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1、宋雷法律英语翻译网简介及志愿者招募说明宋雷法律英语翻译网是西南政法大学外语学院教授宋雷及学院其他教师在学院大力支持和帮助下建立的以想广大法律英语爱好者传播法律英语学习资源和提供交流平台的网站。现面向西南政法大学各个学院对法律英语感兴趣的同学招募志愿者40名,其中30名为网站资源上传者,10名为上传文档质量监控者,详细招募信息及工作性质和时间长度请参照以下介绍。请有兴趣的同学在3月16日以前通过发邮件的方式联系外语学院薛婷婷老师。 薛老师联系方式:email: vivian_,手机:15823932631。志愿者工作职责简述:(1)网站资源上传者:每人每周需要对自己主要负责的版块至少更新1篇原创

2、文章或2篇转载文章。(2)文档质量管理者:每两个人轮流隔周负责某一板块的上传文档质量,包括对文档格式的检查和内容的检查。 关于网站具体介绍和志愿者工作职能描述,请参见:宋雷法律英语翻译网简介及志愿者工作职能介绍宋雷法律英语网由西南政法大学外语学院和外语学院法律语言学教授宋雷(关于对宋雷教授的详细介绍,请参考http:/ )共同主办。该网站的目的在于为法律英语学习者提供一个接触有效地学习策略、扩展与法律语言相关的知识面、有效及时的解决学习过程中遇到的问题提供一个免费的媒介。通过网站志愿者、法律英语专家和网站使用这三者之间的互动与合作,为法律英语学习者和专家提供一个良好的交流的平台。本网站的网址是

3、 。本网站的主旨是为广大法律英语爱好者提供免费的学习和交流资源,但我们也设立了一个接受法律英语方面翻译业务的版块。该版块的目的是为社会上需要高质量法律经贸英语翻译的客户提供优质的服务。我们全部的译员都将来自于西南政法大学具有高质量翻译素质的学生及部分专业老师。虽然我们这一块尚未正式开始运行,但一旦当时机成熟,业务开展起来,我们将择优录用志愿者中能力出众的同学做首批译员。译员的报酬将不低于社会上同类翻译公司的的报酬标准。宋雷法律英语翻译网一共由以下几个版块构成:1. 专家介绍、专家点津、新书快递2. flash 广告3. 主营业务、团队介绍、加入我们4. 在线答疑交流5. 在线字典(英译汉、汉译

4、英、缩略语字典)6. 法律文本格式、术语辨析、翻译讨论7. 资讯快递8. 法律文化大观(大陆法系文化、英美法系文化、国际组织知识)9. 双语法条资源10. LEC资源11. 英文案例节选下文将会对以上所有版块中需要由志愿者负责编辑和更新的版块进行简单的介绍和工作职能的描述,请志愿者们认真阅读以下介绍,选择出适合自己的工作任务,然后再以邮件的方式回复给我。1.在线答疑交流这是我们重点建设的板块之一。通过第一时间回答网友提出的有关法律英语学习中遇到的任何困难和疑问,我们希望可以将这一板块简称我们的特色,让网友们信任我们的专业回答,不断地促使他们通过发帖向我们提问,以提高我们的知名度。因此,如果你对

5、这一版块感兴趣,那么你需要做的就是:1)第一时间为网友解答提出的问题,或将你无法找到答案的问题提交给专业的老师,以便让他们回答。当然,网友提出的问题我们并不能一下子将其全部解决。对于有些难度较大的问题,我们则需要花一些时间来研究解答。可以用上的方法有:查字典,查网上信息,请教老师和同学。 选择这一版块的同学可以有机会去对某些细节的法律英语问题进行细致的思考,有利于培养一个人细致的思维模式和用心钻研的精神。2)随时把你和你周围同学在学习中遇到的问题放到网上,扮演提问者的角色。无论你对该问题有答案还是不确定答案,这种信息分享的模式对所有学习者都有很大的帮助。由于我们网站刚刚开始,目前的知名度并不高

6、,因此不断地将我们自己遇到的问题放到网上,让广大学习爱好者共同商讨研究就显得尤其重要。2.免费在线字典(英译汉、汉译英、缩略语字典)该版块包括英译汉、汉译英和缩略语字典三个部分,由于版权和工作量的关系,汉译英字典始终没有落实到位,因此目前来讲,可用的字典只是英译汉和缩略语字典。这两部分字典的来源都来自于宋雷教授编辑出版的英汉法律用语大辞典,一本对于初中级学者极好的搭配词典。我们拥有这两部字典的绝对电子版权,因此请大家不必担心版权问题。 值得一提的是,这两个免费在线字典是迄今为止中国范围内唯一的免费在线英汉法律英语词典,因此这将对广大学习爱好者有着不可限量的帮助。(注:目前此版块暂不需要志愿者)


8、你编辑成可以上传的文章的来源。4.资讯快递该版块主要提供一些法律英语领域内一切最新近发生的事件,比如一些与法律英语证书考试相关的信息,法律语言学会议方面的一些信息,有关法律英语方向工作动向的任何信息,等等。如果你对这一版块感兴趣并决定承担这一版块的更新工作,那么将意味着你要对这一板块做规律性的更新,及时将新近发生的事情做转载或编辑报道。5. 法律文化大观(大陆法系文化、英美法系文化、国际组织知识) 法律文化大观旨在为读者提供英美法、大陆法及和一些国际组织相关的知识介绍。这一版块涵盖的内容较广,可选取的内容面很大,可以是任何你认为有必要让读者知道的、可以抓住读者眼球的任何报道和介绍。如果你对这一


10、的作品提交至相对应版块。注:目前我们已收集了大约100个可以上传的文件,因此志愿者们可以先将这些文件上传,同时尝试着开辟新的资源。7. LEC资源该版块是为打算参加法律英语证书考试的所有学习者提供一切可能对其复习和准备起到积极作用的资源。志愿者可以根据理解认真收集并整理可用的法律英语证书考试相关资源,比如说应试技巧、词汇记忆方法、模拟考试题、具体问题的分析和解释,等等。8.英文案例节选该版块主要汇集一些英文原版案例分析,给法律英语爱好者提供一个阅读英文原版案例分析的平台。由于这一部分提供的文章是英文的,因此志愿者无须对整篇文章进行翻译,确切来说,志愿者的工作包括:首先,在英文网站上寻找自己感兴

11、趣的案例汇编(case reports),然后再对其进行截选、编辑、加注,以使其难度降低,更适合一般水平的法律英语学习爱好者的阅读和理解。请注意:1. 请志愿者们根据上文的描述进行认真的筛选,在邮件回复中写明自己的感兴趣的版块(如板块中有子版块,可以细化到子版块)。2.请志愿者们在回复中同时写明你每周可以用于做志愿者的时长,和每周可用来做志愿者的时间段。(当然,做该志愿者的一个必要的前提是必须能上网,最好是有自己的电脑。) 对于有兴趣做志愿者的同学,请在邮件中按照以下格式写清楚你的相关信息:(1)如你希望做资源上传者,请填下表:资源上传者志愿者姓名性别学号学院手机电邮希望志愿服务版块(可填2个

12、)备注(选填)2、如希望做网站质量监控者,请填写下表:文档质量监控志愿者姓名性别学号学院手机电邮希望志愿服务版块备注(选填)对志愿者工作性质、时长和其他的进一步说明:1. 本次志愿者招募是本着自愿和感兴趣的原则,面向全校本科生及研究生中通过自愿报名选拔出来的同学。2. 本次志愿者招募的负责人将对志愿者根据其的兴趣爱好,以及其对志愿者工作的自愿选择倾向对其进行对应安排,将尽量协调照顾每个人的个人偏好。3. 本次志愿者工作期限为2011年3月10日至2011年8月20日。如有人中途因故退出,需提前两周与负责人邮件进行联系说明。下学期的志愿者事宜将于下学期初出台,志愿者可以届时根据自己的学习计划选择

13、继续或停止志愿者服务。4. 志愿者每周的工作时间相对灵活,时长不限,工作时间不固定,但前提需要在开始正式工作前向负责人提交一份自己可以用来工作的时间表,以根据你的空余时间和每周可用于做志愿者的时间总数做一个统筹安排,以达到既不耽误志愿者的正常学习和休息时间,又不耽误网站维护进程的效果。5. 由于该网址站是以作公益和宣传法律英语文化为主,因此我们目前无法对志愿者的劳动进行物质或金钱补偿。但是希望大家可以踊跃参加我们的兼职法律英汉翻译团队的测试,试译稿合格后可以成为我们的正式兼职译员,根据劳动量获得报酬。若有意参加兼职笔译测试,请联系薛老师:vivian_, 或拨打电话15823932631。6.

14、 对于合格的志愿者的付出的辛苦劳动,我们承诺:1) 将提供一份加有网站印章的书面证明,对你的工作进行积极的评价和肯定;2) 如果你表现优秀且在找工作或考研需要的话,为你出具由外语学院相关教授出面为你撰写的推荐信一封;3) 你将保留所有你自己编辑发表的文章的独立所有权。4) 优先提供兼职做该网站翻译业务的译员机会。8. 本网站保留对志愿者工作任务和对网站内容形式进行修改的权利。 负责人:薛老师Email: Vivian_手机:15823932631宋雷法律英语网团队 2011-2-20有关网站志愿者工作职能和性质的相关描述,还可同时参照英文说明:Briefing on Songlei Legal

15、 Translation Website(宋雷法律英语翻译网):The website is co-sponsored by School of Foreign Languages, SWUPL, and Professor Song Lei (for the biographical introduction to Song Lei, please refer to http:/ The website is aimed at providing legal English learners with a means to have access to most efficient lear

16、ning strategies possible, law cultures worldwide, solutions to problems arising from learning process, and to build up a channel for legal English learners and expertise. We do have a special section which is targeting at profiting making by taking legal translation business: the sphere of business.

17、 What is covered in that section describes our business scope, legal English expertise, and the quality and the standard of our products. But until so far, we dont have much of the luck with this section, probably due to the brevity of period since its being launched. The website is composed of the

18、sections listed below:1. Expert Introduction, Experts Tips, Book Preview(专家介绍、专家点津、新书快递)2. Flash advertising (flash 广告)3. Sphere of business, working team, Joining us(主营业务、团队介绍、加入我们)4. Online Q&A (在线答疑交流)5. Online legal dictionaries (Chinese-English, English-Chinese, Acronyms) (在线字典(英译汉、汉译英、缩略语字典)6.

19、 Academic forums (Legal Text Format, Terminology Discrimination, Translation Discussions )(法律文本格式、术语辨析、翻译讨论)7. News delivery (资讯快递)8. Law Culture Kaleidoscope(Roman Law Culture, Common Law Culture, International Organization Culture)(法律文化大观(大陆法系文化、英美法系文化、国际组织知识)9. Bilingual Legal Texts(双语法条资源)10. LE

20、C Resources(LEC资源)11. Case Show(英文案例节选)Im going to briefly lay out the nature, the coverage, and the jobs that need to be done to keep each of the sections updated and in good shapes. (Note: not all the sections and subsections I listed above need to be taken care of, therefore, I will only put forw

21、ard those sections which need to be updated below.) You will get a rough sense of the nature of the jobs you may pick from and probably figure out the job that fits your personal goals best. 1. Online Q&A (在线答疑交流)This is a section targeting at offering legal English learners with the professional an

22、swers to their questions in a fastest way possible. We also believe that a steady accumulation of questions and answers would also help learner locate and secure the answers which are in their great needs. Basically, for this section, one needs to provide the accurate and reliable answers as possibl

23、e to the questions raised by people. As the words as possible indicates, the answers should be as accurate as possible. Dont be scared. None of us is juri-lingual expert yet. The good thing is that this part offers you a way to promote you think and dig deeper into the certain issues by doing resear

24、ches and securing proper answers to the questions raised by other people. Of course, you can always consult someone (particularly me and other available legal English experts) for the doubts that you have. Apart from that, there is sometimes extra work to be done. Since the website does not have muc

25、h click-through yet, which means there might not be as many people putting as many questions on it as we expect them to, we have to from time to time take over the job of the potential question raisers. In a word, the tasks for this section could be summarized as: 1) offering accurate and profession

26、al answers as possible to questions raised by visitors , and 2) adding whatever questions and doubts that have come up to you during your learning process or through various of other ways to the sections and secure the proper answers to them.2. Online legal dictionaries (Chinese-English, English-Chi

27、nese, Acronyms) (在线字典(英译汉、汉译英、缩略语字典)This section intends to offer a free online legal English Dictionary to the learners. We have been done with the editing and uploading of two sub-sections: English-Chinese Dictionary, and Acronyms Dictionary(汉译英、缩略语字典)We have sole proprietary rights (or specifical

28、ly, copyright) to these two dictionaries, so dont worry about the copyright issues. The only section we still need to work on relating the copyright issues is the Chinese-English Dictionary. See from so far, it is not something that could be easily settled, so our primary focus right now is on the a

29、bove mentioned dictionaries with promising progress. Therefore, compared with the Online Q&A section, the task for this section is less technical and is only temporary. There are only editing jobs to be done, i.e., editing the English-Chinese legal dictionary (to which we have the sole proprietary r

30、ight) in such a way that it fits into the format required by the network company in order to be successfully uploaded to the website. Note: the English-Chinese legal dictionary is the ONLY FREE online English-Chinese legal dictionary in China based on An English-Chinese Dictionary of Law Terms (英汉法律

31、用语大辞典) with Song Lei as its chief editor. Its going to be a great help to those who may find it hard to afford the dictionary in hardcopy yet still wish to have access to it. 3. Academic forums (Legal Text Format, Terminology Discrimination, Translation Discussions )(法律文本格式、术语辨析、翻译讨论)This section in

32、tends to provide readers with legal text format of all kinds, the distinction of some of the terminology easily confusable, and articles on legal translations. We have up to more than 200 pieces of passages and articles each to be uploaded to Legal Text Format subsection Terminology Discrimination s

33、ubsection and before we need to look for new ones. So, basically, if you prefer to work for this section, you probably need to upload the passages articles that we have to Legal Text Format and Terminology Discrimination sections on a regular basis, and at the same time looking for some new articles

34、 that fit the Translation Discussion section. Originality is of course greatly encouraged. You may take other websites articles for our use, but remember, you have to add the authors name and the website from which you cite the articles or part of the articles underneath the article cited. 4. News d

35、elivery (资讯快递)This is a section issuing the latest news in the area. It ranges from any news in the area of LEC test information (Legal English Certificate Test), Forensic linguistic Conference information, the recent trend the legal English related jobs, and whatever that you think fit the section.

36、 If you are interested in this section, which means your job responsibility mainly involves the regular updating of the section to keep it updated.5. Law Culture Kaleidoscope (Roman Law Culture, Common Law Culture, International Organization Culture)(法律文化大观(大陆法系文化、英美法系文化、国际组织知识) This section aims to

37、 present the readers with a greater coverage of law cultures both from two main branches of law cultures and a bulk of international organizations. This section could be a very appealing section to those who have an eye to broaden your scope of knowledge and to get something you are unlikely to get

38、from your textbooks. By undertaking this section, you need to look for something new and most likely uncovered in present Chinese websites and put them onto the corresponding subsections. A great way to do this job is to surf some English websites and looking for some articles that either appeal to

39、you or you think fit to the theme of one of the three subsections. You then can choose to adapt the articles into make them fit the format of the section. You may choose to translate the article if the article is short enough, or to extract certain points out of the original text and edit it into a

40、fine-looking article and then put it onto our website.6. Bilingual Legal Texts(双语法条资源)Bilingual Legal Text Section intends to educate people with laws and regulations from both China and other countries with both an English version and a Chinese version. I have about 100 files to be uploaded, so for

41、 the moment finding new resources is not that crucial for the moment. However, that does not mean finding new resources is not important. We still need to keep an eye on it. An easy way to handle it is just to look for the handy translations and copy them to our website. Since most of the English tr

42、anslation of Chinese new laws and regulations are done by a group of Legal English translation experts sponsored governments. So again, there is not going to be copyright issues. You dont even have to mark the authors and their sources.The challenging part of the section is that you can challenge yo

43、urself to translate some laws and regulations from English-speaking countries into Chinese. For doing this, you possess the sole proprietary ownership to the translations that you have done on your own. Note: For most us who have just embarked onto the journey of legal English, you probably need to

44、spend some time getting your skills further polished to be able to undertake the task. 7. LEC Resources(LEC资源)We wish to provide the readers with the most efficient and helpful materials for the LEC test preparations. Any materials that may of some help to the LEC test preparation are welcomed. This

45、 may range from test taking skills, vocabulary remembering skills, model tests, to various materials that could be shared by readers and those who are interested in it.8. Case Show(英文案例节选)This section is aiming at giving people more access to some first-hand judicial decisions and case reports in th

46、eir original language, i.e., English. There is no need to translate the whole texts into Chinese, or, rather, adding some notes proper after some tricky language points would be the most appropriate way to handle this part.Therefore, similar to those sections which may involve much your mental work, this section requires you not only to be able to find good case reports from American or any other English websites, but also to be able to read and understand the texts, and eventually add your own notes to it at proper places. Of course, Im not expecting you to be able to handle this part al


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