars. Government agencies negotiate with a regulatory agency on rates. A strike is se

31、ttled. Two companies agree to merge but must obtain the consent of the Justice Department. A small but valuable piece of real estate changes hands. These are the types of negotiations that the Times newspaper might describe any day of the week. Occasionally there may be a spectacular agreement, such

32、 as the nuclear test ban treaty, which attracts worldwide attention. But even more important, at least to the people that participated in them, are the countless negotiations that are not mentioned in the Times or in any other newspaper.Even that age-old negotiating situation, subject matrimony, is

33、but slightly influenced by the vaunted computer. The computer may take over the role of matchmakerbut it is merely predicting that two particular negotiators have the best chance of reaching a satisfactory agreement.Up to the present time, no general theories were available to guide an individual in

34、 his day-to-day negotiating activities. All too frequently we have had to learn to negotiate the same way we learned such things as sex by trial and error. The man who claimed to have thirty years experience in negotiation might simply be making the same mistakes every year for thirty years.Thus mos

35、t of our knowledge about negotiation unfortunately has had to come from our limited personal experience. And most people impose further restriction on the negotiation process. Here, for example, is an excerpt from a study by the Committee for the Judiciary of the U.S. Senate released a few years ago

36、:To an American, negotiation is the least troublesome method of settling disputes. Negotiation may be exploratory and serve to formulate viewpoints and delineate areas of agreement or contention. Or it may aim at working, whether (a) the issue is negotiable (that is, you can sell your car but not yo

37、ur child); (b) the negotiators interested not only in taking but also in giving are able to exchange value for value, and are willing to compromise, or(c) negotiating parties trust each other to some extentif they didnt, a plethora of safety provisions would render the “agreement” unworkable.The Com

38、mittees three requirements for successful negotiation drastically limit the area of possible action. Children are sold, even in America, as the occasional revelation of a black-market baby ring clearly indicates. And a parent whose child is kidnapped would not hesitate to negotiate for its release.

39、All issues must be considered negotiable whenever there is human need to be met. As for the second requirement, it is impossible to foresee in any negotiation what the outcome is going to be. Therefore it is impossible to anticipate in advance that either party will be “willing to compromise,” Compr

40、omise is usually arrived at during at during the normal course of bargaining. It develops naturally as a result of an examination of the facts using due diligence and the opposing and also common interests of the negotiators involved. Although compromises may be worked out as a result of a negotiati

41、on, the parties should not enter into discussions with the sole intent of compromising. Even in a “simple” negotiation, a number of issues are involved. It would scarcely be to anyones advantage to compromise on each of them. The old saying, “The wheels of diplomacy often turn on the grease of ambig

42、uity,” is applicable here. It is better to enter into a negotiation without self-imposed limitations, ready to seize any advantage that is offered.The Committees third stipulation is almost impossible to meet; generally, the parties involved in a negotiation do not “trust” each other. Indeed, the ha

43、ndling of other peoples mistrust is the skilled negotiators stock in trade. I doubt whether there would be any negotiations if the Committees three conditions were the prerequisites to success. 1.3 The Characteristics of the International Business NegotiationThere are six distinctive features of int

44、ernational business negotiations.Firstly point out two mistaken assumptions about doing business in an international setting. Many economic commentators assume that international business deals will happen naturally if only the correct governmental policies and structures are in place. Corporate lea

45、ders assume that they can simply extend their successful domestic strategies to the international setting. Both of these assumptions are mistaken. Policies alone do not create business deals; companies do. Business executives will need to be much better educated about international negotiating in or

46、der to make successful deals. International business negotiations are fundamentally different from domestic negotiations, and require a different set of skills and knowledge. Someone explains that domestic business dealings probably have about the same relationship to international business as domes

47、tic politics do to international diplomacy.Secondly identify six elements which are common to all international business negotiations, and which as a set distinguish international business negotiations from domestic negotiations. The first is that in international negotiations the parties must deal

48、with the laws, policies and political authorities of more than one nation. These laws and policies may be inconsistent, or even directly opposed. For example, in the early 1980s U.S. companies operating in Europe were caught between the American prohibition on sales to the Soviets for their Trans-Siberian pipeline, and European nations demands that these companies abide by their supply contracts. International business agreemen


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