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2、,但要在教师的指导下对研究对象进行资料的收集整理和分析来确定毕业论文题目,填写毕业论文计划书。(二)开题:在学生对选题进行初步调研的基础上,向学院论文工作委员会提交开题申请,详细阐述开题来源,选题的价值、目标、研究方案等,并填写初步拟定提纲。经系毕业论文工作指导小组批准后方可开始撰写。在填写开题报告时,指导教师应对学生进行认真指导和帮助。学生开题一经通过,原则上不得换题。如有特殊情况需要换题,要向系毕业论文工作指导小组提交书面申请,详细说明原因。(三)撰写提纲: 学生在指导教师的指导下分析和研究所采集的资料并撰写毕业论文提纲。同时也要求每一位指导教师在学生形成毕业论文提纲前一定要与每位被指导的

3、学生进行讨论,毕业论文提纲应尽量做到全面缜密,理顺所要论述内容,避免以后反复修改。(四)第一稿:要求学生必须严格按照指导教师审定后的毕业论文提纲进行写作, 不可自行其是,随意更换主题。第一稿完成以后,指导教师主要检查学生是否按照既定的提纲和思路在写作,及时发现问题,及时纠正。如果学生采取不认真的态度,指导教师应对其提出严肃的批评教育。教师的每次指导都应填写论文进展情况记录,便于学生更好地了解论文不足和有关方面的检查。(五)第二稿:要求学生不仅要继续补充第一稿之不足,还要在文风、文章格式、修辞等方面有所提高。指导教师要对第二稿进行全面的审阅,并提出修改意见,以保证终稿打印时所有的错误和疏漏都得到

4、更正。同时,教师还要提醒学生在打印前再校对,以保证正式论文版本的质量。(六)论文定稿:论文定稿包括论文统一封皮、中文摘要及关键词、英文摘要及关键词、提纲、正文、参考书目。统一用A4标准打印纸打印,具体打印格式规范参见有关论文格式材料。学生在上交论文定稿的同时应上交相应的论文进展情况记录。(七)毕业论文答辩:论文答辩前,学生们必须充分熟悉论文,答辩时,要求学生能脱稿进行10 分钟的毕业论文内容的陈述,并流利、准确地回答答辩委员提出的问题。在答辩过程中,参加答辩的教师要对答辩人的语言技能(语音、语法、词汇、语用)、口/笔头能力、论文内容和答辩的表现进行认真纪录,客观公正地评分。选出总数不超过本届毕

5、业生总数的10%的学生答辩论文为优秀毕业论文。 三、 毕业论文的选题范围与要求:毕业论文的内容范围原则上不超出本专业所开设的课程范围。具体选题必须符合英语专业(医学)培养方向并能够反映英语国家的社会、文化、教育等知识。选题类别有:医学(中西医或中西医疗体制的比较);文学(包括比较文学);文化(包括跨文化交际);翻译、语言学等。学生有选择论文内容的自由,指导教师可以提出建议,但不能代替学生做出决定。论文内容要能反映社会和时代特征,具有理论价值或实践意义,有新颖性。论文可以是对某个理论问题的探讨,也可以是实践问题的解决。论文不仅要反映学生的综合能力,而且要反映他们对相关问题的较为正确的论述,要有一

6、定的独立见解。论文必须做到主题明确、论据清晰、内容具体而充实,切忌空谈。例如,写翻译的论文,除实例分析外,还要提供原文的译文,以便弄清译论的依据。如果论文是实践性的,它必须提出一定的解决途径、方案。论文选题须在规定时间内向系毕业论文工作指导小组提交开题报告,详细阐述开题来源,选题的价值、目标、研究方案等,并填写毕业论文计划书。经系毕业论文工作指导小组批准后方可开始撰写。撰写论文的语言为英语,字数不能少于四千字。 四、 毕业论文的评审:论文成绩由三个部分构成:指导教师30%,评阅教师30%。论文答辩40%。教师评分时按照百分制评分。论文成绩为“优秀”的导师须严格把关。论文指导委员会必须对该学生论



9、、下发当年毕业论文任务时间表和论文格式样本,分发论文进展情况记录单、指导教师须知;在论文终稿上交后负责做好优秀论文申请统计及论文答辩安排。人文学院英语(医学)专业毕业论文撰写规定及格式一、编写要求1. 学位论文必须用白色A4纸单面打印。小四或12号字;1.5倍行距;段首缩进2字符(约相当于2个汉字或4个英文字母);页边距:上下各2.54厘米;左右各3厘米;左边加装订线1厘米;不设页眉页脚;字数:主体部分(不包括参考文献)不少于4000词。2. 封面、封二、内封、封底和目录不编页码,中、外文摘要用小写罗马数字标出页码(i、ii)。论文主体部分(从引言到参考文献)必须用阿拉伯数字连续编排页码,页码

10、由正文的首页开始作为第一页。页码必须标注在每页的右下角。3. 目录的序号编码方法采用阿拉伯数字分级系列编号法。编码的分级不宜过多,以三级为佳。示例:1. .2. .2.1 .2.2 .2.2.1 .2.2.2 .2.2.3 .二、编写格式学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分。(一)前置部分1. 封面和封底:由人文学院统一设计印刷,应按规定认真填写。论文题目包括英文题目(全部大写)和中文题目,英文题目在上,中文题目在下。2. 题目和副题:学位论文题目应当简明、具体、确切地概括和反映出论文的特定内容,以最恰当、最简明的词语逻辑组合,一般不宜超过20个英文词,必要时可以加副题,以补充说明文中的特定

11、内容。题名在全文中不同地方出现时,应完全相同。3. 论文摘要:摘要是论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,宜以最简洁的语言介绍论文的概要、作者的突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整的短文,可以独立使用。论文摘要应具有独立性和自含性,即不阅读论文的全文,就能获得必要的信息,供读者确定有无必要阅读全文,也供文摘等二次文献使用。中文摘要一般在300字左右,英文字数为250个单词左右。摘要包括中、英文两种。英文在前,中文在后。摘要标题用小三号字加粗。4. 关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息的单词或术语。为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义和提纲挈领式的中、

12、英文“关键词”,以显著的字符(加粗)另起一行,分别排在中、英文摘要的左下方。中文关键词应与英文关键词相对应,关键词之间用逗号隔开。5. 目录:由论文的篇、章、条、款和附录及其序号和页码组成,排在摘要之后另页;标题用小三号字加粗。6. 附表:如果论文中的附表较多,可以分别列出清单,置于目录之后。附表清单包括表号、表题及其页码。表应有自明性。必要时,应将表中的符号、标记、代码以及需要说明的事项,以最简短的文字,横排于表题上,作为表注,也可以附注于表下。表内附注的序号宜用“同上”、“同左”和类似词,一律填入具体数字或文字。(二)主体部分主体部分包括引言、正文、结论或建议、参考文献。主体部分必须由另页

13、右页开始,正文部分不再加全文的总标题。1. 引言(绪论):主要说明研究工作的目的、涉及范围、相关领域的前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面的概述、理论意义和实用价值等。应言简意赅,不要成为摘要的注释。2. 正文:论文的正文是核心部分,占主要篇幅,可以包括:学习、研究和调查过程中经过筛选所获得的材料,以及经过实验、分析研究而形成或得出的论点或结论,要求论据充分,论点明确。行文必须实事求是,客观真切,准备完备,合乎逻辑,层次分明,简练可读。行文方式可灵活掌握。3. 结论:学位论文的结论是最终的、总体的结论,不是正文中各段小结的简单重复,结论应该准确、完整、明确、精练。如果不可能得出应有

14、的结论,也可以没有结论而进行必要的讨论。也可以在结论或讨论中提出建议、研究设想、尚待解决的问题等。4. 参考文献:写作学位论文过程中,引用或运用过的文献书目清单(不包括阅读过但未直接引用或未使用过其思想的文献)。要求在十种以上,其中英文文献不得少于50%,置于正文之后,另页开始。标题用小三号字加粗。具体要求参见Harvard APA Style。 Harvard APA StyleI. Introduction It is very important that references are provided in an essay (or other pieces of coursework

15、) to indicate the sources of arguments, data, ideas, information, quotations etc. Failure to provide references may constitute plagiarism, which is a serious disciplinary offence. Furthermore, incorrect referencing can lead to a deduction of marks in the final mark given to student coursework. Gener

16、ally it is best to avoid quoting from lectures etc., as lecturers can be easily misinterpreted and student notes of a lecture etc. do not constitute a verifiable record of what was stated by the lecturer concerned. The underlying requirement of referencing is that students must inform the reader of

17、the precise source of material used in their essay. Students must show that reference to the source of material so that the reader also can find that material. Referencing should be used to cite and credit all sources of material (not only quotations). There are several ways in which references can

18、be presented, but this guide outlines a Harvard APA-style of referencing where the reference (in brackets) in the text of the essay, as opposed to the more traditional numeric system, where the reference appears as a footnote or endnote to the essay. If there are any enquiries regarding the Harvard

19、APA-style of bibliographic referencing, students should consult the following two publications: American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. University of Portsmouth. (2005). Bibliographi

20、c References: Harvard Format APA Style. II. In-text referencing for essays: 文内引用(I) 总体介绍论文中所有的引用,包括直接引用和间接引用都需要标注来源。直接引用(quoting)时,引文不超过一句话(one sentence in the original text)的,则引文需要加上双引号,后引号后面加上圆括号(),前括号与引文之间有一个空格。引文长度超过一句话的,请参考下文(2) 例子中的B. Quoting long passages 长段引用。间接引用(paraphrasing)时,不需加双引号,引文结束后

21、空一格,再加上圆括号(),前括号与引文之间有一个空格。无论直接或间接引用,括号中都需依次注明引文的作者,出版年份和引文页码。原引文末尾的标点,应当放到文内注解的后括号之后。1. 作者标注:括号中首先注明引文作者。如果是个人作者,则只需标明作者的姓(last name)的全称,而不必加名,如引用Peter Newmark,则标注为Newmark即可。如果某个协会等作为集体作者,则需要表明该协会或组织的全称,如引用总理办公室,则标明Prime Ministers Office。2. 出版年份标注:括号中首先注明引文作者,后加英文的逗号(,),后空英文字符一格,后加出版年份。出版年份以阿拉伯数字标注

22、,如1998 (请勿简写为98)。此外,文内标注只需标明出版年份,无需月份或日期。3. 页码标注:括号中注明了引文作者和出版年份之后,加英文的逗号(,),再空一格,加英文小写字母p,表示page,字母p后直接加英文句号(.),然后空一格,用阿拉伯数字标明页码,页码和后括号之间不需空格,如 (p. 78)。如果引文来自一页,则标注一个英文小写字母p。如果引文来源超过一页,且几页是相连的,则需要标注两个小写字母pp,表示pages,后面用阿拉伯数字标注页码时,先写起始页码,后直接加英文连接符(-),后加上终止页码,如 (pp. 13-24)。如果引文来源超过一页,且几页是不相连的,则标注pp,各页

23、码之间用逗号隔开,每个逗号后面空一格,逗号前面不空格,如 (pp. 1, 3, 5)。引用具体语句时,无论直接引用还是间接引用,都需要标注页码。u 其他注意事项:如果引文前已经出现了作者名字和/或出版年份,则括号中相应的信息应当省略。如,Newmark argued that “” (1997, p. 2);In Newmark book published in 1997, he argued that “” (p. 2)。(II) 例子Below are several examples of Harvard APA-style of referencing within the text

24、 of essays:1. Quoting and paraphrasing 直接引用和间接引用说明:直接引用与间接引用的区别It is often better to paraphrase rather than quote, as paraphrasing demonstrates to the reader of the essay that you understand what you have read more if directly quoting a passage. It is important when paraphrasing that your words are

25、sufficiently different from the original words you have read, while conveying the same meaning of the author/s you have read. However, if quoting, it is important that you place the quoted words within “double-quotation marks” to distinguish the quoted words from your own words; single-quotation mar

26、ks should be used for colloquial or slang terms that are your, and not someone elses, words.例子:直接引用:Fairclough stated that language “has always been important in politics and in government” (2000, p. 3). 间接引用:Fairclough argued that language plays a significant role within government and politics (20

27、00, p. 3).直接引用:Education “is permanently near the top of the political agenda in France” (Cole, 2001, p. 707).间接引用:Cole argued that education is a constant issue on the French political agenda (2001, p. 707).2. Quoting long passages 长段引用说明:长段引用的格式要求直接引用超过一句话时,需要将引文从你的论文中独立出来,另起一段,整段两端各缩进8个英文字符(或4个中文

28、字符),并且将行距改为单倍行距(正文行距1.5倍),引用完后,再另起一段开始正文部分,正文部分的缩进和行距还是调回正文格式。长段直接引用,不加双引号。例子:In the wake of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, Jackie Ashley wrote (2001, p. 10):Goodbye, all those pundits who told us government and politics did not matter anymore. Goodbye, the people who said history had e

29、nded. Goodbye, the notion 5 that markets now ruled the world knitted together by the Internet and cheap air travel. Goodbye, the gravediggers of the public service. Today, in the aftermath of the New York massacre, we are looking again to traditional sources of power - those fuddy-duddy sovereign go

30、vernments - and we yearn for wise political leadership. Public service is back in fashion; the heroes of the hour are not just the armed forces preparing for whatever happens in the Gulf, but the self-sacrificing firefighters and police officers who walked into the jaws of death, never to return.说明:

31、如果引用长段文字中有部分内容与你的论文无关,则可以省略,用英文的省略号(三个句号连在一起)表示。如果需要加入你自己的内容,则使用英文方括号,括号内加上你需要补充的内容。例子:In the wake of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, Jackie Ashley wrote (2001, p. 10):Goodbye, all those pundits who told us government and politics did not matter anymore . and . the people who said histor

32、y had ended. Goodbye, the notion that markets now ruled the world . and . the gravediggers of the public service. Today . we are looking again to traditional sources of power those fuddy-duddy sovereign governments - and we yearn for wise political leadership. Public service is back in fashion.3. Pr

33、imary and secondary sources 第一手资料和第二手资料说明:引用二手资料的格式要求如果引用的不是第一手资料,而是第二手资料,则文内加注时,必须注明第二手资料的来源。引用格式与引用第一手资料时大致相同,但是需要在作者的姓之前加上taken from字样,表示是第二手资料。例子(直接引用二手资料):Hayek believed that “the intellectual foundations of socialism have all collapsed” (taken from Gamble, 1994, p. 34). 例子分析:This presentation

34、of a reference tells the reader that the quoted words are Hayeks words (and not Gambles words) but that Hayeks words were taken from Gambless book. 例子(间接引用二手资料):Fox and Miller argued that there are no agreed criteria for ascertaining claims of truth (taken from Rhodes, 1997, p. 185).说明:标注一手资料的格式要求如果

35、第一手资料也很重要,则再加上第一手资料的来源。格式为,括号中首先标注第一手资料的作者的姓,后加英文逗号(,),空一格,标注第一手资料的出版年份,空一格,标明as cited in字样,空一格,加上第二手资料的作者的姓,第二手资料的出版年份和页码。例子(同时标注一手资料和二手资料出处的直接引用格式):It was argued that there “is some reason to doubt that the non-Western cultures of the world will prove capable of creating and maintaining the high d

36、egree of organization without which a modern economy and a democratic political order are impossible” (Banfield, 1958 as cited in Nodia, 2001, p. 30).例子分析:This presentation of a reference tells the reader that the quoted words are Banfields words and cited the year in which his words were written, t

37、hus allowing the reader to make more sense of the quotation. 4. Citing from the Internet 引用网络资料例子:According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China (MOE) (http:/ Accessed May, 23 2002), the average length of schooling of Chinese citizens is approximately 8 yea

38、rs, and the education population totals 340 million, accounting for 27.5% of the total population or the country.例子分析:文内引用的括号中首先标注网址,后加英文句号,空一格后,标注“Accessed”字样,后加查阅网页的日期。例子:The terrorist attack of 11 September 2001 against “symbols of U.S.military and financialmight” represented “the worst act of te

39、rrorism in modern history” (Public Agenda, n.d.).例子分析:括号中的 n.d. 是词组 no date的缩略形式,表示网上发布年份不详。另外,引用网络资料时,应当下载并保存一份原始资料,以消除剽窃之嫌疑。5. Citing page-numbers in references 标注页码说明:除非是引用书、书中章节、报刊文章、官方出版物、会议论文或网络资源中的的总括性论点,其他情况都必须标明引文的确切页码。例子:George Monbiot argued that American attempts to overthrow the Taliban

40、 regime and to install a pro-Western government, if successful, “will have crushed not only terrorism, but also the growing ambitions of both Russia and China” (2001, p. 19).It has been calculated that the Labour Party spent 7.4million in the general election campaign of 1997 (Russell, 2000, p. 20).

41、Harris charted the Nazi roots of many extreme right political organisations in Europe (1999, pp. 8-9).Globalisation is having significant domestic effects upon Britain under New Labour (Axford, 2000; Krieger, 1999).例子分析:第四例的文中注解,表示上述总括性观点引自两个作者的两本书,注意两个引文来源之间用分号隔开 (;) 。6. Referencing and Latin terms

42、 拉丁文术语的运用说明:etc. 等等ibid. 同上 (与同一页上紧挨着的上一个引文来自同一出处)op. cit. 同上 (与前一页上紧挨着的上一个引文来自同一出处)et al. 等人 (只有某出版物的作者超过三人(包括三人)时,才可以用et al. 表示省略。但是第一次引用该出版物时,需要把所有作者的姓都标明,以后再引用,则只需标明第一作者的姓,后加上et al.)所有拉丁缩略语,最后都需要加上英文句号(.),表示缩略。例子:It has been argued that the reform of public services in the United Kingdom over th

43、e last twenty years “involved the development of processes designed to scrutinize, evaluate and regulate the performance of agencies involved in service provision” (Clarke et al., 2000, p. 250).7. 中文参考文献的文内注解说明:使用了中文参考文献的,文内引用时,作者姓氏需用拼音标注,无需标注中文,若提到的中文文献名称,无需翻译成英文。其他格式同上。例子:It is believed that the t

44、raditional teaching methods fail to encourage students to take the initiative in seeking, analysing, and applying knowledge, thus limiting their creativeness (Wang, 2008, p. 12) .8. Plagiarism and referencing 剽窃与引用说明:剽窃的定义The key principle of referencing is that students must inform the reader of th

45、e exact source of information which were used in writing an essay, whether it is an argument, numerical data, an idea or a quotation. Incorrect referencing may lead to charges of plagiarism leveled at authors of the essay. Plagiarism is academic theft, in that authors are passing off someone elses w

46、ords as their own. Plagiarism is not condoned within the University, and anti-plagiarism software and search engines can be and are used to detect plagiarism. Plagiarism is the incorporation by a student in work for assessment of material which is not their own, in the sense that all or a substantia

47、l part of the work has been copied without any attempt at attribution, or has been incorporated as if it were the students own when in fact it is wholly or substantially the work of another person or persons. Plagiarism is a serious disciplinary offence. It is important that authors do not cheat by

48、plagiarizing, whether it is intended or not. It is vital that authors, when making notes from material, such as books and journal articles, record accurately the precise reference of material they have read. Also it is vital that they distinguish any quoted text, by using quotation-marks, from their own words in their notes to be u


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